瀏覽所有 遊戲 檔案

每頁行數:       共14頁
延期 檔案類型開發人員 檔案類別 檔案類型描述 主要軟體 主要軟體開發人員
.CRE BioWare 遊戲檔案 Infinity Engine Creature Data Baldur's Gate BioWare
.CRF Open Source 遊戲檔案 Cal3D Binary Materials File Cal3DViewer Open Source
.CRP dBase, LLC 遊戲檔案 dBASE IV Encrypted Database dBase dBase, LLC
.CRS Open Source 遊戲檔案 StepMania Course File StepMania Open Source
.CRYSISJMSF Crytek 遊戲檔案 Crysis Saved Game Crysis Crytek
.CS Microsoft Corporation 遊戲檔案 C# Source Code File Notepad++ Don Ho
.CSB Corel 遊戲檔案 Corel PHOTO-PAINT Script Corel Photo-Paint Corel
.CSC Corel 遊戲檔案 Corel Script File Corel Photo-Paint Corel
.CSD Valve 遊戲檔案 Steam Game Data Backup File Steam Valve
.CT Unknown Developer 遊戲檔案 Cheat Engine Cheat Table Cheat Engine Open Source
.CTM LucasArts Entertainment Company, LLC 遊戲檔案 Star Wars Republic Commando Map File Star Wars Republic Commando LucasArts Entertainment Company, LLC
.CTP Cake Software Foundation 遊戲檔案 CakePHP Template Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Systems Incorporated
.CTX Microsoft Corporation 遊戲檔案 Visual Basic Control Binary File Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.CTY EA Maxis 遊戲檔案 SimCity City File Maxis SimCity 2000 EA Maxis
.CUP Naviter 遊戲檔案 Naviter SeeYou Waypoint File SeeYou Naviter
.CVM Vanillaware Ltd. 遊戲檔案 Odin Sphere Data Odin Sphere Vanillaware Ltd.
.CW3 Apple 遊戲檔案 ClarisWorks Document Apple Pages Apple
.CWD Alexander S. Meshcheryakov 遊戲檔案 QNonograms Puzzle File QNonograms Alexander S. Meshcheryakov
.CWG Epic Games 遊戲檔案 Castle Of The Winds Data Castle of the Winds Epic Games
.CWZ New Wave Concepts 遊戲檔案 Circuit Wizard File Circuit Wizard New Wave Concepts
.CYR Crytek 遊戲檔案 Crysis Game Level Crysis Crytek
.D$$ Interscape 遊戲檔案 AGT Game Encrypted Message File AGiliTy Open Source
.D02 Cadence Design Systems 遊戲檔案 MicroSim PCBoard NC Drill Data File OrCAD PCB Designer Cadence Design Systems
.D03 Interscape 遊戲檔案 Jydivide Split File Jydivide Interscape
.D2H Blizzard Entertainment Inc. 遊戲檔案 Diablo II Hack It Module Diablo II Blizzard Entertainment Inc.
.D2I Blizzard Entertainment Inc. 遊戲檔案 ATMA Diablo II ATMA Blizzard Entertainment Inc.
.D2R Unknown Developer 遊戲檔案 Dazzle Dazzle Realization File Dazzle Dazzle Realization Unknown Developer
.D2S Blizzard Entertainment Inc. 遊戲檔案 Diablo 2 Save File Diablo II Blizzard Entertainment Inc.
.D2X Blizzard Entertainment Inc. 遊戲檔案 Diablo 2 Stash Data Diablo II Blizzard Entertainment Inc.
