Bla gjennom 3D Image-filer på D

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Extension Filtypeutvikler Filkategori Filtypebeskrivelse Hovedprogramvare Primær programvareutvikler
.D3D YoYo Games 3D-bildefiler Game Maker 3D File GameMaker Studio YoYo Games
.DAE Sony 3D-bildefiler Digital Asset Exchange File Autodesk Maya Autodesk, Inc.
.DAT Unknown Developer 3D-bildefiler Game Data Dragon UnPACKer Open Source
.DAZ DAZ 3D 3D-bildefiler DAZ Studio 3D Scene DAZ Studio DAZ 3D
.DBC Microsoft Corporation 3D-bildefiler FoxPro Database File Microsoft Visual FoxPro Microsoft Corporation
.DBL Microsoft Corporation 3D-bildefiler Microsoft Windows XP Product Activation Data Windows XP Microsoft Corporation
.DBM Adobe Systems Incorporated 3D-bildefiler ColdFusion Server File MacroMates TextMate MacroMates
.DBO The Game Creators 3D-bildefiler DarkBASIC Object The Game Creators DarkBASIC Pro The Game Creators
.DDD Alpha Software 3D-bildefiler Alpha Five Data Dictionary File Alpha Anywhere - Alpha Software Alpha Software
.DFF Zanoza Software 3D-bildefiler RenderWare Model File Zanoza ZModeler Zanoza Software
.DFS Open Source 3D-bildefiler BrainSuite Surface File BrainSuite Open Source
.DGL GipsyMedia Ltd 3D-bildefiler DigiGuide Language Data DigiGuide GipsyMedia Ltd
.DICM Pierre-Emmanuel Gougelet 3D-bildefiler DICOM Medicine Picture XnView MP XnSoft
.DIF Microsoft Corporation 3D-bildefiler Data Interchange Format Microsoft Excel Microsoft Corporation
.DIM Active@ Data Recovery Software 3D-bildefiler Active@ Raw Disk Image Backup File Active@ Disk Image LSoft Technologies Inc.
.DM Sony Mobile Communications 3D-bildefiler DRM Delivery Message DRM Packager Sony Mobile Communications
.DMC nModal Solutions Inc. 3D-bildefiler Datamartist Data Canvas File nModal Solutions Datamartist nModal Solutions Inc.
.DMK Various Developers 3D-bildefiler Digimask File Microsoft XBOX Microsoft Corporation
.DPC Microsoft Corporation 3D-bildefiler Microsoft Office Resource File Microsoft Office Microsoft Corporation
.DPD David Pilling 3D-bildefiler Ovation Pro File Ovation Pro Reader David Pilling
.DPJ Delft Spline Systems 3D-bildefiler DeskProto Project DeskProto Delft Spline Systems
.DR Sony Mobile Communications 3D-bildefiler DRM Rights Object DRM Packager Sony Mobile Communications
.DS DAZ 3D 3D-bildefiler DAZ Studio 1/2 Script DAZ Studio DAZ 3D
.DS4 Corel 3D-bildefiler Micrografx Designer Graphic File Micrografx Designer 7 Corel
.DSA DAZ 3D 3D-bildefiler DAZ Studio 3+ Script DAZ Studio DAZ 3D
.DSD Autodesk, Inc. 3D-bildefiler AutoCAD Drawing Set Description File Autodesk AutoCAD Autodesk, Inc.
.DSE DAZ 3D 3D-bildefiler DAZ Studio Encrypted Script DAZ Studio DAZ 3D
.DSF DAZ 3D 3D-bildefiler DAZ Studio Asset File DAZ Studio DAZ 3D
.DSI DAZ 3D 3D-bildefiler DAZ Studio Layered Image Set DAZ Studio DAZ 3D
.DSO Microsoft Corporation 3D-bildefiler Microsoft Visual Studio Workspace Data Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.DSV Open Source 3D-bildefiler DeSmuME Saved Game File DeSmuME Open Source
.DSX DAZ 3D 3D-bildefiler DAZ Studio XML File DAZ Studio DAZ 3D
.DTM Prodatron 3D-bildefiler DigiTrakker Audio Module CocoModX Open Source
.DUF DAZ 3D 3D-bildefiler DAZ User File DAZ Studio DAZ 3D
.DWF Autodesk, Inc. 3D-bildefiler Autodesk Design Web Format File ACD Systems Canvas Microsoft Corporation
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Kompatibel med Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, og 11

Installer valgfrie produkter - FileViewPro (Solvusoft) | Sluttbrukeravtale | Personvernserklæring | Betingelser | Avinstallasjon

“FileViewPro fjerner tiden og frustrasjonen ved å prøve å spore ned en spesifikk programvare for å åpne en spesifikk fil.”   - Tucows

