Tüm GIS Dosyalarına Göz At

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Uzantı Dosya Türü Geliştiricisi Dosya Kategorileri Dosya Türü Açıklaması Birincil Yazılım Birincil Yazılım Geliştiricisi
.004 SourceForge GIS Dosyaları Compressed File From A Multi-volume Archive (part 4) 7-Zip Igor Pavlov
.005 bhv GIS Dosyaları Winfunktion Mathematik V8.0 Julia Fractal File WinFunction Mathematics bhv
.006 bhv GIS Dosyaları Winfunktion Mathematik V8.0 Julia Fractal File WinFunction Mathematics bhv
.007 bhv GIS Dosyaları Winfunktion Mathematik V8.0 Julia Fractal File WinFunction Mathematics bhv
.008 ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute) GIS Dosyaları International S-57 Hydrographic Data Electronic Navigation Chart ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute)
.009 bhv GIS Dosyaları Winfunktion Mathematik V8.0 Julia Fractal File WinFunction Mathematics bhv
.3D Interscape GIS Dosyaları 3D Drawing CAD Data Quick3D quick3D
.3DC NNG GIS Dosyaları iGO 3D Building Data iGO Navigation NNG
.3DF Informative Graphics Corporation GIS Dosyaları 3D Format Myriad Informative Graphics Corporation
.AAT ESRI GIS Dosyaları Arcinfo Line Data Attribute Data ArcInfo ESRI
.ADF Cloanto Corporation GIS Dosyaları Amiga Disk File Amiga Forever Cloanto Corporation
.AER Adobe Systems Incorporated GIS Dosyaları Adobe Atmosphere World Adobe Atmosphere Adobe Systems Incorporated
.AEU Microsoft Corporation GIS Dosyaları Microsoft AutoRoute Express Europe Route Data Microsoft AutoRoute Microsoft Corporation
.AFP Garmin GIS Dosyaları XMap Flight Plan Statistic File XMap Garmin
.AGB AGIS GIS Dosyaları NAVFone Data NAVFone AGIS
.AGF ESRI GIS Dosyaları Atlas GIS Native Binary Geodataset ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute)
.AIN Valve GIS Dosyaları Source Engine Compiled AI Nodegraph File Valve Source SDK Valve
.APL Matthew T. Ashland GIS Dosyaları Monkey's Audio Track Information File Microsoft Windows Media Player Microsoft Corporation
.APM Adobe Systems Incorporated GIS Dosyaları Aldus Placeable Metafile Image GIMP The GIMP Development Team
.APP Nokia GIS Dosyaları Symbian OS Application Symbian OS Nokia
.APX Ability Plus Software GIS Dosyaları Ability Photopaint Studio Image Ability Office Ability Plus Software
.AQM Psyberia GIS Dosyaları AlpineQuest Map File Mobile Atlas Creator Open Source
.AT5 Lowrance Electronics GIS Dosyaları Lowrance Map File Lowrance Endura Lowrance Electronics
.ATX ESRI GIS Dosyaları ArcGIS Attribute Index File ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute)
.AVL ESRI GIS Dosyaları ArcView Legend File ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute)
.AWX ESRI GIS Dosyaları ArcIMS XML Project File ArcIMS ESRI
.AXE Microsoft Corporation GIS Dosyaları AutoRoute Map File Microsoft AutoRoute Microsoft Corporation
.AXT Adobe Systems Incorporated GIS Dosyaları Adobe Photoshop Extract File Adobe Photoshop CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.BIL ESRI GIS Dosyaları ESRI BIL File ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute)
.BLX Magellan Navigation GIS Dosyaları Magellan MapSend Map Data MapSend Lite Magellan Navigation
.BPW Open Source GIS Dosyaları Bitser Password File Bitser Open Source
.BQW ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute) GIS Dosyaları ArcView World Data ArcGIS ESRI
.BSB Take-Two Interactive GIS Dosyaları BioShock Saved Game File BioShock Take-Two Interactive
.BSQ ESRI GIS Dosyaları ArcView Band Sequential Image ArcView ESRI
.BT Blue Marble Geographics GIS Dosyaları BT (Binary Terrain) File Global Mapper Blue Marble Geographics
.BYO Bayo Groupe NSE GIS Dosyaları Bayo CartoExploreur Cartographic Map CartoExploreur Bayo Groupe NSE
.BZM ESRI GIS Dosyaları Business Map File BusinessMap ESRI
.CAI Naviter GIS Dosyaları SeeYou Flight Data File SeeYou Naviter
.CEE Unknown Developer GIS Dosyaları Compressed GPS Ephemeris Data Unknown Software Unknown Developer
.COR Trimble Inc. GIS Dosyaları Trimble Corrected SSF File GPS Pathfinder Office Software Trimble Inc.
.CR5 Campbell Scientific GIS Dosyaları CRBasic Source Code File CR300-Series Dataloggers Campbell Scientific
.CSF Intergraph Corporation GIS Dosyaları GeoMedia Coordinate System File Intergraph GeoMedia Hexagon Geospatial
.CUB Microsoft Corporation GIS Dosyaları Analysis Services Cube File Microsoft Excel Microsoft Corporation
.CUP Naviter GIS Dosyaları Naviter SeeYou Waypoint File SeeYou Naviter
.DBF dBase, LLC GIS Dosyaları Database File Microsoft Excel Microsoft Corporation
.DEM Valve GIS Dosyaları Video Game Demo File VirtualDub Open Source
.DGF Trimble Inc. GIS Dosyaları GPS Pathfinder Office Geoid Grid File GPS Pathfinder Office Software Trimble Inc.
.DIV Robert Hijmans GIS Dosyaları DIVA-GIS Project File DIVA-GIS Robert Hijmans
.DIX Robert Hijmans GIS Dosyaları DIVA-GIS Export File DIVA-GIS Robert Hijmans
.DLG Crytek GIS Dosyaları Crysis Dialogue Data File Crysis Crytek
.DMF Geosystem GIS Dosyaları Geosystem Digitals Map File Geosystem Digitals Geosystem
.DMT DeLorme GIS Dosyaları XMap Transfer File XMap Garmin
