延期 | 檔案類型開發人員 | 檔案類別 | 檔案類型描述 | 主要軟體 | 主要軟體開發人員 |
.D2J | Unknown Developer | 開發商檔案 | D2jsp Script File | Unknown Software | Unknown Developer |
.D4 | Open Source | 開發商檔案 | Dataphor Source File | Dataphor | Open Source |
.DART | 開發商檔案 | Dart Source Code File | DART | DARTECH | |
.DBA | PDC (Prolog Development Center) | 開發商檔案 | Turbo Prolog Database | Visual Prolog | PDC (Prolog Development Center) |
.DBML | Microsoft Corporation | 開發商檔案 | Visual Studio OR Design File | Microsoft Visual Studio | Microsoft Corporation |
.DBP | Microsoft Corporation | 開發商檔案 | Microsoft Visual Studio Visual C++ Database Project | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.DBPRO | The Game Creators | 開發商檔案 | DarkBASIC Professional Project File | The Game Creators DarkBASIC Pro | The Game Creators |
.DCF | Sony Mobile Communications | 開發商檔案 | DRM Content Format File | DRM Packager | Sony Mobile Communications |
.DCP | Embarcadero Technologies | 開發商檔案 | Delphi Compiled Package | Delphi (IDE) | Embarcadero Technologies |
.DCU | Embarcadero Technologies | 開發商檔案 | Delphi Compiled Unit | Delphi (IDE) | Embarcadero Technologies |
.DCUIL | Embarcadero Technologies | 開發商檔案 | Delphi .NET Compiled Unit File | Delphi (IDE) | Embarcadero Technologies |
.DCURL | SCSK Corporation | 開發商檔案 | Curl - Detached Applet File | Curl | SCSK Corporation |
.DD | Sage | 開發商檔案 | Sage MAS 90 Data File | Sage MAS 90 | Sage |
.DDD | Alpha Software | 開發商檔案 | Alpha Five Data Dictionary File | Alpha Anywhere - Alpha Software | Alpha Software |
.DDM | Alpha Software | 開發商檔案 | Alpha Five Data Dictionary Memo File | Alpha Anywhere - Alpha Software | Alpha Software |
.DDP | Embarcadero Technologies | 開發商檔案 | Delphi Diagram Portfolio File | Delphi (IDE) | Embarcadero Technologies |
.DDX | Alpha Software | 開發商檔案 | Alpha Five Data Dictionary Index File | Alpha Anywhere - Alpha Software | Alpha Software |
.DEC | Various Developers | 開發商檔案 | Declaration File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.DEF | Microsoft Corporation | 開發商檔案 | Module Definition File | Microsoft Visual Studio | Microsoft Corporation |
.DEP | Microsoft Corporation | 開發商檔案 | Windows Dependency File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.DEPLOY | Just Great Software | 開發商檔案 | DeployMaster Installation Project File | DeployMaster | Just Great Software |
.DEV | Bloodshed Software | 開發商檔案 | Dev-C++ Project File | Dev-C++ | Bloodshed Software |
.DF1 | Omnis Software | 開發商檔案 | Omnis Native Datafile | Omnis Studio | Omnis Software |
.DFAC | Unknown Developer | 開發商檔案 | DreamFactory ActiveX Control | DreamFactory | Open Source |
.DFB | Interscape | 開發商檔案 | Data Flask Formula | Interscape Data Flask | Interscape |
.DFD | Open Source | 開發商檔案 | ABC Dyadic Functions Data | ABC Programming langauge | Open Source |
.DFM | Open Source | 開發商檔案 | Pascal File | Notepad++ | Don Ho |
.DFWEBAPPLICATION | TogetherSoft | 開發商檔案 | Together ControlCenter Development Tool | Together | TogetherSoft |
.DG | Data Access Worldwide | 開發商檔案 | DataFlex Source Code For A Dialog Box | DataFlex | Data Access Worldwide |
