瀏覽所有 已壓縮 檔案

每頁行數:       共5頁
延期 檔案類型開發人員 檔案類別 檔案類型描述 主要軟體 主要軟體開發人員
.LIM Unknown Developer 壓縮檔案 Limit Compressed Data Unknown Software Unknown Developer
.LIZ Unknown Developer 壓縮檔案 Compressed List File Unknown Software Unknown Developer
.LNX Commodore International 壓縮檔案 Commodore 64 Lynx Archive VICE Open Source
.LOK CursorArts Company 壓縮檔案 FileWrangler Archive FileWrangler CursorArts Company
.LQR Europoe Space Agency (ESA) 壓縮檔案 LBR Library File LBR library software Unknown Developer
.LRZ Open Source 壓縮檔案 Lrzip Compressed Archive Lrzip Open Source
.LVU Livid Instruments 壓縮檔案 Livid Union Project File Livid Union Livid Instruments
.LZ Antonio Diaz Diaz 壓縮檔案 Lzip Compressed File Lzip Antonio Diaz Diaz
.LZH Various Developers 壓縮檔案 LZH Compressed File 7-Zip Igor Pavlov
.LZM Open Source 壓縮檔案 Slax Module Slax Open Source
.LZMA Igor Pavlov 壓縮檔案 LZMA Compressed File 7-Zip Igor Pavlov
.LZO Open Source 壓縮檔案 LZO Compressed File Corel WinZip 21 Corel
.LZS Open Source 壓縮檔案 LARC Compressed File Archive ZipZag Open Source
.LZW Unknown Developer 壓縮檔案 LZW Compressed Archive File Unknown Software Unknown Developer
.LZX Open Source 壓縮檔案 Amiga LZX Compressed File The Unarchiver Dag Agren, Circlesoft
.M3K Unknown Developer 壓縮檔案 Interactive Digital Content File Unknown Software Unknown Developer
.MC_ Unknown Developer 壓縮檔案 Musicato Compressed File Unknown Software Unknown Developer
.MD Various Developers 壓縮檔案 Markdown Documentation File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.MD5 Ron Rivest 壓縮檔案 MD5 Checksum File TeraCopy Code Sector
.MINT Open Source 壓縮檔案 Linux Mint Installer File Linux Mint Open Source
.MLU Unknown Developer 壓縮檔案 Unknown Zip File WinRAR Eugene Roshal
.MMT Open Source 壓縮檔案 Nimbus 7 SAMS Data File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.MOU Winmount International Inc. 壓縮檔案 WinMount Compressed File WinMount International WinMount Winmount International Inc.
.MPKG Open Source 壓縮檔案 Meta Package File Linux Open Source
.MRT Stimulsoft 壓縮檔案 Stimulsoft Report File Stimulsoft Reports.Ultimate Stimulsoft
.MSA Unknown Developer 壓縮檔案 Magic Shadow Archiver Atari Disk Image Magic Shadow Archiver Unknown Developer
.MVA Microsoft Corporation 壓縮檔案 Microsoft Setup Archive Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.MZF Unknown Developer 壓縮檔案 MediaZip Archive MediaZip Unknown Developer
.MZP Autodesk, Inc. 壓縮檔案 MAXScript Zip Package Autodesk 3ds Max Autodesk, Inc.
.NEX Opera Software 壓縮檔案 Navigator Extension Opera Opera Software
.NGR NEPLAN AG 壓縮檔案 NEPLAN Graphic Data NEPLAN Electricity NEPLAN AG
.NPK MikroTik 壓縮檔案 MikroTik Software Package Upload NPK file to MikroTrik router MikroTik
.NZ Sami Runsas 壓縮檔案 NanoZip Compressed File NanoZip Sami Runsas
.OAP Samsung Electronics 壓縮檔案 Samsung Bada Signed Installation Package Bada SDK Samsung Electronics
.OBR Micro Focus International plc 壓縮檔案 Borland C++ Object Browser Data Borland C++ Micro Focus International plc
.OC_ Microsoft Corporation 壓縮檔案 Compressed ActiveX Control File Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.OMB Alfega Technologies 壓縮檔案 Omnibus Offline Web Storage Omnibus Alfega Technologies
.OOP Unknown Developer 壓縮檔案 OOP Packer Archive OOP Packer Unknown Developer
.P01 HERE 壓縮檔案 HERE Maps For Android Map Data Package HERE Maps HERE
.P06 Bentley Systems 壓縮檔案 MicroStation Modification Project Resource File MicroStation Bentley Systems
.PACKAGE Electronic Arts 壓縮檔案 Electronic Arts Game Package File Electronic Arts The Sims 2 Electronic Arts
.PAE ConeXware 壓縮檔案 PowerArchiver Encrypted Archive PowerArchiver ConeXware
.PAK Unknown Developer 壓縮檔案 Video Game Package Dragon UnPACKer Open Source
.PAQ6 Open Source 壓縮檔案 PAQ6 Data Archive KGB Archiver Open Source
.PAQ7 Open Source 壓縮檔案 PAQ7 Data Archive PeaZip Open Source
.PAQ8 Open Source 壓縮檔案 PAQ8 Data Archive PAQ8 Open Source
.PAQ8P PAQ8P 壓縮檔案 PAQ8L Data Archive PAQ8 Open Source
.PAR Siemens PLM Software 壓縮檔案 Solid Edge Part File Adobe Acrobat DC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.PAR2 Open Source 壓縮檔案 Parchive 2 Index File QuickPar Open Source
.PART1 NetObjects 壓縮檔案 NetObjects Fusion System Data NetObjects Fusion NetObjects
.PAX Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) Consortium 壓縮檔案 PAX Archive 7-Zip Igor Pavlov
.PBI The FreeBSD Community 壓縮檔案 PC BSD Installer Package FreeBSD The FreeBSD Community
