.S | Unknown Developer | 3D bildfiler | Source Code File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.SAM | Microsoft Corporation | 3D bildfiler | LMHOSTS Sample File | Notepad++ | Don Ho |
.SC4MODEL | Electronic Arts | 3D bildfiler | SimCity 4 Model File | Electronic Arts SimCity 4 | Electronic Arts |
.SCAN | Unknown Developer | 3D bildfiler | Scan Data | Unknown Software | Unknown Developer |
.SCENE | Fandom | 3D bildfiler | Antibody Level File | Hidden Temple Studios Antibody | Fandom |
.SES | Adobe Systems Incorporated | 3D bildfiler | Audition Session File | Adobe Audition | Adobe Systems Incorporated |
.SESSION | Dassault Systèmes | 3D bildfiler | CATIA 4 Session File | Adobe Acrobat DC | Adobe Systems Incorporated |
.SG1 | Open Source | 3D bildfiler | Standford Graphics File | WinDS PRO | Open Source |
.SGN | Signet Bureau | 3D bildfiler | Signet Bureau DRM File | SGN Viewer | Signet Bureau |
.SH3D | eTeks | 3D bildfiler | Sweet Home 3D Design File | Sweet Home 3D | eTeks |
.SHP | Autodesk, Inc. | 3D bildfiler | AutoCAD Shape File | Autodesk AutoCAD Ecscad | Autodesk, Inc. |
.SI | Autodesk, Inc. | 3D bildfiler | Softimage Image File | Autodesk Softimage 2015 | Autodesk, Inc. |
.SKL | Autodesk, Inc. | 3D bildfiler | Maya Skeleton File | Autodesk Maya | Autodesk, Inc. |
.SKP | Trimble Inc. | 3D bildfiler | SketchUp Document | SketchUp | Trimble Inc. |
.SM | Open Source | 3D bildfiler | StepMania Song File | StepMania | Open Source |
.SMD | Valve | 3D bildfiler | Valve Studiomdl Data File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.SML | ESRI | 3D bildfiler | ARC/INFO Simple Macro Language File | ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop | ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute) |
.SPH | National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) | 3D bildfiler | NIST SPHERE Audio File | SoX | Open Source |
.SRF | NewTek | 3D bildfiler | LightWave Surface File | LightWave 3D | NewTek |
.SRS | Microsoft Corporation | 3D bildfiler | Outlook Send/Receive Settings File | Microsoft Outlook | Microsoft Corporation |
.SSB | Joshua Cannon Butcher | 3D bildfiler | Simply Safe Backup Archive | Simply Safe Backup | Joshua Cannon Butcher |
.STC | Adobe Systems Incorporated | 3D bildfiler | Contribute Connection Key File | Adobe Contribute 6.5 | Adobe Systems Incorporated |
.STEP | Unknown Developer | 3D bildfiler | STEP 3D Model | Autodesk Fusion 360 | Autodesk, Inc. |
.STO | Ecru Software | 3D bildfiler | PRO100 3D Interior Design Project | Ecru Software PRO100 | Ecru Software |
.STP | Unknown Developer | 3D bildfiler | STEP 3D CAD File | CATIA | Dassault Systèmes |
.SVE | Simutrans Development Team | 3D bildfiler | Simutrans Saved Game | Simutrans | Simutrans Development Team |