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.M4S Ubisoft Pliki wideo Myst IV: Revelation Save Game File Myst IV: Revelation Ubisoft
.M4U Open Source Pliki wideo MPEG-4 Playlist CyberLink PowerDVD CyberLink
.M4V Apple Pliki wideo iTunes Video File Microsoft Windows Media Player Microsoft Corporation
.M75 Moving Picture Experts Group Pliki wideo MPEG Video File CyberLink PowerDVD CyberLink
.MCV Visicom Media Inc Pliki wideo ManyCam Effect File ManyCam Visicom Media Inc
.MEP Movavi Pliki wideo Movavi Video Editor Project Movavi Video Editor Movavi
.META RealNetworks Pliki wideo RealPlayer Metafile RealPlayer Cloud RealNetworks
.MF2 Adobe Systems Incorporated Pliki wideo Authorware Mediator5 Multimedia File Adobe Authorware Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MJ Engelmann Media GmbH Pliki wideo MovieJack DVD Ripper File MovieJack Engelmann Media GmbH
.MJ2 Open Source Pliki wideo Motion JPEG 2000 Video Adobe Premiere Pro CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MJP LG Electronics Pliki wideo MJPEG Video File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.MJP2 Open Source Pliki wideo Motion JPEG 2000 Video Adobe Premiere Pro CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MJPEG Various Developers Pliki wideo Motion JPEG Video File Mozilla Firefox Mozilla
.MJPG Various Developers Pliki wideo Motion JPEG Video File Mozilla Firefox Mozilla
.MK3D Matroska Pliki wideo Matroska 3D Video File CyberLink PowerDVD CyberLink
.MKV Various Developers Pliki wideo Matroska Video File CyberLink PowerDVD CyberLink
.ML20 Apple Pliki wideo Mercury Messenger Video File VLC Media Player VideoLAN
.MMV Sony Pliki wideo MicroMV Video File Squared 5 MPEG Streamclip Open Source
.MOB Microsoft Corporation Pliki wideo MOBTV Video File Microsoft Windows Media Player Microsoft Corporation
.MOD Open Source Pliki wideo Amiga Music Module File ModPlug Player Open Source
.MODD Sony Pliki wideo Sony Video Analysis File Sony Picture Motion Browser Sony
.MOFF Sony Pliki wideo Sony Video Data File Sony Picture Motion Browser Sony
.MOI Unknown Developer Pliki wideo MOI Video File Capty MPEG Edit EX Pixela Corporation
.MOO Apple Pliki wideo Apple QuickTime Movie Clip File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.MOOV Apple Pliki wideo Apple QuickTime Movie CyberLink PowerDVD CyberLink
.MOV Apple Pliki wideo Apple QuickTime Movie CyberLink PowerDVD CyberLink
.MOVIE Apple Pliki wideo QuickTime Movie File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.MP21 AXMEDIS Products and Services Pliki wideo AXMEDIS MPEG-21 Object AXMEDIS Editor AXMEDIS Products and Services
.MP2V Roxio Pliki wideo MPEG-2 Video File Microsoft Windows Media Player Microsoft Corporation
.MP4 Moving Picture Experts Group Pliki wideo MPEG-4 Video File CyberLink PowerDVD CyberLink
.MP41 Microsoft Corporation Pliki wideo Microsoft MP41 Video Data VLC Media Player VideoLAN
.MP4V Moving Picture Experts Group Pliki wideo MPEG-4 Video File CyberLink PowerDVD CyberLink
.MPE Unknown Developer Pliki wideo MPEG Movie VLC Media Player VideoLAN
.MPEG Unknown Developer Pliki wideo MPEG Movie VLC Media Player VideoLAN
.MPF Microsoft Corporation Pliki wideo Microsoft Media Package File Microsoft Clip Organizer Microsoft Corporation
.MPG Moving Picture Experts Group Pliki wideo MPEG Video File CyberLink PowerDVD CyberLink
.MPG4 Moving Picture Experts Group Pliki wideo MPEG-4 Video File CyberLink PowerDVD CyberLink
.MPJ Minitab Inc Pliki wideo Minitab Project File Minitab Minitab Inc
.MPL Sony Pliki wideo AVCHD Playlist File CyberLink PowerDVD CyberLink
.MPLS Blu-ray Disc Association Pliki wideo Blu-ray Movie Playlist Information Data CyberLink PowerDVD CyberLink
.MPV Moving Picture Experts Group Pliki wideo MPEG Elementary Stream Video File CyberLink PowerDVD CyberLink
.MPV2 Roxio Pliki wideo MPEG-2 Video Stream Microsoft Windows Media Player Microsoft Corporation
.MQV Sony Pliki wideo Sony Movie Format File MPlayer The MPlayer Team
.MSDVD Microsoft Corporation Pliki wideo Windows DVD Maker Project File Windows DVD Maker Microsoft Corporation
.MSE CyberLink Pliki wideo MediaShow Slideshow Project File MediaShow CyberLink
.MSH Martin Schweiger Pliki wideo Orbiter 3D Mesh File Orbiter Martin Schweiger
.MSWMM Microsoft Corporation Pliki wideo Windows Movie Maker Project Microsoft Windows Live Movie Maker Microsoft Corporation
.MT2S Open Source Pliki wideo MPEG-2 Transport Stream File CyberLink PowerDVD CyberLink
.MTS Sony Pliki wideo AVCHD Video File Microsoft Windows Media Player Microsoft Corporation
.MTV Pliki wideo MTV Video Format File ShedWorx Smart Converter Shedworx
.MV Miva Pliki wideo MivaScript File Miva Merchant Script Compiler Miva
