瀏覽所有 數據庫 檔案

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延期 檔案類型開發人員 檔案類別 檔案類型描述 主要軟體 主要軟體開發人員
.NV Q.W.Page Associates Inc 資料庫檔案 NewViews Database File Q.W. Page NewViews 2 Q.W.Page Associates Inc
.NV2 Q.W.Page Associates Inc 資料庫檔案 NewViews 2 Database File Q.W. Page NewViews 2 Q.W.Page Associates Inc
.NX1 NexusDB Pty 資料庫檔案 NexusDB File NexusDB NexusDB Pty
.NX2 NexusDB Pty 資料庫檔案 NexusDB Database File NexusDB NexusDB Pty
.NYF Wjj Software 資料庫檔案 MyBase Database File Wjj Software myBase Wjj Software
.OD4 Omnis Software 資料庫檔案 Omnis5 Database File Omnis Studio Omnis Software
.OD9 Omnis Software 資料庫檔案 Omnis5 Database File Omnis Studio Omnis Software
.ODB Various Developers 資料庫檔案 OpenDocument Database Apache OpenOffice Apache Software Foundation
.OPT LexisNexis 資料庫檔案 Concordance Database File LexisNexis Concordance LexisNexis
.OQY Microsoft Corporation 資料庫檔案 Excel OLAP Query File Microsoft Excel Microsoft Corporation
.ORA Unknown Developer 資料庫檔案 OpenRaster Image File GIMP The GIMP Development Team
.ORD OMAX Corporation 資料庫檔案 OMAX Routed Data Unknown Software Unknown Developer
.OTQ One MarketData, LLC 資料庫檔案 OneTick Query File OneTick One MarketData, LLC
.OWC OutWit Technologies 資料庫檔案 OutWit Catch Database Mozilla Firefox Mozilla
.OXB Olapxsoftware 資料庫檔案 OlapX Report Portfolio Data File OlapX Application Olapxsoftware
.OXC Olapxsoftware 資料庫檔案 OlapX OlapX Application Olapxsoftware
.PAG Microsoft Corporation 資料庫檔案 Visual Basic Property PAGe File Microsoft Visual Basic Microsoft Corporation
.PAN ProVUE Development 資料庫檔案 Panorama Database File ProVUE Development Panorama ProVUE Development
.PBD EaseUS 資料庫檔案 EaseUS Todo Backup Backup File EaseUS Todo Backup EaseUS
.PCA Sony 資料庫檔案 Perfect Clarity Audio File ACID Pro 7 Magix Software GmbH
.PDM Sybase, Inc 資料庫檔案 PowerDesigner Database File Sybase PowerDesigner SAP
.PDT Microsoft Corporation 資料庫檔案 InkWriter Note Taker Template File Windows Mobile Microsoft Corporation
.PHM Pro Home Manager, LLC 資料庫檔案 Pro Home Manager Data File Pro Home Manager Pro Home Manager, LLC
.PLD Oracle Corporation 資料庫檔案 Oracle Binary Module Text Form Oracle Database Oracle Corporation
.PNZ ProVUE Development 資料庫檔案 Panorama Database Set ProVUE Development Panorama ProVUE Development
.PRK LucasArts Entertainment Company, LLC 資料庫檔案 Thrillville Park File Thrillville Frontier Developments plc
.PSAFE3 Open Source 資料庫檔案 Password Safe Database Password Safe Open Source
.PW Pointwise, Inc. 資料庫檔案 Pointwise Database File Pointwise Pointwise, Inc.
