Förlängning | Utvecklare av filtypen | Filkategori | Beskrivning av filtypen | Mjukvara | Programutvecklare |
.P10 | Open Source | Mindre vanliga filer | Certificate Request File | Apple Mail | Apple |
.P38 | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.P7B | Microsoft Corporation | Webbfiler | PKCS #7 Certificate File | Apple Keychain Access | Apple |
.P7C | Microsoft Corporation | Webbfiler | PKCS #7 Certificate File | Apple Keychain Access | Apple |
.P7S | Unknown Developer | Kodade filer | PKCS #7 Signature File Format | Apple Mail | Apple |
.PAC | NetScape | Webbfiler | Proxy Auto-Config File | Apple Safari | Apple |
.PAGE | Hybrid Server Pages Group | Webbfiler | HybridJava Web Page | Apple TextEdit | Apple |
.PAGES | Apple | Textfiler | Apple Pages Document | iWork | Apple |
.PAINT | Apple | Mindre vanliga filer | MacPaint Bitmap Graphics | MacPaint | Apple |
.PANIC | Open Source | Systemfiler | Kernel Panic File | macOS | Apple |
.PANO | Microsoft Corporation | Rasterbildfiler | Camera Panoramic Picture | Apple QuickTime Player | Apple |
.PARSER | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.PASCAL | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.PASS | Apple | Datafiler | Xcode Wallet Data | Apple Xcode | Apple |
.PATCHER | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.PATH | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.PAUSE | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.PAX | Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) Consortium | Komprimerade filer | PAX Archive | Apple Archive Utility | Apple |
.PAYROLL | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.PBPROJ | Apple | Utvecklarfiler | Project Builder Project | Apple Xcode | Apple |
.PCH | MSC Software | Datafiler | Nastran Punch Output File | Apple Xcode | Apple |
.PCS | Pfaff | CAD filer | Pfaff Embroidery File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.PCT | Apple | Sidlayoutfiler | Macintosh PICT Format | Apple Preview | Apple |
Adobe Systems Incorporated | Sidlayoutfiler | Portable Document Format File | Apple Pages | Apple | |
.PDU | Unknown Developer | Textfiler | Protocol Data Unit Message | Apple TextEdit | Apple |
.PEM | Microsoft Corporation | Webbfiler | Privacy Enhanced Mail Certificate | Apple Keychain Access | Apple |
.PEPSI | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.PER | Microsoft Corporation | Spelfiler | Age Of Empires Personality File | Apple TextEdit | Apple |
.PG2 | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.PG3 | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.PHL | Amazon | e-boksfiler | Kindle Popular Highlights File | Apple TextEdit | Apple |
.PHP | Panic | Webbfiler | PHP Source Code File | Apple TextEdit | Apple |
.PHP5 | Open Source | Webbfiler | PHP 5 Web Page | Apple Safari | Apple |
.PHTM | The Catalina Group | Webbfiler | PHP-Based Web Page | Safari | Apple |
.PHTML | Opera Software | Webbfiler | PHP Web Page | Safari | Apple |
.PIC | John Bridges | Rasterbildfiler | Generic Picture File | Apple Preview | Apple |
.PICS | Apple | Grafikfil | Apple Mac PICT Drawing Sequence File | QuickDraw | Apple |
.PICT | Apple | Sidlayoutfiler | Macintosh PICT Format | Apple Preview | Apple |
.PID | Open Source | Mindre vanliga filer | Process ID File | Apple TextEdit | Apple |
.PII | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.PIQT | Apple | Datafiler | Apple QuickTime Still File | Apple QuickTime Player | Apple |
.PIZ | Winrar | Komprimerade filer | Zipped File | Apple Archive Utility | Apple |
.PJP | Joint Photographic Experts Group | Rasterbildfiler | JPEG Image | Apple Safari | Apple |
.PJPEG | Microsoft Corporation | Rasterbildfiler | Progressive JPEG Image | Safari | Apple |
.PKG | Apple | Komprimerade filer | Apple MacOS Installer Package | macOS | Apple |
.PKPASS | Apple | Mindre vanliga filer | Passbook Pass File | Apple Passbook | Apple |
.PKS | Oracle Corporation | Datafiler | Oracle Package Spec File | Apple TextEdit | Apple |
.PLAYSOUND | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.PLIST | Apple | Inställningsfiler | Property List XML File | Apple Xcode | Apple |
.PLOTTER | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.PLS | Various Developers | Ljudfiler | Audio Playlist | Apple iTunes | Apple |
.PLUGIN | Adobe Systems Incorporated | Pluginfiler | Adobe Photoshop Plugin | Apple QuickTime Player | Apple |
.PLUS | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.PNG | The Pixelmator Team | Rasterbildfiler | Portable Network Graphics | Apple Safari | Apple |
.PNT | Apple | Rasterbildfiler | MacPaint File | MacPaint | Apple |
.PONGLIFE | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.POP | Valve | Spelfiler | Team Fortress 2 Population File | Apple Preview | Apple |
.PORT | Unknown Developer | Datafiler | Unknown Apple II File. (found On Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) | Apple IIGS | Apple |
.POSTSCRIPT | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.PP | Geckonization | Datafiler | Pocket Physics Sketch File | Apple TextEdit | Apple |
.PPC | Garmin | GIS filer | XMap Flight Plan Statistic File | macOS | Apple |
.PPS | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | PowerPoint Slide Show | Apple Keynote | Apple |
.PPT | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | PowerPoint Presentation | Apple Keynote | Apple |
.PPTX | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | PowerPoint Open XML Presentation | Apple Keynote | Apple |
.PREF | Unknown Developer | Inställningsfiler | Preferences File | macOS | Apple |
.PREFPANE | Apple | Systemfiler | Mac OS X System Preference Pane | Apple OS X | Apple |
.PRF | Microsoft Corporation | Inställningsfiler | Outlook Profile File | Apple AppleWorks | Apple |
Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple | |
.PRINTER | Unknown Developer | Datafiler | Unknown Apple II File. (found On Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) | Apple IIGS | Apple |
.PRISM | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.PROFILE | GNU Operating System | Systemfiler | Bash Shell Profile | Apple Terminal | Apple |
.PROJ | Apple | Datafiler | Apple NeXT Interface Builder Project | Apple Interface Builder | Apple |
.PROPERTIES | Mojang | Spelfiler | Minecraft Properties File | Apple TextEdit | Apple |
.PSD | Adobe Systems Incorporated | Rasterbildfiler | Adobe Photoshop Document | Apple Preview | Apple |
.PSP | Corel Corporation | Rasterbildfiler | PaintShop Pro Image | Safari | Apple |
.PUBLIC | Unknown Developer | Datafiler | Unknown Apple II File. (found On Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) | Apple IIGS | Apple |
.PYM | VRVis (Vienna University of Technology) | Utvecklarfiler | PYM Macro Preprocessor File | Apple TextEdit | Apple |
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