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Förlängning Utvecklare av filtypen Filkategori Beskrivning av filtypen Mjukvara Programutvecklare
.IGN Adobe Systems Incorporated Datafiler RoboHelp Ignore List File Adobe RoboHelp Adobe Systems Incorporated
.IMP Lotus Software Spreadsheetfiler Improv Spreadsheet File Adobe Audition Adobe Systems Incorporated
.IMS CursorArts Company Datafiler IconForge Create Executable Library Data Adobe Premiere Pro CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.INC Microsoft Corporation Utvecklarfiler Include File Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Systems Incorporated
.INCD Adobe Systems Incorporated Sidlayoutfiler InCopy Document Adobe InDesign Adobe Systems Incorporated
.INCT Adobe Systems Incorporated Sidlayoutfiler InCopy Template Adobe InCopy Adobe Systems Incorporated
.INCX Adobe Systems Incorporated Sidlayoutfiler InCopy CS3 Interchange File Adobe InDesign Adobe Systems Incorporated
.IND Adobe Systems Incorporated Sidlayoutfiler Adobe InDesign Document Adobe InDesign Adobe Systems Incorporated
.INDD Adobe Systems Incorporated Sidlayoutfiler Adobe InDesign Document Adobe InDesign Adobe Systems Incorporated
.IRS Adobe Systems Incorporated Inställningsfiler Adobe Save For Web Settings Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.ISA Adobe Systems Incorporated Utvecklarfiler Adobe Photoshop ImageReady Action Data Adobe Photoshop Adobe Systems Incorporated
.IST Flexera Software Utvecklarfiler InstallShield Project Template File ImageStyler Adobe Systems Incorporated
.IX Corel Textfiler Corel WordPerfect Office Template File Adobe FrameMaker Adobe Systems Incorporated
.J Oracle Corporation Utvecklarfiler Java Source File Adobe Photoshop Adobe Systems Incorporated
.J2K Joint Photographic Experts Group Rasterbildfiler JPEG 2000 Image Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.JDF Adobe Systems Incorporated Inställningsfiler Adobe Acrobat Job Definition File Adobe Acrobat DC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.JDT Adobe Systems Incorporated Datafiler Accelio Capture Classic Filler Data Accelio Capture Classic Filler Adobe Systems Incorporated
.JFI Joint Photographic Experts Group Rasterbildfiler JPEG File Interchange Image Adobe Photoshop Adobe Systems Incorporated
.JIF Joint Photographic Experts Group Rasterbildfiler JPEG Image Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.JOBOPTIONS Adobe Systems Incorporated Datafiler Adobe Joboptions File Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.JP2 Joint Photographic Experts Group Rasterbildfiler JPEG 2000 Core Image File Adobe Photoshop Elements Adobe Systems Incorporated
.JPC Joint Photographic Experts Group Rasterbildfiler JPEG 2000 Code Stream File Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group Rasterbildfiler JPEG Image Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.JPF Joint Photographic Experts Group Rasterbildfiler JPEG 2000 Image Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.JPG Joint Photographic Experts Group Rasterbildfiler JPEG Image Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.JPG-LARGE Zoner Software Rasterbildfiler Large JPEG Image Adobe Photoshop Adobe Systems Incorporated
.JPG2 Joint Photographic Experts Group Rasterbildfiler JPEG 2000 Image Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.JPS Open Source Backupfiler Akeeba Backup Archive Adobe Photoshop CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.JPX Embarcadero Technologies Utvecklarfiler JBuilder Project Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.JS NetScape Webbfiler JavaScript File Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Systems Incorporated
.JSCRIPT NetScape Webbfiler JavaScript File Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Systems Incorporated
.JSE Microsoft Corporation Exekverbara filer JScript Encoded File Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Systems Incorporated
.JSF Adobe Systems Incorporated Webbfiler Java Script Command File Adobe Fireworks Adobe Systems Incorporated
.JSFL Adobe Systems Incorporated Utvecklarfiler Animate JSFL Script File Adobe Animate CC 2017 Adobe Systems Incorporated
.JSP Oracle Corporation Webbfiler Java Server Page Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Systems Incorporated
.JSPA Xinox Software Webbfiler Java Servlet Alias Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Systems Incorporated
.JSPF Oracle Corporation Utvecklarfiler Java Server Page Fragment Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Systems Incorporated
.JST Jabosoft Spelfiler Jnes Save State Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Systems Incorporated
.JSX Adobe Systems Incorporated Exekverbara filer ExtendScript Script File Adobe After Effects Adobe Systems Incorporated
.JTF Various Developers Rasterbildfiler JPEG Tagged Interchange Format Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.JXR Microsoft Corporation Rasterbildfiler JPEG XR Image Adobe Photoshop Adobe Systems Incorporated
.KDC Kaspersky Lab Datafiler Kaspersky Virus Database File Adobe Photoshop Elements Adobe Systems Incorporated
.KDK Kodak Rasterbildfiler Kodak Proprietary Decimated TIFF File Adobe Photoshop CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.KFP Adobe Systems Incorporated Inställningsfiler Adobe Acrobat Preflight Profile File Adobe Acrobat DC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.KIT Bryan Webbfiler CodeKit File Adobe Edge Code CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.KKW Adobe Systems Incorporated Datafiler Adobe RoboHelp Keyword Help Project Index File Adobe RoboHelp Adobe Systems Incorporated
.KYS Adobe Systems Incorporated Inställningsfiler Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts File Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.LBI Adobe Systems Incorporated Utvecklarfiler Dreamweaver Library Item Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Systems Incorporated
.LCK Autodesk, Inc. Mindre vanliga filer Program Lock File Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Systems Incorporated
.LESS Adobe Systems Incorporated Webbfiler LESS Style Sheet Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Systems Incorporated
