Bläddra bland "P" ACD Systems-filer

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Förlängning Utvecklare av filtypen Filkategori Beskrivning av filtypen Mjukvara Programutvecklare
.PAT Autodesk, Inc. CAD filer AutoCAD Hatch Pattern File Canvas X ACD Systems
.PBM Unknown Developer Rasterbildfiler Portable Bitmap Image ACD Systems ACDSee ACD Systems
.PCD PokéCheats Spelfiler Pokémon Wonder Card File ACD Systems ACDSee ACD Systems
.PCT Apple Sidlayoutfiler Macintosh PICT Format ACD Systems ACDSee ACD Systems
.PDD Adobe Systems Incorporated Rasterbildfiler Adobe PhotoDeluxe Image Canvas X ACD Systems
.PEF Pentax Kamera raw-filer Pentax Digital Camera Raw Image Format ACD Systems ACDSee ACD Systems
.PGM Jef Poskanzer Rasterbildfiler Portable Gray Map Image ACD Systems ACDSee ACD Systems
.PIC John Bridges Rasterbildfiler Generic Picture File ACD Systems ACDSee ACD Systems
.PICT Apple Sidlayoutfiler Macintosh PICT Format ACD Systems ACDSee ACD Systems
.PJP Joint Photographic Experts Group Rasterbildfiler JPEG Image ACD Systems ACDSee ACD Systems
.PNG The Pixelmator Team Rasterbildfiler Portable Network Graphics ACD Systems ACDSee ACD Systems
.PPM The GIMP Development Team Rasterbildfiler Portable Pixmap Image File ACD Systems ACDSee ACD Systems
.PRN Various Developers Sidlayoutfiler HP PCL Printer Output Canvas X ACD Systems
.PSD Adobe Systems Incorporated Rasterbildfiler Adobe Photoshop Document ACD Systems ACDSee ACD Systems
.PSP Corel Corporation Rasterbildfiler PaintShop Pro Image ACDSee Photo Manager ACD Systems
.PSPIMAGE Corel Corporation Rasterbildfiler PaintShop Pro Image ACDSee Photo Manager ACD Systems
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Kompatibelt med Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 och 11

Installera valfria produkter - FileViewPro (Solvusoft) | EULA | Integritetspolicy | Villkor | Avinstallera

“FileViewPro eliminerar tiden och frustrationen av att försöka spåra en specifik mjukvara för att öppna en specifik fil.”   - Tucows

