瀏覽所有 Open Source 檔案

每頁行數:       共17頁
延期 檔案類型開發人員 檔案類別 檔案類型描述 軟體 軟體開發人員
.GAM Nintendo 遊戲檔案 Saved Game File DeSmuME Open Source
.GBA Unknown Developer 遊戲檔案 Game Boy Advance ROM KiGB Open Source
.GBC VBA Team 遊戲檔案 Game Boy Color ROM BGB Open Source
.GBL Ucamco 資料檔案 Gerber Bottom Layer Data File Gerbv Open Source
.GBP Genie 備份檔案 Genie Timeline Backup Index File Gerbv Open Source
.GBX Nadeo 遊戲檔案 Nadeo Game File CyberBoard Open Source
.GCF Valve 遊戲檔案 Game Cache File GCFScape Open Source
.GDB Garmin 資料庫檔案 GPS Database File Firebird Open Source
.GDBTABLE Open Source 資料檔案 Geodatabase Table File GDAL Open Source
.GDI Open Source 遊戲檔案 Dreamcast Gigabyte Disc Image nullDC Open Source
.GDP Open Source 資料檔案 Scrolling Game Development Kit Project The Scrolling Game Development Kit Open Source
.GDT Open Source 資料檔案 Gretl Data File gretl Open Source
.GED Thoughtful Creations 資料檔案 GEDCOM Genealogy Data File Taurus FamilyTree Open Source
.GEDCOM Open Source 資料檔案 GEDCOM Genealogy File Lifelines Open Source
.GEF Open Source 資料檔案 Geotechnical Exchange Format File GEF plot Open Source
.GEN Sega 遊戲檔案 Sega Genesis ROM Gens Plus! Open Source
.GEOJSON Open Source GIS檔案 GeoJSON File GDAL Open Source
.GFB Open Source 光柵圖像檔案 GIFBlast Compressed Image File GIFBlast Open Source
.GFF Roche Sequencing Solutions, Inc. 資料檔案 SignalMap Gene-Finding Format Data File Integrated Genome Browser Open Source
.GFW Open Source GIS檔案 GIF World File AbiWord Open Source
.GG Google 不常見的文件 Google Desktop Gadget File OpenEmu Open Source
.GHOST Open Source 插件檔案 Ghost Inactive Mode File Wrye Bash Open Source
.GIM Sony 光柵圖像檔案 PlayStation Portable Image File RCO Editor Open Source
.GIR Open Source 視頻檔案 Gens Plus! Movie Capture Gens Plus! Open Source
.GITMODULES Open Source 資料檔案 Git Module Git Open Source
.GLADE Open Source 開發商檔案 Glade Project File Glade Open Source
.GLF Vladimir Romanyuk 三維圖像檔案 Space Engine Shader File AfterGRASP Open Source
.GLS Babylon Software Ltd. 資料檔案 Babylon Glossary File GLScript Open Source
.GM GameMonkey 開發商檔案 GameMonkey Script PSPad Open Source
.GML Galdos Systems, Inc. GIS檔案 Geography Markup Language File Gerbv Open Source
.GMMOD YoYo Games 三維圖像檔案 Game Maker 3D Model File Model Creator for Game Maker Open Source
.GMP Blue Marble Geographics 資料檔案 Global Mapper Package File Geomorph Open Source
.GMS Open Source 資料檔案 Gesture And Motion Signal File libGMS Open Source
.GMV GenSoft 遊戲檔案 Gens Game Recording Gens Open Source
.GNU Sublime HQ Pty Ltd 文字檔 GNU Licence Information Gnuplot Open Source
.GNUMERIC Open Source 試算表檔案 Gnumeric Spreadsheet Gnumeric Open Source
.GO Google 開發商檔案 Go Source Code File NetBeans Open Source
.GOD 4D, Inc 遊戲檔案 Gore Game Data File God Open Source
.GP Sublime HQ Pty Ltd 開發商檔案 Gofer Project Source PSPad Open Source
.GP4 Arobas Music 不常見的文件 Guitar Pro 4 Tablature DGuitar Open Source
.GPD Microsoft Corporation 文字檔 Generic Printer Description File PhotoDefiner Viewer Open Source
.GPF Open Source 遊戲檔案 Gecko Patch File Nintendulator Open Source
.GPI Garmin 資料檔案 Garmin Point Of Interest File Gerbv Open Source
.GPL Open Source 文字檔 GNU Public License Text File Notepad2 Open Source
.GPP Open Source 資料檔案 Guitar Practiced Perfectly 2 Data File Guitar Practiced Perfectly version 2 Open Source
.GPR Molecular Devices 資料檔案 GenePix Results File Avogadro Open Source
.GPX Unknown Developer GIS檔案 GPS Exchange File JOSM Open Source
.GRAMPS Open Source 資料檔案 Gramps XML Data Gramps Open Source
.GRAPHML The GraphML Team 資料檔案 GraphML File Gephi Open Source
.GRE Open Source 資料檔案 GRETEP Data GRETEP Open Source
.GRF GRAVITY 遊戲檔案 Ragnarok Client Archive OpenTTD Open Source
.GRO Open Source 音頻檔案 Allegro MIDI File Audacity Open Source
.GROOVY VMware 開發商檔案 Groovy Source Code File NetBeans Open Source