.LEX Adobe Systems Incorporated Datafiler Adobe Linguistic Library Data File Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.LNG Nullsoft Pluginfiler Winamp Language File Adobe Acrobat DC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.LOOK Adobe Systems Incorporated Inställningsfiler SpeedGrade Look File Adobe SpeedGrade Adobe Systems Incorporated
.LRG Macromedia Rasterbildfiler Macromedia XRes Multi-resolution Bitmap Adobe Authorware Adobe Systems Incorporated
.M15 Moving Picture Experts Group Videofiler MPEG Video File Adobe Flash Player Adobe Systems Incorporated
.M1V Roxio Videofiler MPEG-1 Video File Adobe Flash Professional CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.M2T Roxio Videofiler HDV Video File Adobe Premiere Pro CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.M2TS Sony Videofiler Blu-ray BDAV Video File Adobe Flash Player Adobe Systems Incorporated
.M75 Moving Picture Experts Group Videofiler MPEG Video File Adobe Flash Player Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MASK Adobe Systems Incorporated Inställningsfiler SpeedGrade Color Mask File Adobe SpeedGrade Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MAX Autodesk, Inc. 3D bildfiler 3ds Max Scene File Adobe Acrobat DC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MD0 Alcohol Soft Diskimage filer Alcohol Disk Image Segment 1 Adobe Photoshop CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MEF Microsoft Corporation Kamera raw-filer Mamiya RAW Image Adobe Photoshop Elements Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MF2 Adobe Systems Incorporated Videofiler Authorware Mediator5 Multimedia File Adobe Authorware Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MFD Yamaha Corporation Databasfiler Music Finder Database Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MFW MamiyaLeaf Kamera raw-filer Mamiya Camera Raw File Adobe Photoshop CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MGP Adobe Systems Incorporated Datafiler Adobe Captivate MenuBuilder Data Adobe Captivate Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MHTM Microsoft Corporation Webbfiler Mime HTML (MHTML) File Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MHTML Microsoft Corporation Webbfiler Mime HTML (MHTML) File Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MIF Adobe Systems Incorporated Sidlayoutfiler FrameMaker Interchange Format File Adobe FrameMaker Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MJ2 Open Source Videofiler Motion JPEG 2000 Video Adobe Premiere Pro CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MJD Adobe Systems Incorporated Kodade filer Adobe Acrobat MIME Encoded Job Definition File Adobe Acrobat DC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MJP2 Open Source Videofiler Motion JPEG 2000 Video Adobe Premiere Pro CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MML Adobe Systems Incorporated Sidlayoutfiler FrameMaker Maker Markup Language File Adobe FrameMaker Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MNO Adobe Systems Incorporated Datafiler Macromedia Design Note Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MNU Autodesk, Inc. Inställningsfiler AutoCAD Interface Layout File Adobe Photoshop CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MOCHA Adobe Systems Incorporated Grafikfil Adobe Mocha For Adobe After Effects File Adobe After Effects Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MOOV Apple Videofiler Apple QuickTime Movie Adobe Flash Player Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MOS MamiyaLeaf Kamera raw-filer Leaf Camera RAW File Adobe Photoshop CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MOV Apple Videofiler Apple QuickTime Movie Adobe Flash Player Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MP2 New World Computing Spelfiler Heroes Of Might And Magic II Map File Adobe Audition Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MP3 Moving Picture Experts Group Ljudfiler MP3 Audio File Adobe Audition Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MPG Moving Picture Experts Group Videofiler MPEG Video File Adobe Flash Player Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MPJ Minitab Inc Datafiler Minitab Project File Adobe RoboHelp Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MPO CyberLink Rasterbildfiler CIPA Multi Picture Object File Adobe Photoshop Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MRW Konica Minolta Kamera raw-filer Minolta Raw Image File Adobe Photoshop Elements Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MSH Martin Schweiger 3D bildfiler Orbiter 3D Mesh File Visual Communicator Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MTL TurboCAD 3D bildfiler OBJ Material File Adobe Photoshop CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MUSE Adobe Systems Incorporated Webbfiler Adobe Muse Website Project Adobe Muse CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MXF SMPTE Videofiler Material Exchange Format File Adobe Premiere Pro CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MXI Adobe Systems Incorporated Datafiler Adobe Extension Information File Adobe InCopy Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MXML Adobe Systems Incorporated Utvecklarfiler Flex MXML Component Adobe Flash Builder Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MXP Adobe Systems Incorporated Pluginfiler Adobe Extension Package Adobe Extension Manager CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.NCR Adobe Systems Incorporated Rasterbildfiler NCR Image Adobe Photoshop CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.NCX IDPF (International Digital Publishing Forum) e-boksfiler EPUB Navigation Control XML File Adobe InDesign Adobe Systems Incorporated
.NEF Nikon Kamera raw-filer Nikon Electronic Format Camera RAW Image Adobe Photoshop Elements Adobe Systems Incorporated
.NRW Nikon Kamera raw-filer Nikon Raw Image File Adobe Photoshop Elements Adobe Systems Incorporated
.NWM Sony Mindre vanliga filer Sony NWM Display Screen File Adobe Photoshop Adobe Systems Incorporated
.OBJ Wavefront Technologies 3D bildfiler Wavefront 3D Object File Adobe Photoshop CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.OEB IDPF (International Digital Publishing Forum) e-boksfiler Open eBook File Adobe InDesign Adobe Systems Incorporated
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“FileViewPro eliminerar tiden och frustrationen av att försöka spåra en specifik mjukvara för att öppna en specifik fil.”   - Tucows

