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Förlängning Utvecklare av filtypen Filkategori Beskrivning av filtypen Mjukvara Programutvecklare
.3FX Corel Inställningsfiler Corel Chart 3D Effect CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Corel
.91 Corel Fontfiler Ventura Publisher 91x91 DPI Display Font Ventura Publisher Corel
.A00 Robert K. Jung Komprimerade filer Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive WinZip Corel
.A01 Robert K. Jung Komprimerade filer Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive WinZip Corel
.A02 Robert K. Jung Komprimerade filer Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive WinZip Corel
.A03 Robert K. Jung Komprimerade filer Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive WinZip Corel
.A04 Robert K. Jung Komprimerade filer Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive WinZip Corel
.A05 Robert K. Jung Komprimerade filer Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive WinZip Corel
.A06 Robert K. Jung Komprimerade filer Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive WinZip Corel
.A07 Robert K. Jung Komprimerade filer Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive WinZip Corel
.A08 Robert K. Jung Komprimerade filer Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive WinZip Corel
.A09 Robert K. Jung Komprimerade filer Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive WinZip Corel
.A10 Robert K. Jung Komprimerade filer Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive WinZip Corel
.A11 Robert K. Jung Komprimerade filer Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive WinZip Corel
.A32 Robert K. Jung Komprimerade filer Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive WinZip Corel
.AB3 Ulead Systems Datafiler PhotoImpact 3 Album File PhotoImpact Corel
.ABK Corel Backupfiler Automatic Backup File CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Corel
.ABX Corel Databasfiler WordPerfect Address Book Corel WordPerfect X8 Corel
.ADOC Stuart Rackham 3D bildfiler AsciiDoc File Corel WordPerfect Corel
.AF2 iGrafx Vektorbildfiler Micrografx ABC FlowCharter 2 File iGrafx Designer Corel
.AF3 iGrafx Vektorbildfiler Micrografx ABC FlowCharter 3/4 File iGrafx Designer Corel
.AFW iGrafx Inställningsfiler Micrografx FlowCharter Work Area Data iGrafx Designer Corel
.AFX Auto FX Software Rasterbildfiler Auto FX PhotoGraphic Edges Image Corel Painter Corel
.AI Adobe Systems Incorporated Vektorbildfiler Adobe Illustrator File CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Corel
.AI4 Adobe Systems Incorporated Vektorbildfiler Encapsulated PostScript File Corel Presentations X8 Corel
.ALL Steinberg Ljudfiler Cubase Project Corel WordPerfect Corel
.ALT Microsoft Corporation Mindre vanliga filer Dynamics AX Temporary File Corel WordPerfect Corel
.AOB Unknown Developer Ljudfiler DVD-Audio Audio Object File Corel WinDVD Corel
.APK Google Komprimerade filer Android Package File WinZip Corel
.AR Microsoft Corporation Spelfiler Midtown Madness Data File Corel WinZip 21 Corel
.ARC Symantec Corporation Backupfiler Norton Backup Archive Corel WinZip 21 Corel
.ARS Adobe Systems Incorporated Inställningsfiler After Effects Render Settings File Corel WordPerfect Corel
.ART Autodesk, Inc. CAD filer ArtCAM Model CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Corel
.ASP Microsoft Corporation Webbfiler Active Server Page Corel WordPerfect Corel
.ATT Unknown Developer Webbfiler Web Form Post Data File Corel WordPerfect X8 Corel
.B64 Smith Micro Software Komprimerade filer Base64 MIME-Encoded File Corel WinZip 21 Corel
.B8 Open Source Rasterbildfiler Bitmap Picture File PaintShop Pro Corel
.BAK Various Developers Backupfiler General Backup File Corel WordPerfect X8 Corel
.BBS Open Source Textfiler Bulletin Board System Text Corel WordPerfect Corel
.BE Corel Datafiler Paradox Query-By-Example Query Corel Paradox Corel
.BED University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) Datafiler UCSC BED Annotation Track File Corel WordPerfect Corel
.BIN Unknown Developer Diskimage filer Binary Disk Image File WinZip Corel
.BK! Corel Backupfiler Corel WordPerfect Document Backup File Corel WordPerfect Corel
.BK3 Corel Backupfiler Corel WordPerfect Document Backup File Corel WordPerfect Corel
.BK4 Corel Backupfiler Corel WordPerfect Document Backup File Corel WordPerfect Corel
.BK6 Corel Backupfiler Corel WordPerfect Document Backup File Corel WordPerfect Corel
.BK8 Corel Backupfiler Corel WordPerfect Document Backup File Corel WordPerfect Corel
.BK9 Corel Backupfiler Corel WordPerfect Document Backup File Corel WordPerfect Corel
.BMF IMSI/Design, LLC CAD filer FloorPlan File Corel Gallery Corel
.BPT Corel Rasterbildfiler CorelDRAW Bitmap Master Data CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Corel
.BRT DAZ 3D Rasterbildfiler Bryce Textures File Micrografx Picture Publisher Corel