.D67 Open Source 遊戲檔案 VICE Disk Image File VICE Open Source
.D81 Commodore International 遊戲檔案 Commodore VC-1581 Diskette Emulator Image VICE Open Source
.DA2 Microsoft Corporation 遊戲檔案 Windows Dancer File Windows Media Center Microsoft Corporation
.DA5 Unknown Developer 遊戲檔案 AGT Game Data File AGiliTy Open Source
.DA6 Unknown Developer 遊戲檔案 AGT Game Data File AGiliTy Open Source
.DA7 MicroProse Software 遊戲檔案 Star Trek Generations Saved Game File Star Trek Generations MicroProse Software
.DAT Unknown Developer 遊戲檔案 Game Data Dragon UnPACKer Open Source
.DATA Appricon 遊戲檔案 Analysis Studio Offline Data Microsoft Excel Microsoft Corporation
.DAT_OLD Mojang 遊戲檔案 Minecraft Level.dat Backup File Minecraft Mojang
.DAY Groove Games 遊戲檔案 Day Of The Zombie Map File Day of the Zombie Groove Games
.DB Dwayne Richard Hipp 遊戲檔案 Mobile Device Database File SQLite Dwayne Richard Hipp
.DB0 dBase, LLC 遊戲檔案 dBASE Init File dBase dBase, LLC
.DB4 dBase, LLC 遊戲檔案 dBASE IV Data dBase dBase, LLC
.DB5 GSC Game World 遊戲檔案 S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Game Data S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl GSC Game World
.DB6 GSC Game World 遊戲檔案 S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Game File Format S.T.A.L.K.E.R GSC Game World
.DBA PDC (Prolog Development Center) 遊戲檔案 Turbo Prolog Database Visual Prolog PDC (Prolog Development Center)
.DBB GSC Game World 遊戲檔案 S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Game File S.T.A.L.K.E.R GSC Game World
.DBF dBase, LLC 遊戲檔案 Database File Microsoft Excel Microsoft Corporation
.DBI Electronic Arts 遊戲檔案 FIFA World Cup Game Data Comin Fe FIFA Soccer 2002 Electronic Arts
.DC6 Blizzard Entertainment Inc. 遊戲檔案 Diablo 2 Static Image Diablo II Blizzard Entertainment Inc.
.DCC Nokia 遊戲檔案 Nokia Dynamic Camera Configuration Symbian OS Nokia
.DCT Microsoft Corporation 遊戲檔案 Dictionary File QuarkXPress Quark Software Inc.
.DCZ BIGAL 遊戲檔案 DynaCAD CAD Document DynaCAD BIGAL
.DD2 ProFantasy Software Ltd 遊戲檔案 Dungeon Designer 2 Map Design File Dungeon Designer 2 ProFantasy Software Ltd
.DDB Avid Technology 遊戲檔案 Digidesign Database Avid Pro Tools Avid Technology
.DDO Unknown Developer 遊戲檔案 Tank3D Game Data Unknown Software Unknown Developer
.DDPOKERSAV Donohoe Digital LLC 遊戲檔案 DD Poker Save Game File DD Poker Donohoe Digital LLC
.DDT Sports Interactive 遊戲檔案 Football Manager Keep Player Data File Football Manager 2016 Sports Interactive
.DEF Microsoft Corporation 遊戲檔案 Module Definition File Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.DEK Wizards of the Coast 遊戲檔案 Magic: The Gathering Deck File Magic Interscape
.DEM Valve 遊戲檔案 Video Game Demo File VirtualDub Open Source
.DEMO Open Source 遊戲檔案 Pokemon Type Wild Data File Pokémon Type Wild Open Source
.DESC Electronic Arts 遊戲檔案 Battlefield 2 Map Description File Battlefield 2 Electronic Arts
.DFC Jenner Fusari 遊戲檔案 Defractor Instrument Neurotix Defractor Jenner Fusari
.DFS Open Source 遊戲檔案 BrainSuite Surface File BrainSuite Open Source
.DGZ Dave 遊戲檔案 Dega Saved State Dega Dave
.DIE Blizzard Entertainment Inc. 遊戲檔案 Diablo Item File Diablo Blizzard Entertainment Inc.