.GRP Blizzard Entertainment Inc. 遊戲檔案 StarCraft Graphics Group File Ken Silverman's Build Engine Open Source
.GS0 Sega 遊戲檔案 Sega Genesis Emulator Quick Slot 0 Save File Gens/GS Open Source
.GSC Activision 遊戲檔案 Call Of Duty Game Script Notepad2 Open Source
.GTF Open Source 資料檔案 Gene Transfer Format File Integrated Genome Browser Open Source
.GTM Open Source 資料檔案 GreekToMe Translation File GreekToMe Open Source
.GTO Quicken 資料檔案 Quicken Online Data File Gerbv Open Source
.GTP Ucamco 資料檔案 Gerber Top Solder Paste Data File Gerbv Open Source
.GTR Stanford Center for Biomedical Informatics Research 資料檔案 Stanford Microarray Database Gene Tree Data Standford Microarray Open Source
.GTS Ucamco 資料檔案 Gerber Top Solder Mask Data File Gerbv Open Source
.GTY Open Source 資料檔案 G-clamp Template File G-clamp Open Source
.GVI Google 視頻檔案 Google Video File Eltima Elmedia Player Open Source
.GVS Open Source 音頻檔案 GuitarVision Song File GuitarVision Player Open Source
.GWB Open Source 頁面佈局檔案 Interwrite Presentation File InterWrite Reader Open Source
.GXS Open Source 資料檔案 GrafiXML Graph Data File GrafiXML Open Source
.GXW Open Source GIS檔案 GRASS GIS Workspace File GRASS Open Source
.GZ GNU Project 壓縮檔案 Gnu Zipped Archive PeaZip Open Source
.H The Eclipse Foundation 開發商檔案 C/C++/Objective-C Header File gVim Open Source
.H5 The HDF Group 資料檔案 Hierarchical Data Format 5 File GDAL Open Source
.HAC Open Source 開發商檔案 Helma Actions Script Helma Open Source
.HAL HansaWorld 不常見的文件 HansaWorld Enterprise HAL Code File Dragon UnPACKer Open Source
.HAML Sublime HQ Pty Ltd 開發商檔案 HTML Abstraction Markup Language File PSPad Open Source
.HAN Amazon 電子書文件 Amazon Kindle eBook Data File AbiWord Open Source
.HBS GitHub, Inc. 開發商檔案 Handlebars Template Adobe Edge Code C Open Source
.HBX Open Source 編碼檔案 BinHex Encoded File UUDeview Open Source
.HC Open Source 磁片圖像檔案 VeraCrypt Container File VeraCrypt Open Source
.HDI Open Source 磁片圖像檔案 Hard Disk Image Anex86 Open Source
.HDM Openwave Systems Ltd 網絡文件 Handheld Device Markup Language (HDML) File Notepad2 Open Source
.HDML Openwave Systems Ltd 網絡文件 Handheld Device Markup Language (HDML) File Notepad2 Open Source
.HDMOV Apple 視頻檔案 QuickTime HD Movie File Media Player Classic Open Source
.HDT Adobe Systems Incorporated 設置檔案 Photoshop HDR Toning Preset File Helium Music Manager Open Source
.HEX Intel Corporation 開發商檔案 Hexadecimal Source File UUDeview Open Source
.HFB Open Source 遊戲檔案 Hell Fighter Battle File Hell Fighter Open Source
.HH Microsoft Corporation 開發商檔案 C++ Header File HammerHead Rhythm Station Open Source
.HI Interscape 遊戲檔案 MacMAME High Scores File MAME Open Source
.HIN Hypercube, Inc. 資料檔案 HyperChem Input File Avogadro Open Source
.HND Han Kleijn 資料檔案 HNSKY Deep Sky Database File HNSKY Open Source
.HO Open Source 資料檔案 Knowledge Explorer Knowledge Representation Hierarchy Outline my Knowledge Explorer Open Source
.HOC Open Source 開發商檔案 High Order Calculator (HOC) Script File High Order Calculator (HOC) Open Source
.HRF Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems 光柵圖像檔案 Hitachi Raster Format File Dragon UnPACKer Open Source
.HRL Ericsson Computer Science Laboratory 開發商檔案 Erlang Header File AbiWord Open Source
.HS Open Source 開發商檔案 Haskell Script gVim Open Source
.HSD Microsoft Corporation 資料檔案 Hagaki Studio Document File Highway Pursuit Open Source
.HSK Huskey Truss & Building Supply 資料檔案 Huskey Truss & Building Supply Import File Notepad2 Open Source
.HTB Open Source 資料檔案 Audacity Help File Audacity Open Source
.HTF Australian Government GIS檔案 Hydrographic Transfer Format GDAL Open Source
.HTM Various Developers 網絡文件 Hypertext Markup Language File AbiWord Open Source
.HTML Various Developers 網絡文件 Hypertext Markup Language File AbiWord Open Source
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