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Förlängning Utvecklare av filtypen Filkategori Beskrivning av filtypen Mjukvara Programutvecklare
.FLI Autodesk, Inc. Videofiler FLIC Animation Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.FLV Adobe Systems Incorporated Videofiler Animate Video File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.FLX Autodesk, Inc. Videofiler FLIC Animation Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.FONT LucasArts Entertainment Company, LLC Fontfiler Font Data Apple OS X Apple
.FOR MacroMates Utvecklarfiler Fortran 77 Source File Apple Xcode Apple
.FORMATTER Apple Datafiler Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.FORUM Apple Datafiler Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.FP FileMaker Inc. Spreadsheetfiler FileMaker Pro Spreadsheet OpenGL Apple
.FPBF Apple Systemfiler Mac OS X Burn Folder Apple OS X Apple
.FPP The Eclipse Foundation Utvecklarfiler Fortran Source Code Apple Xcode Apple
.FPX Kodak Rasterbildfiler FlashPix Bitmap Image File Apple Preview Apple
.FS Microsoft Corporation Utvecklarfiler Visual F# Source File Apple OS X Apple
.FSSCRIPT Microsoft Corporation Utvecklarfiler Visual F# Script File Apple TextEdit Apple
.FSX Microsoft Corporation Utvecklarfiler Visual F# Script File Apple TextEdit Apple
.FTN The Eclipse Foundation Utvecklarfiler Fortran Source Code Apple Xcode Apple
.GAME Apple Spelfiler Apple Chess Saved Game Apple Chess Apple
.GEOJSON Open Source GIS filer GeoJSON File Apple Xcode Apple
.GFW Open Source GIS filer GIF World File Apple Pages Apple
.GIF The GIMP Development Team Rasterbildfiler Graphical Interchange Format File Apple Safari Apple
.GNE Ludicorp Webbfiler Flickr Web Page Apple Safari Apple
.GPD Microsoft Corporation Textfiler Generic Printer Description File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.GPL Open Source Textfiler GNU Public License Text File Apple TextEdit Apple
.GRAPHICS Apple Datafiler Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.GSPLUS Unknown Developer Datafiler Unknown Apple II File. (found On Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) Apple IIGS Apple
.GTAR Free Software Foundation Datafiler GNU Tar Archive Apple Archive Utility Apple
.GZ GNU Project Komprimerade filer Gnu Zipped Archive Apple Archive Utility Apple
.H The Eclipse Foundation Utvecklarfiler C/C++/Objective-C Header File Apple Xcode Apple
.H264 Ulead Systems Videofiler H.264 Encoded Video File Apple iTunes Apple
.HAML Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Utvecklarfiler HTML Abstraction Markup Language File Apple TextEdit Apple
.HARP Apple Datafiler Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.HCO Apple Ljudfiler Macintosh Sound Resource Fork File macOS Apple
.HDM Openwave Systems Ltd Webbfiler Handheld Device Markup Language (HDML) File Apple Pages Apple
.HDML Openwave Systems Ltd Webbfiler Handheld Device Markup Language (HDML) File Apple Pages Apple
.HDMOV Apple Videofiler QuickTime HD Movie File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.HDT Adobe Systems Incorporated Inställningsfiler Photoshop HDR Toning Preset File Apple TextEdit Apple
.HEAD Apple Datafiler Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.HEADER Apple Datafiler Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.HEIC Moving Picture Experts Group Rasterbildfiler High Efficiency Image Format Apple iOS Apple
.HEIF Moving Picture Experts Group Rasterbildfiler High Efficiency Image Format Apple iOS Apple
.HELP Apple Systemfiler Mac OS X Help Book macOS Apple
.HELPER Apple Datafiler Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.HEY Apple Datafiler Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.HH Microsoft Corporation Utvecklarfiler C++ Header File Apple Xcode Apple
.HIGH Apple Datafiler Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.HINT Unknown Developer Datafiler Unknown Apple II File. (found On Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) Apple IIGS Apple
.HOLLY Unknown Developer Datafiler Unknown Apple II File. (found On Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) Apple IIGS Apple
.HPP Microsoft Corporation Utvecklarfiler C++ Header File Apple Xcode Apple
.HPRT Apple Datafiler Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.HRL Ericsson Computer Science Laboratory Utvecklarfiler Erlang Header File Apple TextEdit Apple
.HSK Huskey Truss & Building Supply Datafiler Huskey Truss & Building Supply Import File Apple TextEdit Apple