.DIF Microsoft Corporation 遊戲檔案 Data Interchange Format Microsoft Excel Microsoft Corporation
.DINERDASHS PlayFirst 遊戲檔案 Dinerdash Saved Game File Diner Dash PlayFirst
.DJS Electronic Arts 遊戲檔案 NASCAR Thunder 2004 Game Music File NASCAR Thunder 2004 Electronic Arts
.DKD Interscape 遊戲檔案 Karaoke Music File JBK Karaoke Player Interscape
.DKX Ellipse Studios 遊戲檔案 Submarine Titans Battle Map File Submarine Titans Ellipse Studios
.DL Microsoft Corporation 遊戲檔案 Zoo Tycoon 2 Data File Zoo Tycoon 2 Microsoft Corporation
.DLG Crytek 遊戲檔案 Crysis Dialogue Data File Crysis Crytek
.DM2 Interscape 遊戲檔案 Toad Data Modeler 2 File Toad Data Modeler Interscape
.DM3 Gatan 遊戲檔案 DigitalMicrograph Image ImageJ National Institutes of Health (NIH)
.DMAP Open Source 遊戲檔案 Conquer Online 2 Game Map Conquer Online 2 Open Source
.DMO Wouter van Oortmerssen 遊戲檔案 Cube 2: Sauerbraten Demo File Cube 2 Sauerbraten Open Source
.DN2 Apogee Components 遊戲檔案 Duke Nukem Episode 2 Game File Duke Nukem Episode 2: Mission Moonbase Apogee Software, Ltd.
.DNF 3D Realms 遊戲檔案 Duke Nukem Forever Map File Duke Nukem Forever 3D Realms
.DNI MobyGames 遊戲檔案 RealMyst 3D Game Archive realMyst 3D MobyGames
.DNP Apple 遊戲檔案 DRM Digital Rights Management Data Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.DNS 3D Realms 遊戲檔案 Duke Nukem Forever Save File Duke Nukem Forever 3D Realms
.DOG Ubisoft Blue Byte 遊戲檔案 Dogz Dog Description File Petz Ubisoft Blue Byte
.DOL Nintendo 遊戲檔案 GameCube Executable File Dolphin (emulator) Dolphin Emulator Project
.DOR Graphisoft 遊戲檔案 ArchiCAD Geometric Description Language File ARCHICAD Graphisoft
.DPC Microsoft Corporation 遊戲檔案 Microsoft Office Resource File Microsoft Office Microsoft Corporation
.DPF Open Source 遊戲檔案 Dargon Package Dargon Open Source
.DPM Avid Technology 遊戲檔案 Pro Tools Plugin File Avid Pro Tools Avid Technology
.DS DAZ 3D 遊戲檔案 DAZ Studio 1/2 Script DAZ Studio DAZ 3D
.DSG Simon Howard (Fraggle) 遊戲檔案 Doom Saved Game Chocolate Doom Simon Howard (Fraggle)
.DSR Activision 遊戲檔案 Modern Warfare 3 Dedicated Server Recipe File Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Activision
.DST Autodesk, Inc. 遊戲檔案 AutoCAD Sheet Set File Autodesk AutoCAD Ecscad Autodesk, Inc.
.DSV Open Source 遊戲檔案 DeSmuME Saved Game File DeSmuME Open Source
.DT1 National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency 遊戲檔案 DTED Level 1 File ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute)
.DTI Microsoft Corporation 遊戲檔案 Microsoft Windows Application Log File Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.DTM Prodatron 遊戲檔案 DigiTrakker Audio Module CocoModX Open Source
.DUA Electronic Arts 遊戲檔案 FIFA 2001 Game Data FIFA 2001 EA Sports
.DUC Datel 遊戲檔案 Action Replay Max DS Save File Unknown Software Unknown Developer
.DUN Trendy Entertainment 遊戲檔案 Dungeon Defenders Saved Game File Trendy Entertainment Dungeon Defenders Trendy Entertainment
依字母瀏覽 Game Files 副檔名:   # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


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