.QBQUERY MySQL AB 資料庫檔案 MySQL Query Browser Saved SQL Query Command Data MySQL Query Browser MySQL AB
.QD0 Omnis Software 資料庫檔案 Omnis Quartz Segment 10 Data File Omnis Studio Omnis Software
.QD1 Omnis Software 資料庫檔案 Omnis Quartz Segment 1 Data File Omnis Studio Omnis Software
.QD2 Omnis Software 資料庫檔案 Omnis Quartz Segment 2 Data File Omnis Studio Omnis Software
.QD5 Omnis Software 資料庫檔案 Omnis Quartz Segment 5 Data File Omnis Studio Omnis Software
.QD6 Omnis Software 資料庫檔案 Omnis Quartz Segment 6 Data File Omnis Studio Omnis Software
.QD8 Omnis Software 資料庫檔案 Omnis Quartz Segment 8 Data File Omnis Studio Omnis Software
.QDC Quotalys Ltd. 資料庫檔案 Quick-Devis Database Quick-Devis Database Quotalys Ltd.
.QMF IBM 資料庫檔案 IBM Lotus Approach Database Query Lotus Approach IBM
.QRY Oracle Corporation 資料庫檔案 Query File Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft Corporation
.QVD Qlik 資料庫檔案 QlikView Data File QlikTech International QlikView Qlik
.QVF Qlik 資料庫檔案 QlikView Data File QlikTech International QlikView Qlik
.R2K BTM Innovation Pty 資料庫檔案 Repertoire 2000 Music Database Repertoire 2000 BTM Innovation Pty
.RBF Microsoft Corporation 資料庫檔案 Windows Installer Rollback File Windows Installer Microsoft Corporation
.REX Propellerhead 資料庫檔案 ReCycle Loop File Avid Pro Tools Avid Technology
.RFG Raddon Financial Group 資料庫檔案 RFG Integrator System Database Integrator Fiserv, Inc.
.RFH Raddon Financial Group 資料庫檔案 RFG Integrator Householding Database Integrator Fiserv, Inc.
.RFL Propellerhead 資料庫檔案 Reason ReFill Sound Bank File Reason Propellerhead
.RIN Protronics 資料庫檔案 Retrieve 4GL Database Index Retrieve 4GL Protronics
.RMW ALD 資料庫檔案 RAM Commander Database File RAM Commander ALD
.ROD RIB Software 資料庫檔案 RIB Office Database File RIB office RIB Software
.RPC Synthrone 資料庫檔案 Rich Page Content Document Synthrone Crafter Synthrone
.RPD RIB Software 資料庫檔案 RIB Project Database File iTWO RIB Software
.RSD Rosetta Stone 資料庫檔案 Rosetta Stone Data File Rosetta Stone Language Learning Rosetta Stone
.RXD Attachmate (Micro Focus) 資料庫檔案 Attachmate Reflection X Manager Definition Data File Attachmate Reflection Attachmate (Micro Focus)
.RXH Borland 資料庫檔案 Reflex Database Help File Borland Reflex Borland
.SAS7BDAT SAS Institute Inc. 資料庫檔案 SAS Data Set File SAS SAS Institute Inc.
.SBF Google 資料庫檔案 Android System File Google Android Google
.SCX RIX SoftWorks, Inc. 資料庫檔案 ColoRIX Bitmap Graphic File XnView MP XnSoft
.SD2 Avid Technology 資料庫檔案 Sound Designer II File Apple iTunes Apple
.SDF Microsoft Corporation 資料庫檔案 SQL Server Compact Database File Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.SDI Intuit, Inc. 資料庫檔案 QuickBooks Data File Intuit QuickBooks Pro Intuit, Inc.
.SDS Oracle Corporation 資料庫檔案 OpenOffice.org Chart Apache OpenOffice Apache Software Foundation
.SF1 The U.S. Census Bureau 資料庫檔案 2010 Census Summary File 1 Microsoft Access Microsoft Corporation
.SG3 SourceForge 資料庫檔案 ChessDB Game File ChessDB Interscape
.SIS Valve 資料庫檔案 Steam Game Backup Information File Steam Valve
.SKC Borland 資料庫檔案 SideKick For Windows Database File Borland SideKick Borland
.SLF Symantec Corporation 資料庫檔案 Symantec License File Symantec Ghost Solution Suite Symantec Corporation
.SQDB TedCo Software, LLC 資料庫檔案 SpellQuizzer Database File SpellQuizzer TedCo Software, LLC
.SQL Various Developers 資料庫檔案 Structured Query Language Data File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.SQLITE Dwayne Richard Hipp 資料庫檔案 SQLite Database File SQLite Dwayne Richard Hipp
.SQLITEDB Dwayne Richard Hipp 資料庫檔案 SQLite Database SQLite Dwayne Richard Hipp
.SR1 SIR Pty Ltd. 資料庫檔案 SIR Database SIR/XS SIR Pty Ltd.
