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Rozbudowa Deweloper typu pliku Kategoria pliku Opis typu pliku Główne oprogramowanie Główny deweloper oprogramowania
.E3 DPT Corp Pliki gier Think3 Thinkdesign CAD Document ThinkDesign Suite DPT Corp
.EA3 Electronic Arts Pliki gier FIFA 2001 Game Data FIFA 2001 EA Sports
.EAC Emurasoft, Inc. Pliki gier EmEditor Auto-Completion Data EmEditor Emurasoft, Inc.
.EBP Jes-Soft Pliki gier Jes-Soft Sports Play Description Jes-Soft Playbook Jes-Soft
.EBZ Intersystem Concepts Pliki gier Empire Builder Pronto Saved Game Empire Builder Pronto Intersystem Concepts
.ECL Team Shanghai Alice Pliki gier Touhou Stage Script Touhou ToolKit Touhou Patch Center
.ECW ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute) Pliki gier Enhanced Compression Wavelet Image ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute)
.EDT Adobe Systems Incorporated Pliki gier Adobe eBook Download Settings Adobe Digital Editions Adobe Systems Incorporated
.EES Sierra Entertainment Pliki gier Empire Earth Scenario Data Empire Earth Sierra Entertainment
.EFF The Hotline Group Pliki gier eFileFolders File Format eFileFolders The Hotline Group
.EFT Cay Horstmann Pliki gier ChiWriter High Resolution Screen Font ChiWriter Cay Horstmann
.EFX j2 Global, Inc. Pliki gier eFax Document j2 Global Communications eFax j2 Global, Inc.
.EGM Pangea Software, Inc. Pliki gier Pangea Enigmo Custom Game Data Pangea Software Enigmo Pangea Software, Inc.
.EGT EagleGet Pliki gier EagleGet Temporary File EagleGet EagleGet
.EIC Nitro Games Pliki gier East Indian Company Save Game File East India Company Nitro Games
.EK6 Open Source Pliki gier Generation 6 Pokémon Save File PKHeX Open Source
.EKV Valve Pliki gier Left 4 Dead Game Data Left 4 Dead Valve
.EKX Open Source Pliki gier Encrypted 3DS Pokémon Save File PKHeX Open Source
.ELF Nintendo Pliki gier Nintendo Wii Game File Dolphin (emulator) Dolphin Emulator Project
.ELM Open Source Pliki gier Eternal Lands Map File Eternal Lands Open Source
.EMI Blitwise Productions Pliki gier Pocket Tanks Emitter File Pocket Tanks Blitwise Productions
.EMM MindMaple Inc. Pliki gier MindMaple Map MindMaple MindMaple Inc.
.ENC Smith Micro Software Pliki gier Encoded Data File Smith Micro StuffIt Deluxe Smith Micro Software
.END Corel Pliki gier CorelDRAW Arrow-head Definition Data CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Corel
.ENG Unknown Developer Pliki gier Chess Engine ChessMaster Ubisoft Blue Byte
.ENV Adobe Systems Incorporated Pliki gier Adobe Dictionary Data File Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.EPC Sumo Digital Ltd. Pliki gier Doctor Who Game Data File BBC Doctor Who: The Adventure Games Sumo Digital Ltd.
.EPK LG Electronics Pliki gier LG Firmware Package epk2extract openlgtv
.ERB Open Source Pliki gier Ruby ERB Script Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.ERF BioWare Pliki gier BioWare Entity Resource File BioWare Neverwinter Nights BioWare
.ERP Future Games Pliki gier Alter Ego Game Archive Alter Ego Future Games
.ES Interscape Pliki gier ECHOSPEECH File ECHOSPEECH Interscape
.ESG Pangea Software, Inc. Pliki gier Enigmo Saved Game File Pangea Software Enigmo Pangea Software, Inc.
.ESI Open Source Pliki gier Escape Level Index File Escape Open Source
.ESM Bethesda Softworks Pliki gier Bethesda Softworks Master File Bethesda Softworks TES Construction Set Bethesda Softworks
.ESN Epic Games Pliki gier Unreal Engine Language Localization Unreal Tournament Epic Games
.ESP Bethesda Softworks Pliki gier Elder Scrolls Plugin File Bethesda Softworks TES Construction Set Bethesda Softworks
.ESS Bethesda Softworks Pliki gier The Elder Scrolls Saved Game Skyrim VR Bethesda Softworks
.ESX Xactware Solutions Pliki gier Xactimate Insurance Claims Estimate Xactimate Xactware Solutions
.EU4 Paradox Development Studio Pliki gier Europa Universalis IV Saved Game Europa Universalis IV Paradox
.EUR Capcom Pliki gier Monster Hunter Freedom Unite EU Region Saved Game Monster Hunter Freedom Unite Capcom
.EVP Miracle Castle Pliki gier Talisman Online Game Data Talisman Online Miracle Castle
.EWL Green Eclipse Pliki gier EclipseCrossword Word List File Green Eclipse EclipseCrossword Green Eclipse
.EXC Lionhead Studios Pliki gier Black & White Zone File Lionhead Studios Black and White Lionhead Studios
.EXL SysTools Solutions Pliki gier Export Lister File SysTools Export Notes SysTools Solutions
.EXS Apple Pliki gier EXS Instrument Apple Logic Pro Apple
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