.MVB RealNetworks Pliki wideo Multimedia Viewer Book Source File RealNetworks RealTimes RealNetworks
.MVC Pliki wideo Movie Collector Catalog Movie Collector
.MVD Magix Software GmbH Pliki wideo Movie Edit Pro Movie File MAGIX Movie Edit Pro Magix Software GmbH
.MVE BioWare Pliki wideo Infinity Engine Movie File Baldur's Gate BioWare
.MVF CodeBaby Pliki wideo Production Studio Video File CodeBaby Production Studio CodeBaby
.MVP Magix Software GmbH Pliki wideo MAGIX Video Project File MAGIX Video Pro X Magix Software GmbH
.MVY Magix Software GmbH Pliki wideo Video Easy Project File MAGIX Video easy Magix Software GmbH
.MXF SMPTE Pliki wideo Material Exchange Format File Adobe Premiere Pro CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MXM Next Limit Technologies Pliki wideo Maxwell Material File Maxwell Render Next Limit Technologies
.MXV Magix Software GmbH Pliki wideo MAGIX Video File MAGIX Movie Edit Pro Magix Software GmbH
.MYS Vineyard Technologies Pliki wideo Vineyard Captured Video File Vineyard Technologies PC Viewer Vineyard Technologies
.NFV Netflix Pliki wideo Netflix Video File Netflix Netflix
.NMM Microsoft Corporation Pliki wideo Microsoft 3D Movie Maker Recorded Video 3D Movie Maker Microsoft Corporation
.NOA Unknown Developer Pliki wideo Japanese Movie Format Unknown Software Unknown Developer
.NPV Nexilogic Pliki wideo Pixbend Player Pixbend Media File Pixbend Player Nexilogic
.NSV Nullsoft Pliki wideo Nullsoft Streaming Video File Nullsoft Winamp Nullsoft
.NTP Open Source Pliki wideo Natron Project File Natron Open Source
.NUT Open Source Pliki wideo NUT Video File MPlayer The MPlayer Team
.NUV Shedworx Pliki wideo NuppelVideo File MPlayer The MPlayer Team
.NVC Nero AG Pliki wideo NeroVision Express Project File Nero Video 2017 Nero AG
.OGM VideoLAN Pliki wideo Ogg Media File VLC Media Player VideoLAN
.OGV Xiph.Org Pliki wideo Ogg Video File VLC Media Player VideoLAN
.OGX Xiph.Org Pliki wideo Ogg Vorbis Multiplexed Media File Microsoft Windows Media Player Microsoft Corporation
.ORV Oracom, Inc. Pliki wideo Oracom Video File Pixtree Technology Movie Viewer Pixtree Technology
.OSP Jonathan Thomas Pliki wideo OpenShot Project File OpenShot Jonathan Thomas
.OTRKEY (OTR) Pliki wideo OnlineTvRecorder Encoded Video File OTRKeyDecoder (OTR)
.PAC NetScape Pliki wideo Proxy Auto-Config File Internet Explorer Microsoft Corporation
.PAR Siemens PLM Software Pliki wideo Solid Edge Part File Adobe Acrobat DC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.PDS CyberLink Pliki wideo PowerDirector Script File PowerDirector CyberLink
.PGI Various Developers Pliki wideo Video Recording File Panasonic DVR Software Panasonic Corporation
.PKD Power Karaoke Pliki wideo Power Karaoke Project Power Karaoke Power Karaoke
.PLAYLIST CyberLink Pliki wideo CyberLink PowerDVD Playlist CyberLink PowerDVD CyberLink
.PMF ESRI Pliki wideo ESRI Published Map File ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute)
.PMV SoftMaker Software Pliki wideo PlanMaker Spreadsheet Template Softmaker Office SoftMaker Software
.PNS SourceForge Pliki wideo PNG Stereo Image 3D Vision Photo Viewer NVIDIA
.PPJ Adobe Systems Incorporated Pliki wideo Premiere 6 Project File Adobe Premiere Pro CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.PREL Adobe Systems Incorporated Pliki wideo Premiere Elements Project File Adobe Premiere Pro CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.PRO Adobe Systems Incorporated Pliki wideo Adobe Proto Design File Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Systems Incorporated
.PRPROJ Adobe Systems Incorporated Pliki wideo Premiere Pro Project Adobe Premiere Pro CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.PRTL Adobe Systems Incorporated Pliki wideo Premiere Pro Title File Adobe Premiere Pro CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.PSB Adobe Systems Incorporated Pliki wideo Adobe PhotoShop Big File Adobe Photoshop Adobe Systems Incorporated
.PSH Photodex Pliki wideo Photodex Slide Show ProShow Producer Photodex
.PVR Imagination Technologies Pliki wideo POWERVR Texture File PowerVR SDK Imagination Technologies
.PXM The Pixelmator Team Pliki wideo Pixelmator Image File Pixelmator The Pixelmator Team
.PXV Nexilogic Pliki wideo Pixbend Media File Pixbend Studio Nexilogic
.QMX Unknown Developer Pliki wideo Quantum Streaming Video Stream Control Data Unknown Software Unknown Developer
.QT Apple Pliki wideo Apple QuickTime Movie CyberLink PowerDVD CyberLink
.QTC Apple Pliki wideo Apple QuickTime Support File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.QTCH Apple Pliki wideo QuickTime Cache File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
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