.SR3 SIR Pty Ltd. 資料庫檔案 SIR Database SIR/XS SIR Pty Ltd.
.SR4 SIR Pty Ltd. 資料庫檔案 SIR Database SIR/XS SIR Pty Ltd.
.SSO Interscape 資料庫檔案 ChessDB Search Options Data ChessDB Interscape
.SV2 SAS Institute Inc. 資料庫檔案 SAS View Base SAS SAS Institute Inc.
.SV7 Nintendo 資料庫檔案 Saved Game File No Cash GBA (No$GBA) Martin Korth
.TBM Nabi Studios 資料庫檔案 Toribash Mod File Toribash Nabi Studios
.TE RM Education 資料庫檔案 Textease CT Database File Textease Studio RM Education
.TFR LucasArts Entertainment Company, LLC 資料庫檔案 TIE Fighter Pilot File Star Wars: TIE Fighter LucasArts Entertainment Company, LLC
.TMD SoftMaker Software 資料庫檔案 TextMaker Document Softmaker Office SoftMaker Software
.TMDB Interfathom 資料庫檔案 TaskMerlin Database File TaskMerlin Interfathom
.TMZ The MediGraph Team 資料庫檔案 Medigraph Compressed Database File Medigraph The MediGraph Team
.TOM Aptora 資料庫檔案 Total Office Manager Accounting Data Total Office Manager Aptora
.TPS TiePie engineering 資料庫檔案 Multi Channel Measurement File Multi Channel TiePie engineering
.TRC Microsoft Corporation 資料庫檔案 SQL Server Trace File Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft Corporation
.TRM Oracle Corporation 資料庫檔案 Oracle Trace Map File Oracle Database Oracle Corporation
.UDF Open Source 資料庫檔案 Universal Disk Format Image File 7-Zip Igor Pavlov
.UFSD SysDevSoftware 資料庫檔案 RAW Recovery Signatures Database File SysDevSoftware UFS Explorer SysDevSoftware
.URD Kinook Software, Inc. 資料庫檔案 Ultra Recall Database File Ultra Recall Kinook Software, Inc.
.USR FileMaker Inc. 資料庫檔案 FileMaker Pro Database File FileMaker Pro FileMaker Inc.
.UXD Terria Development 資料庫檔案 URLBase URL Database URLBase Terria Development
.VAS EduFlex 資料庫檔案 VirtualAssessor Diagnostic Scenario Database VirtualAssessor EduFlex
.VDF Valve 資料庫檔案 Valve Data File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.VDX Microsoft Corporation 資料庫檔案 Visio Drawing XML File OmniGraffle The Omni Group
.VIS Microsoft Corporation 資料庫檔案 Visibility Image File Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 Microsoft Corporation
.VIW Microsoft Corporation 資料庫檔案 Microsoft SQL Server View Script File Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft Corporation
.VL Tailwag Software 資料庫檔案 Visual Labels Project Visual Labels Tailwag Software
.VPD Yu Higuchi 資料庫檔案 MikuMikuDance Vocaloid Pose Data File MikuMikuDance Yu Higuchi
.VPDB VIP Quality Software 資料庫檔案 VIP Organizer Database VIP Organizer VIP Quality Software
.VPW Wheat Stone 資料庫檔案 VoxPro Database File VoxPro Wheat Stone
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相容 Windows 2000、XP、Vista 、7、8、10和 11

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“FileViewPro 消除了尋找特定軟體以打開特定檔案的時間和挫折感。”   - Tucows