.HT Hilgraeve Inc Inställningsfiler HyperTerminal Session File Apple Safari Apple
.HTM Various Developers Webbfiler Hypertext Markup Language File Apple Safari Apple
.HTML Various Developers Webbfiler Hypertext Markup Language File Apple Safari Apple
.HTML5 Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Utvecklarfiler HTML5 Hypertext Markup Language Revision 5 Source Code Apple TextEdit Apple
.HVC Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Textfiler ASCII Text Apple TextEdit Apple
.H__ Microsoft Corporation Utvecklarfiler C++ Header File Apple Xcode Apple
.IBA Lectra CAD filer Lectra Clothing Design Pieces File Apple iBooks Apple
.IBOOKS Apple e-boksfiler Multi-Touch iBook Apple iBooks Apple
.ICAL Open Source Mindre vanliga filer iCalendar File Apple Calendar Apple
.ICALENDAR Open Source Mindre vanliga filer iCalendar File Apple Calendar Apple
.ICC Corel Inställningsfiler International Color Consortium Profile File ColorSync Apple
.ICO The GIMP Development Team Systemfiler Icon File Apple Preview Apple
.ICS IronCAD, LLC CAD filer IronCAD 3D CAD Drawing File Apple Calendar Apple
.IFF Electronic Arts Ljudfiler Interchange File Format Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.IFO Various Developers Videofiler DVD-Video Disc Information File Apple DVD Player Apple
.IFV Intel Corporation Videofiler Indeo Video Format File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.IIL Symantec Corporation Datafiler Norton CleanSweep Installation Log File Apple TextEdit Apple
.IL Microsoft Corporation Mindre vanliga filer MSIL Assembler Input File Apple TextEdit Apple
.IMAGE Apple Diskimage filer Apple Disk Image Disk Copy Apple
.IMG Unknown Developer Diskimage filer Disk Image Data File Disk Copy Apple
.IMG3 Apple Systemfiler Apple iOS Img3 Encrypted Or Signed Container Apple iTunes Apple
.IMOVIEPROJ Apple Videofiler iMovie Project File Apple Final Cut Pro Apple
.IMT Intuit, Inc. Datafiler My Time Data File macOS Apple
.INFO GNU Project Mindre vanliga filer Texinfo Document Apple TextEdit Apple
.INSID Apple Datafiler Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.INSTALLER Apple Datafiler Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.INSTR Unknown Developer Datafiler Unknown Apple II File. (found On Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) Apple IIGS Apple
.INTEGER Apple Datafiler Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.INTRO Unknown Developer Datafiler Unknown Apple II File. (found On Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) Apple IIGS Apple
.ION Open Source Systemfiler File Description File Apple TextEdit Apple
.IPA Apple Exekverbara filer Apple iOS Application Apple iTunes Apple
.IPB Apple Mindre vanliga filer iPhone Perl Script Apple iOS Apple
.IPCC Apple Inställningsfiler iPhone Carrier Bundle Apple iTunes Apple
.IPG Apple Komprimerade filer iPod Game File Apple iTunes Apple
.IPR Flexera Software Utvecklarfiler InstallShield Project Apple Final Cut Pro Apple
.IPS ZeroSoft Zophar Spelfiler Internal Patching System Patch File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.IPSW Apple Mindre vanliga filer iPod And iPhone Software Update File Apple iTunes Apple
.ISO Igor Pavlov Diskimage filer Disc Image File Apple Disk Utility Apple
.ITC Apple Mindre vanliga filer iTunes Cover Flow Data File Apple iTunes Apple
.ITC2 Apple Rasterbildfiler iTunes Cover Flow Data File 2 Apple iTunes Apple
.ITE Apple Datafiler iTunes Extras File Apple iTunes Apple
.ITL Apple Datafiler iTunes Library File Apple iTunes Apple
.IVF Intel Corporation Videofiler Indeo Video Format File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.IVS Thomas d'Otreppe de Bouvette Datafiler Initialization Vector File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.IWA Apple Kodade filer iWork Archive File iWork Apple
.IWS JetBrains Utvecklarfiler IntelliJ IDEA Web Page Apple Safari Apple
.J Oracle Corporation Utvecklarfiler Java Source File Safari Apple
.J2K Joint Photographic Experts Group Rasterbildfiler JPEG 2000 Image Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.JAR Oracle Corporation Komprimerade filer Java Archive File Apple Safari Apple
.JAV Oracle Corporation Utvecklarfiler Java Source Code Apple TextEdit Apple
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Kompatibelt med Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 och 11

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“FileViewPro eliminerar tiden och frustrationen av att försöka spåra en specifik mjukvara för att öppna en specifik fil.”   - Tucows