.DGD | Unknown Developer | 開發商檔案 | DGD Program | Dworkin's Game Driver | Open Source |
.DGML | Microsoft Corporation | 開發商檔案 | Visual Studio Directed Graph Document | Microsoft Visual Studio | Microsoft Corporation |
.DGSL | Microsoft Corporation | 開發商檔案 | Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Shader Graph File | Microsoft Visual Studio | Microsoft Corporation |
.DIAGSESSION | Microsoft Corporation | 開發商檔案 | Diagnostics Session File | Internet Explorer | Microsoft Corporation |
.DIFF | Matt Mackall | 開發商檔案 | Patch File | Mercurial | Matt Mackall |
.DIN | 4ThePeople Limited | 開發商檔案 | DataEase Installation Script | DataEase | 4ThePeople Limited |
.DLG | Crytek | 開發商檔案 | Crysis Dialogue Data File | Crysis | Crytek |
.DMB | BYOND | 開發商檔案 | BYOND Game Executable | BYOND | BYOND |
.DMD | Oracle Corporation | 開發商檔案 | SQL Developer Data Modeler File | SQL Developer Data Model | Oracle Corporation |
.DML | Sybase, Inc | 開發商檔案 | DynaScript File | Internet Explorer | Microsoft Corporation |
.DMT | DeLorme | 開發商檔案 | XMap Transfer File | XMap | Garmin |
.DOB | Sublime HQ Pty Ltd | 開發商檔案 | Visual Basic UserDocument | Notepad++ | Don Ho |
.DOR | Graphisoft | 開發商檔案 | ArchiCAD Geometric Description Language File | ARCHICAD | Graphisoft |
.DOX | Microsoft Corporation | 開發商檔案 | Visual Basic Binary UserDocument | Microsoft Visual Studio | Microsoft Corporation |
.DPJ | Delft Spline Systems | 開發商檔案 | DeskProto Project | DeskProto | Delft Spline Systems |
.DPK | Embarcadero Technologies | 開發商檔案 | Delphi Package | Delphi (IDE) | Embarcadero Technologies |
.DPL | Embarcadero Technologies | 開發商檔案 | Delphi Package Library | Delphi (IDE) | Embarcadero Technologies |
.DPR | Niklaus Wirth | 開發商檔案 | Pascal Source Code | MacroMates TextMate | MacroMates |
.DRC | Open Source | 開發商檔案 | Open Mobile Alliance DRM Rights Object | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.DRES | Embarcadero Technologies | 開發商檔案 | Delphi Compiled Resource File | Delphi (IDE) | Embarcadero Technologies |
.DS | DAZ 3D | 開發商檔案 | DAZ Studio 1/2 Script | DAZ Studio | DAZ 3D |
.DSB | Dell Technologies | 開發商檔案 | Dell DataSafe Backup File | DataSafe Local Backup | Dell Technologies |
.DSK | Power Software Ltd | 開發商檔案 | General Disk Image | PowerISO | Power Software Ltd |
.DSP | Open Source | 開發商檔案 | Dynamic Studio Professional Module | ModPlug Player | Open Source |
.DSR | Activision | 開發商檔案 | Modern Warfare 3 Dedicated Server Recipe File | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare | Activision |
.DSU | Schneider Electric | 開發商檔案 | ProWORX Nxt Data Setup | ProWORX | Schneider Electric |
.DTD | Syncro Soft | 開發商檔案 | Document Type Definition File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.DTS | CyberLink | 開發商檔案 | DTS Encoded Audio File | CyberLink PowerDVD | CyberLink |
.DVB | Autodesk, Inc. | 開發商檔案 | AutoCAD VBA Project File | AutoCAD VBA module | Autodesk, Inc. |
.DWS | Autodesk, Inc. | 開發商檔案 | AutoCAD Drawing Standards File | Autodesk AutoCAD | Autodesk, Inc. |
.DYLIB | Apple | 開發商檔案 | Mach-O Dynamic Library | Apple Xcode | Apple |
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