.BUP Various Developers Backupfiler Backup File Corel WinDVD Corel
.BV2 Corel Corporation Temporära filer Corel WordPerfect Overflow File Corel WordPerfect X8 Corel
.BV3 Corel Corporation Temporära filer Corel WordPerfect Overflow File Corel WordPerfect X8 Corel
.BV4 Corel Corporation Temporära filer Corel WordPerfect Overflow File Corel WordPerfect X8 Corel
.BV6 Corel Corporation Temporära filer Corel WordPerfect Overflow File Corel WordPerfect X8 Corel
.BV7 Corel Corporation Temporära filer Corel WordPerfect Overflow File Corel WordPerfect X8 Corel
.BVL Corel Inställningsfiler Micrografx Picture Publisher 8 Textures File Micrografx Picture Publisher Corel
.BZ2 Julian Seward Komprimerade filer Bzip2 Compressed File Corel WinZip 21 Corel
.CAB Microsoft Corporation Systemfiler Windows Cabinet File Corel WinZip 21 Corel
.CAL Newera Software Technology, Inc. Rasterbildfiler CALS Raster File CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Corel
.CALS Newera Software Technology, Inc. Rasterbildfiler CALS Raster File CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Corel
.CCH Microsoft Corporation Mindre vanliga filer .NET Security Resolution Cache File Corel Chart Corel
.CCK U.S. Department of Energy Datafiler COMcheck Data File CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Corel
.CCX Clickteam Pluginfiler Click & Create Extension CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Corel
.CDR Corel Vektorbildfiler CorelDRAW Vector Image File PaintShop Pro Corel
.CDT Sony Diskimage filer CD-Text File Corel Presentations X8 Corel
.CDX Microsoft Corporation Datafiler Compound Index File CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Corel
.CFL Corel Corporation Mindre vanliga filer Corel Flow Flow Chart File Corel WordPerfect Corel
.CFT Walt Disney Animation Studios Grafikfil CFast Graphics CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Corel
.CH3 Harvard Graphics Sidlayoutfiler Harvard Graphics DOS Chart File Corel Presentations X8 Corel
.CHP Corel Corporation Datafiler Ventura Publisher Chapter Document Ventura Publisher Corel
.CIK Corel Inställningsfiler Corel Graphics 10 Custom Dual Tone File CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Corel
.CKO Corel Grafikfil Image Mask File Corel KnockOut 2 Corel
.CLK Corel Datafiler Corel R.A.V.E Project File CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Corel
.CLY Corel Inställningsfiler CorelDRAW Custom Layout CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Corel
.CMD Microsoft Corporation Exekverbara filer Windows Command File Corel WordPerfect Corel
.CMP Microsoft Corporation Inställningsfiler Windows Connection Manager Profile CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Corel
.CMX Corel Vektorbildfiler Corel Metafile Exchange Image File Corel Presentations X8 Corel
.CMY Corel Corporation Datafiler CorelDRAW Custom File CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Corel
.COR Trimble Inc. GIS filer Trimble Corrected SSF File CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Corel
.COREL WORDPERFECT DICTIONARY Corel Datafiler Corel WordPerfect Dictionary File Corel WordPerfect X8 Corel
.COS2 Pinnacle Systems Inc. Mindre vanliga filer Pinnacle Studio Cache File Pinnacle Studio Corel
.CPD Adobe Systems Incorporated Datafiler RoboHelp Cache Project Database CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Corel
.CPH Corel Sidlayoutfiler Corel Print House File Corel Print House Corel
.CPI Sony Videofiler AVCHD Video Clip Information Pinnacle Studio Corel
.CPL Microsoft Corporation Systemfiler Windows Control Panel Item CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Corel
.CPO Corel Corporation Datafiler Corel Print House Data Corel Print House Corel
.CPS Interscape Spelfiler The Powder Toy Save File Corel Print House Corel
.CPT Corel Rasterbildfiler Corel Photo-Paint Image Corel Presentations X8 Corel
.CPX Oracle Corporation Inställningsfiler Oracle ADF Binding Context File CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Corel
.CRS Open Source Spelfiler StepMania Course File Corel WordPerfect Corel
.CRW Canon Inc. Kamera raw-filer Canon Raw CIFF Image File CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Corel
.CSB Corel Utvecklarfiler Corel PHOTO-PAINT Script Corel Photo-Paint Corel
.CSC Corel Utvecklarfiler Corel Script File Corel Photo-Paint Corel
.CSH Adobe Systems Incorporated Mindre vanliga filer Photoshop Custom Shapes File Corel WordPerfect Corel
.CSI ContentServ Utvecklarfiler ContentServ Include File Corel Photo-Paint Corel
.CSV Unknown Developer Datafiler Comma Separated Values File Corel Quattro Pro Corel
.CSW Corel Inställningsfiler Corel WordPerfect Setup Information Data Corel WordPerfect Corel
.CT Unknown Developer Spelfiler Cheat Engine Cheat Table Corel Painter Corel
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