.SDC | Stardock Corporation | 備份檔案 | Stardock Central Download Archive | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.SDD | Programming Sunrise | 資料檔案 | Smart Diary Suite Data File | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.SDI | Intuit, Inc. | 資料檔案 | QuickBooks Data File | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.SDP | Oracle Corporation | 資料檔案 | StarOffice Presentation File | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.SDS | Oracle Corporation | 資料檔案 | OpenOffice.org Chart | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.SDV | Pinnacle Systems Inc. | 視頻檔案 | Studio DV Project File | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.SDW | LizardTech | GIS檔案 | MrSID World File | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.SFS | Open Source | 壓縮檔案 | Squashfs File Archive | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.SILK | Microsoft Corporation | 試算表檔案 | Microsoft Excel Symbolic Link Format | Apache OpenOffice Calc | Apache Software Foundation |
.SKI | Motorola | 設置檔案 | Motorola Phone Skin File | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.SKV | Microsoft Corporation | 資料檔案 | Semicolon Separated Values File | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.SMF | Oracle Corporation | 文字檔 | StarMath Formula File | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.SMS | Sega | 遊戲檔案 | Sega Master System ROM | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.SOB | Apache Software Foundation | 光柵圖像檔案 | OpenOffice.org Impress Bimap Styles File | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.SOC | Apache Software Foundation | 設置檔案 | OpenOffice.org Configuration File | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.SOD | id Software | 遊戲檔案 | Spear Of Destiny Data File | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.SOF | Apache Software Foundation | 資料檔案 | Colour Palettes And Various Style Elements File | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.SOG | Apache Software Foundation | 資料檔案 | Apache OpenOffice (OpenOffice.org) Colour Palettes | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.SRS | Microsoft Corporation | 設置檔案 | Outlook Send/Receive Settings File | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.STC | Adobe Systems Incorporated | 網絡文件 | Contribute Connection Key File | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.STD | Oracle Corporation | 向量圖像檔案 | Apache OpenOffice Drawing Template | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.STE | Adobe Systems Incorporated | 設置檔案 | Dreamweaver Site Settings File | OpenOffice Writer | Apache Software Foundation |
.STI | Oracle Corporation | 資料檔案 | StarOffice Presentation Template | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.STM | Microsoft Corporation | 資料檔案 | Exchange Streaming Media File | Apache OpenOffice Calc | Apache Software Foundation |
.STW | Oracle Corporation | 文字檔 | StarOffice Document Template | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.SVM | Star Division | 光柵圖像檔案 | StarView Metafile | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.SVN | Apache Software Foundation | 資料檔案 | Subversion Data File | Subversion | Apache Software Foundation |
.SWX | Apache Software Foundation | 文字檔 | OpenOffice.org 1.0 Text Document | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.SXC | Sun Microsystems | 試算表檔案 | StarOffice Calc Spreadsheet | Apache OpenOffice Calc | Apache Software Foundation |
.SXD | ESRI | GIS檔案 | ArcScene Document | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.SXG | Oracle Corporation | 文字檔 | Apache OpenOffice Master Document | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.SXI | Oracle Corporation | 資料檔案 | StarOffice Impress Presentation | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.SXW | Oracle Corporation | 文字檔 | StarOffice Writer Document | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.THM | Sony | 不常見的文件 | Sony Ericsson Mobile Phone Theme File | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.TIS | Acronis | 備份檔案 | True Image Script | Apache Lucene | Apache Software Foundation |
.TML | Odetics Broadcast | 資料檔案 | AIRO Timeline File Format | Apache Tapestry | Apache Software Foundation |
.TSV | Unknown Developer | 資料檔案 | Tab Separated Values File | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.TVX | Doug Cutting | 不常見的文件 | Apache Lucene Term Vector Index File | Apache Lucene | Apache Software Foundation |
.UOF | The Document Foundation | 文字檔 | Uniform Office Document | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.URD | Kinook Software, Inc. | 資料庫檔案 | Ultra Recall Database File | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.UZN | Apache Software Foundation | 資料檔案 | Tesseract-Migneuzn Tool Output File | Tesseract-OCR | Apache Software Foundation |
.VOR | Sun Microsystems | 不常見的文件 | StarOffice Template | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.VSDX | Microsoft Corporation | 向量圖像檔案 | Visio Drawing | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.WAR | Oracle Corporation | 壓縮檔案 | Java Web Archive | Apache Tomcat | Apache Software Foundation |
.WK! | IBM | 試算表檔案 | Lotus 1-2-3 Spreadsheet | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.WK1 | IBM | 資料檔案 | Lotus Worksheet | Apache OpenOffice Calc | Apache Software Foundation |
.WKE | IBM | 試算表檔案 | Lotus 1-2-3 Educational Version Worksheet | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.WN | WN | 網絡文件 | WN Web File | OpenOffice Writer | Apache Software Foundation |
.WR! | IBM | 試算表檔案 | Lotus 1-2-3 Spreadsheet | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.XBA | Oracle Corporation | 插件檔案 | OpenOffice.org Basic Module File | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.XCU | Apache Software Foundation | 設置檔案 | OpenOffice.org Configuration File | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.XLB | Microsoft Corporation | 設置檔案 | Excel Toolbars File | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.XLS | Microsoft Corporation | 試算表檔案 | Microsoft Excel 97 To 2003 Spreadsheet | Apache OpenOffice Calc | Apache Software Foundation |
.XLSB | Microsoft Corporation | 試算表檔案 | Excel Binary Spreadsheet | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.XLSM | Microsoft Corporation | 試算表檔案 | Microsoft Excel Open XML Macro-Enabled Spreadsheet | Apache OpenOffice Calc | Apache Software Foundation |
.XLSX | Microsoft Corporation | 試算表檔案 | Microsoft Excel Open XML Spreadsheet | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.Y | Microsoft Corporation | 光柵圖像檔案 | Subsampled Raw YUV Image | OpenOffice Writer | Apache Software Foundation |