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.SAB Spatial Corp CAD filer ACIS SAB Model File TurboCAD Pro Platinum IMSI/Design, LLC
.SAT Spatial Corp CAD filer ACIS SAT 3D Model File Autodesk Fusion 360 Autodesk, Inc.
.SBP Autodesk, Inc. CAD filer Sketchbook Express iCloud Image SketchBook Autodesk, Inc.
.SCH Autodesk, Inc. CAD filer EAGLE Schematics File Autodesk EAGLE Autodesk, Inc.
.SDG Golden Software LLC CAD filer Strater Project File Strater Golden Software LLC
.SDK Autodesk, Inc. CAD filer AutoSketch Drawing AutoSketch Autodesk, Inc.
.SEW S & S Computing CAD filer Home Embroidery Format StudioPlus Designer's Gallery software
.SGO Volkswagen CAD filer ECU Update Engine Control Unit (ECU) Volkswagen
.SHE CAD Schroer CAD filer Medusa 2D CAD File Medusa CAD Schroer
.SHX Autodesk, Inc. CAD filer AutoCAD Compiled Shape File Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D Autodesk, Inc.
.SKCHR Open Source CAD filer SketchChair Design SketchChair Open Source
.SKF Autodesk, Inc. CAD filer AutoSketch Drawing AutoSketch Autodesk, Inc.
.SLC Open Source CAD filer SLiCe Format Data 3D Lightyear 3D Systems
.SLDASM Dassault Systèmes CAD filer SolidWorks Assembly File Autodesk Fusion 360 Autodesk, Inc.
.SLDDRW Dassault Systèmes CAD filer SolidWorks Drawing File Dassault Systemes SolidWorks Dassault Systèmes
.SLDPRT Dassault Systèmes CAD filer SolidWorks CAD Part File Autodesk Fusion 360 Autodesk, Inc.
.SM3 DataCAD LLC CAD filer DataCAD Symbol File DataCAD DataCAD LLC
.SOS 3AM Solutions CAD filer Dynamite VSP Swept Object Style File Dynamite VSP 3AM Solutions
.SPT Interactive Data Visualization, Inc. CAD filer SpeedTree Tree Data File SpeedTree Architect Interactive Data Visualization, Inc.
.STD Oracle Corporation CAD filer Apache OpenOffice Drawing Template Apache OpenOffice Apache Software Foundation
.STL 3D Systems CAD filer Stereolithography File Creo Parametric 3D Modeling Software PTC
.STYXML Autodesk, Inc. CAD filer Inventor Style Library File Autodesk Inventor Autodesk, Inc.
.SVD Polytec CAD filer Scanning Vibrometer Data File Polytec PSV Software Polytec
.SXE ProfiCAD CAD filer ProfiCAD Document ProfiCAD ProfiCAD
.SYM The Eclipse Foundation CAD filer Symbols File Eclipse CDT The Eclipse Foundation
.SZN ISD Group CAD filer HiCAD 3D CAD Drawing HiCAD neXt ISD Group
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