.DT0 National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency GIS Dosyaları DTED Level 0 File ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute)
.DT1 National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency GIS Dosyaları DTED Level 1 File ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute)
.DT2 Microsoft Corporation GIS Dosyaları Windows Live Messenger Emoticon Image File Microsoft Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation
.DVC IBM GIS Dosyaları Lotus 1-2-3 Data Lotus 1-2-3 IBM
.E00 ESRI GIS Dosyaları ArcInfo Coverage Export File ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute)
.E01 GetData GIS Dosyaları EnCase Image File PassMark OSForensics PassMark Software
.EFS ESRI GIS Dosyaları ESRI Spatial Binary File ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute)
.EGD ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute) GIS Dosyaları Encrypted Grid Shape File ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute)
.EMH EIVA a/s GIS Dosyaları NaviPac Data NaviPac EIVA a/s
.EPH Trimble Inc. GIS Dosyaları GPS Pathfinder Office Ephemeris File GPS Pathfinder Office Software Trimble Inc.
.ERS ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute) GIS Dosyaları ER Mapper Data File ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute)
.ESI Open Source GIS Dosyaları Escape Level Index File Escape Open Source
.EST Microsoft Corporation GIS Dosyaları Streets & Trips Map File Microsoft MapPoint Microsoft Corporation
.ETA Google GIS Dosyaları Google Earth Placemark File ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute)
.EVF Exelis Inc. GIS Dosyaları ENVI Vector ENVI Exelis Inc.
.EWT Interscape GIS Dosyaları EWView Trace Data EWView for MS-DOS Interscape
.FBL International TechneGroup Incorporated GIS Dosyaları CADfix Command Level Log File CADfix International TechneGroup Incorporated
.FDS Adobe Systems Incorporated GIS Dosyaları JetForm FormFlow Data File JetForm FormFlow Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FFS Safe Software GIS Dosyaları FME Desktop Feature Store File FME Desktop Safe Software
.FIT Garmin GIS Dosyaları Garmin Activity File Garmin Connect Garmin
.FME Safe Software GIS Dosyaları FME Mapping File FME Desktop Safe Software
.FMI Safe Software GIS Dosyaları FME Include File FME Desktop Safe Software
.FMV Safe Software GIS Dosyaları FME Desktop Viewspace File FME Desktop Safe Software
.FMW Safe Software GIS Dosyaları FME Workbench File FME Desktop Safe Software
.FSP Wondershare Software Co., Ltd. GIS Dosyaları Flash Slideshow Builder Project Wondershare Flash Gallery Factory Wondershare Software Co., Ltd.
.GDF Eytan Adar GIS Dosyaları GUESS Graph Data Format File GUESS Eytan Adar
.GEOJSON Open Source GIS Dosyaları GeoJSON File Notepad++ Don Ho
.GFW Open Source GIS Dosyaları GIF World File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.GGF Trimble Inc. GIS Dosyaları GPS Pathfinder Office Geoid Grid GPS Pathfinder Office Software Trimble Inc.
.GHD Adam Schneider GIS Dosyaları Geonaute Keymaze Tracklog File GPS Visualizer Adam Schneider
.GLB Analytical Graphics GIS Dosyaları STK Globe File Systems Tool Kit (STK) Analytical Graphics
.GLF Vladimir Romanyuk GIS Dosyaları Space Engine Shader File Space Engine Vladimir Romanyuk
.GMAP Garmin GIS Dosyaları Garmin Map File Garmin BaseCamp Garmin
.GMC Blue Marble Geographics GIS Dosyaları Global Mapper Catalog File Global Mapper Blue Marble Geographics
.GMF Leadwerks Software GIS Dosyaları Leadwerks Game Model File Leadwerks Game Engine Leadwerks Software
.GMI GPS Tuner GIS Dosyaları GPS Tuner Map Calibration Data MAPC2MAPC The Thorns
.GML Galdos Systems, Inc. GIS Dosyaları Geography Markup Language File Canvas X ACD Systems
.GND ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute) GIS Dosyaları Geography Network Document ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute)
.GPF Open Source GIS Dosyaları Gecko Patch File Nintendulator Open Source
.GPL Open Source GIS Dosyaları GNU Public License Text File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.GPS Molecular Devices GIS Dosyaları GenePix Settings File GenePix Pro Software Molecular Devices
.GPX Unknown Developer GIS Dosyaları GPS Exchange File Gedit GNOME
.GRI Petrosys Pty Ltd GIS Dosyaları Petrosys Grid Data Petrosys Petrosys Pty Ltd
.GSB Golden Software LLC GIS Dosyaları Golden Software Boundary File Golden Software Surfer Golden Software LLC
.GSF Nintendo GIS Dosyaları Game Boy Advance Sound File Nullsoft Winamp Nullsoft
.GSI Golden Software LLC GIS Dosyaları Golden Software Interchange File Golden Software Surfer Golden Software LLC
.GSR Golden Software LLC GIS Dosyaları Golden Software Reference File Golden Software Surfer Golden Software LLC
.GST MapInfo Corporation GIS Dosyaları MapInfo Geoset File MapInfo Professional Pitney Bowes
GIS Files Dosya Uzantılarına Şu Harfle Göz At:   # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Dosyanızı Açın

Windows 2000, XP, Vista,7, 8, 10 ve 11 ile uyumlu

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