瀏覽 "X" Audio 檔案

每頁行數:       共1頁
延期 檔案類型開發人員 檔案類別 檔案類型描述 主要軟體 主要軟體開發人員
.X3V Yamaha Corporation 音頻檔案 Yamaha Motif Audio Translator Professional Chicken Systems
.XA Electronic Arts 音頻檔案 The Sims Audio File Electronic Arts SimCity 4 Electronic Arts
.XAD Riven the Mage 音頻檔案 eXotic ADlib Sound Format File Unknown Software Unknown Developer
.XFS Elabtronics Company 音頻檔案 eRacer Sound File CoreChart Elabtronics Company
.XI Starbreeze Studios 音頻檔案 Fasttracker 2 Extended Instrument File Awave Studio FMJ-Software
.XKR Sing-Magic 音頻檔案 Sing Magic Karaoke Song Sing-Magic Karaoke Sing-Magic
.XM Starbreeze Studios 音頻檔案 FastTracker 2 Extended Module ModPlug Player Open Source
.XMF Open Source 音頻檔案 Cal3D XML Mesh File Cal3DViewer Open Source
.XMI Object Management Group (OMG) 音頻檔案 XML Metadata Interchange File Eclipse IDE for Java Developers The Eclipse Foundation
.XMS Alexander Gross 音頻檔案 Music Studio Project Alexander Gross Music Studio Alexander Gross
.XMZ Starbreeze Studios 音頻檔案 FastTracker 2 Extended Module ModPlug Player Open Source
.XP Starbreeze Studios 音頻檔案 Fastracker 2 Pattern Fasttracker Starbreeze Studios
.XPA SoniqCast, LLC 音頻檔案 SoniqSync Extended Playlist SoniqSync SoniqCast, LLC
.XPF Open Source 音頻檔案 Linux MultiMedia Studio Preset File LMMS Open Source
.XPL Interscape 音頻檔案 LcdStudio Playlist File LCDStudio Interscape
.XRNS Renoise.com 音頻檔案 Renoise Song File Renoise Renoise.com
.XSB Microsoft Corporation 音頻檔案 XACT Sound Bank Microsoft XACT Microsoft Corporation
.XSP Open Source 音頻檔案 Kodi Smart Playlist File Kodi Open Source
.XSPF VideoLAN 音頻檔案 XSPF Playlist File VLC Media Player VideoLAN
.XT Derick Rethans 音頻檔案 Xdebug Trace File Xdebug Derick Rethans
.XWB Microsoft Corporation 音頻檔案 XACT Wave Bank Microsoft XACT Microsoft Corporation
.XWC Starbreeze Studios 音頻檔案 Starbreeze Sound Data Knights of the Temple Starbreeze Studios
.XWV Valve 音頻檔案 Valve Xbox360 Audio Data Valve Source SDK Valve
依字母瀏覽 Audio Files 副檔名:   # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


相容 Windows 2000、XP、Vista 、7、8、10和 11

安裝選擇性產品 - FileViewPro (Solvusoft) | 使用者授權合約 | 隱私權原則 | 條款 | 解除安裝

“FileViewPro 消除了尋找特定軟體以打開特定檔案的時間和挫折感。”   - Tucows

