瀏覽 "L" Text 檔案

每頁行數:       共1頁
延期 檔案類型開發人員 檔案類別 檔案類型描述 主要軟體 主要軟體開發人員
.LAX AnetSoft 文字檔 AnetHelpTool JavaHelp Viewer Data AnetHelpTool AnetSoft
.LBL Interscape 文字檔 Now Contact Label Template Now Up-to-Date (Now Contact) Now Software
.LBT Microsoft Corporation 文字檔 FoxPro Label Memo Microsoft Visual FoxPro Microsoft Corporation
.LDI Trudi Ersvaer (co-developer) 文字檔 LDIF File Apache Directory Server/Studio Apache Software Foundation
.LEF Sublime HQ Pty Ltd 文字檔 Lenex XML Data Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.LET Genesis 2000, Inc 文字檔 Genesis 2000 Data Genesis 2000 Genesis 2000, Inc
.LGN Microsoft Corporation 文字檔 Microsoft Windows Application Log File Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.LHD Unknown Developer 文字檔 Label Home Document File Label Home Unknown Developer
.LIB Various Developers 文字檔 Generic Data Library Unknown Software Unknown Developer
.LIS SourceForge 文字檔 SQR (Structured Query Reporting) Output File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.LNT Gimpel Software 文字檔 PC-lint/FlexeLint Configuration File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.LOG Unknown Developer 文字檔 Log File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.LSP Open Source 文字檔 Lisp Program Source Code File MacroMates TextMate MacroMates
.LST Unknown Developer 文字檔 Data List LibreOffice The Document Foundation
.LTR Sublime HQ Pty Ltd 文字檔 Letter Document Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.LTX GSC Game World 文字檔 S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Properties File GSC Game World S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat GSC Game World
.LUF Santanu Ghosh 文字檔 Lipikar Uniform Format File Lipikar Santanu Ghosh
.LWD EditShare 文字檔 Lightworks Data File Lightworks EditShare
.LWP IBM 文字檔 Lotus Word Pro Document IBM Lotus Word Pro IBM
.LXFML The LEGO Group 文字檔 LEGO Digital Designer XML File LEGO Digital Designer The LEGO Group
.LYT Adminsoft 文字檔 Adminsoft Document Layout File Adminsoft Adminsoft
.LYX Open Source 文字檔 XWE File XWE Open Source
依字母瀏覽 Text Files 副檔名:   # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


相容 Windows 2000、XP、Vista 、7、8、10和 11

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“FileViewPro 消除了尋找特定軟體以打開特定檔案的時間和挫折感。”   - Tucows