.PBK Microsoft Corporation 壓縮檔案 Dial-Up Phone Book File Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.PCV Mozilla 壓縮檔案 MozBackup Profile Backup Corel WinZip 21 Corel
.PEA Open Source 壓縮檔案 PEA File Archive PeaZip Open Source
.PET Larry Short, Mick Amadio and Puppy community 壓縮檔案 Puppy Linux Install Package 7-Zip Igor Pavlov
.PF Smith Micro Software 壓縮檔案 Private File Smith Micro StuffIt Deluxe Smith Micro Software
.PGZ Open Source 壓縮檔案 StreamLync Ownload Archives ZipZag Open Source
.PIM Avid Technology 壓縮檔案 Pro Tools Controller Plug-in Mappings File Avid Pro Tools Avid Technology
.PIT Samsung Electronics 壓縮檔案 Samsung Phone Firmware File Google Android Google
.PIZ Winrar 壓縮檔案 Zipped File 7-Zip Igor Pavlov
.PKD Power Karaoke 壓縮檔案 Power Karaoke Project Power Karaoke Power Karaoke
.PKG Apple 壓縮檔案 Apple MacOS Installer Package macOS Apple
.PKV Valve 壓縮檔案 Steam Package Data Steam Valve
.PKZ Piboso 壓縮檔案 Kart Racing Pro Track Data Kart Racing Pro Piboso
.PMA David Harris 壓縮檔案 Pegasus Mail Data Archive File Pegasus Mail David Harris
.PPC Garmin 壓縮檔案 XMap Flight Plan Statistic File XMap Garmin
.PSZ Igor Pavlov 壓縮檔案 Compressed PostScript File WinZip Corel
.PUP Sony 壓縮檔案 PlayStation 3 Update File PS3 PUP Extractor Interscape
.PUT Micro Fox Software 壓縮檔案 PUT Compressed Data Unknown Software Unknown Developer
.PUZ Literate Software 壓縮檔案 Across Lite Crossword Puzzle Across Lite Literate Software
.PZ XnSoft 壓縮檔案 Compressed PNG Image XnView MP XnSoft
.QCH Quicken 壓縮檔案 Quicken DOS Data File Intuit Quicken Quicken
.QDA SANDMAN 壓縮檔案 Quadruple D Archive File Quadruple D Archiver SANDMAN
.QTA Unknown Developer 壓縮檔案 Qtar Archive Unknown Software Unknown Developer
.QUAD Open Source 壓縮檔案 QUAD Compressed Archive File QUAD Open Source
.R00 Rocky Sand Studio 壓縮檔案 WinRAR Compressed Archive 7-Zip Igor Pavlov
.R01 Various Developers 壓縮檔案 WinRAR Split Archive Part 1 7-Zip Igor Pavlov
.R02 Eugene Roshal 壓縮檔案 WinRAR Split Archive Part 2 7-Zip Igor Pavlov
.R03 Winrar 壓縮檔案 WinRAR Split Archive Part 3 7-Zip Igor Pavlov
.R04 Winrar 壓縮檔案 WinRAR Split Archive Part 4 7-Zip Igor Pavlov
.R06 Eugene Roshal 壓縮檔案 Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File WinZip Corel
.R07 Eugene Roshal 壓縮檔案 Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File WinZip Corel
.R09 Eugene Roshal 壓縮檔案 Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File WinZip Corel
.R30 Eugene Roshal 壓縮檔案 WinRAR Split Archive Part 30 WinRAR Eugene Roshal
.R36 Eugene Roshal 壓縮檔案 Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File WinZip Corel
.R50 Eugene Roshal 壓縮檔案 Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File WinZip Corel
.R51 Eugene Roshal 壓縮檔案 RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-Volume Archive 7-Zip Igor Pavlov
.R52 Eugene Roshal 壓縮檔案 RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-Volume Archive 7-Zip Igor Pavlov
.R53 Eugene Roshal 壓縮檔案 RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-Volume Archive 7-Zip Igor Pavlov
.R54 Eugene Roshal 壓縮檔案 RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-Volume Archive 7-Zip Igor Pavlov
.R55 Eugene Roshal 壓縮檔案 RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-Volume Archive 7-Zip Igor Pavlov
.R56 Eugene Roshal 壓縮檔案 RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-Volume Archive 7-Zip Igor Pavlov
.R58 Eugene Roshal 壓縮檔案 RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-Volume Archive 7-Zip Igor Pavlov
.R59 Eugene Roshal 壓縮檔案 RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-Volume Archive 7-Zip Igor Pavlov
.R80 Eugene Roshal 壓縮檔案 RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-Volume Archive 7-Zip Igor Pavlov
.R81 Eugene Roshal 壓縮檔案 RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-Volume Archive 7-Zip Igor Pavlov
.R83 Eugene Roshal 壓縮檔案 RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-Volume Archive 7-Zip Igor Pavlov
.R84 Eugene Roshal 壓縮檔案 RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-Volume Archive 7-Zip Igor Pavlov
.R85 Eugene Roshal 壓縮檔案 RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-Volume Archive 7-Zip Igor Pavlov
依字母瀏覽 Compressed Files 副檔名:   # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


相容 Windows 2000、XP、Vista 、7、8、10和 11

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