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Extension Filtypeutvikler Filkategori Filtypebeskrivelse Hovedprogramvare Primær programvareutvikler
.907 Calcomp Vektorbildefiler CalComp 907 Plot Vector Graphics CalComp 907 Plotter Calcomp
.ABC Adobe Systems Incorporated Vektorbildefiler ActionScript Byte Code File Adobe Flash Player Adobe Systems Incorporated
.AF2 iGrafx Vektorbildefiler Micrografx ABC FlowCharter 2 File iGrafx Designer Corel
.AF3 iGrafx Vektorbildefiler Micrografx ABC FlowCharter 3/4 File iGrafx Designer Corel
.AGR Ableton Vektorbildefiler Ableton Groove File Ableton Live Ableton
.AHF Anadigm Vektorbildefiler AnadigmDesigner ASCII Code Anadigm Designer 2 Anadigm
.AI Adobe Systems Incorporated Vektorbildefiler Adobe Illustrator File Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.AI4 Adobe Systems Incorporated Vektorbildefiler Encapsulated PostScript File Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.ART Autodesk, Inc. Vektorbildefiler ArtCAM Model ArtCAM Autodesk, Inc.
.B2F RISCOS Ltd. Vektorbildefiler RISC OS Windows Metafile RISC OS RISCOS Ltd.
.BIN Unknown Developer Vektorbildefiler Binary Disk Image File IsoBuster Smart Projects
.CAG Microsoft Corporation Vektorbildefiler ClipArt Gallery Package Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Corporation
.CCX Clickteam Vektorbildefiler Click & Create Extension Multimedia Fusion Interscape
.CDD CS Odessa Vektorbildefiler ConceptDraw PRO Document ConceptDraw PRO CS Odessa
.CDMM CS Odessa Vektorbildefiler ConceptDraw MINDMAP Document CS Odessa ConceptDraw MINDMAP CS Odessa
.CDR Corel Vektorbildefiler CorelDRAW Vector Image File Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.CDS CS Odessa Vektorbildefiler ConceptDraw SlideShow ConceptDraw PRO CS Odessa
.CDT Sony Vektorbildefiler CD-Text File IsoBuster Smart Projects
.CDX Microsoft Corporation Vektorbildefiler Compound Index File Microsoft Visual FoxPro Microsoft Corporation
.CGM Unknown Developer Vektorbildefiler Computer Graphics Metafile Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.CIL Symantec Corporation Vektorbildefiler Norton CleanSweep Installation Log File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.CMX Corel Vektorbildefiler Corel Metafile Exchange Image File Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.CNV ACD Systems Vektorbildefiler Canvas Drawing File ACD Systems ACDSee ACD Systems
.COR Trimble Inc. Vektorbildefiler Trimble Corrected SSF File GPS Pathfinder Office Software Trimble Inc.
.COREL WORDPERFECT DICTIONARY Corel Vektorbildefiler Corel WordPerfect Dictionary File Corel WordPerfect X8 Corel
.CPI Sony Vektorbildefiler AVCHD Video Clip Information Adobe Premiere Pro CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.CRG invers Software Vektorbildefiler Calamus Vector Image File Calamus SL invers Software
.CSY ACD Systems Vektorbildefiler Canvas Symbol File Canvas X ACD Systems
.CTN Cadterns Custom Clothing Vektorbildefiler Cadterns Sloper Data Cadterns Cadterns Custom Clothing
.CV5 ACD Systems Vektorbildefiler Canvas 5 Drawing File Canvas X ACD Systems
.CVD invers Software Vektorbildefiler Calamus Vector Image File Calamus SL invers Software
.CVG invers Software Vektorbildefiler Calamus Vector Image File Calamus SL invers Software
.CVL GitHub, Inc. Vektorbildefiler Coastal Vector Listing File Format GPSylon GitHub, Inc.
.CVS Unknown Developer Vektorbildefiler Comma Separated Values File Microsoft Excel Microsoft Corporation
.CVX ACD Systems Vektorbildefiler Canvas Drawing File ACD Systems ACDSee ACD Systems
.CXF Google Vektorbildefiler Google Picasa Collage File Google Picasa Google
.DAT Unknown Developer Vektorbildefiler Game Data Dragon UnPACKer Open Source
.DCS Quark Software Inc. Vektorbildefiler Desktop Color Separation File Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.DED Roland Corporation Vektorbildefiler Dr. Engrave Document Dr. Engrave Interscape
.DESIGN Microsoft Corporation Vektorbildefiler Microsoft Expression Design Drawing Microsoft Expression Studio Microsoft Corporation
.DIA Spacetornado Software Vektorbildefiler Do It Again Task File Do It Again Spacetornado Software
.DPR Niklaus Wirth Vektorbildefiler Pascal Source Code MacroMates TextMate MacroMates
.DPX Kodak Vektorbildefiler Digital Picture Exchange File Adobe SpeedGrade Adobe Systems Incorporated
.DRAW Jonathan Marten Vektorbildefiler Acorn Vector Draw Format DrawView Jonathan Marten
.DRW Corel Vektorbildefiler DESIGNER Drawing Corel Presentations X8 Corel
.DSF DAZ 3D Vektorbildefiler DAZ Studio Asset File DAZ Studio DAZ 3D
.DXB Autodesk, Inc. Vektorbildefiler Drawing Exchange Binary Autodesk AutoCAD Autodesk, Inc.
.EMF Microsoft Corporation Vektorbildefiler Enhanced Windows Metafile Apache OpenOffice Apache Software Foundation
.EMZ Microsoft Corporation Vektorbildefiler Windows Compressed Enhanced Metafile Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.EPS Adobe Systems Incorporated Vektorbildefiler Encapsulated PostScript File Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.EPSF Adobe Systems Incorporated Vektorbildefiler Encapsulated PostScript Format File Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.EVE Open Source Vektorbildefiler Embedded Vector Editor Diagram Embedded Vector Editor Open Source
.EZDRAW Dekorra Optics Vektorbildefiler EazyDraw Graphic EazyDraw Dekorra Optics
.FH Adobe Systems Incorporated Vektorbildefiler Adobe FreeHand Image Adobe FreeHand Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FH10 Adobe Systems Incorporated Vektorbildefiler FreeHand 10 Drawing File Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FH11 Adobe Systems Incorporated Vektorbildefiler FreeHand 11 Drawing File Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FH3 Adobe Systems Incorporated Vektorbildefiler FreeHand 3 Drawing File Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FH6 Adobe Systems Incorporated Vektorbildefiler FreeHand 6 Drawing File Adobe FreeHand Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FH7 Adobe Systems Incorporated Vektorbildefiler Adobe FreeHand 7 Drawing File Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FH8 Adobe Systems Incorporated Vektorbildefiler FreeHand 8 Drawing File Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FH9 Adobe Systems Incorporated Vektorbildefiler FreeHand 9 Drawing File Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FHD Adobe Systems Incorporated Vektorbildefiler FreeHand Drawing File Adobe FreeHand Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FIF OpenText Corp. Vektorbildefiler Fractal Image File Adobe Photoshop Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FIG Open Source Vektorbildefiler Xfig Drawing Winfig Andreas Schmidt
.FMV Safe Software Vektorbildefiler FME Desktop Viewspace File FME Desktop Safe Software
.FS Microsoft Corporation Vektorbildefiler Visual F# Source File Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.FT5 Macromedia Vektorbildefiler Macromedia Freehand Template Adobe FreeHand Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FT7 Adobe Systems Incorporated Vektorbildefiler FreeHand 7 Drawing Template Adobe Flash Professional CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FT8 Adobe Systems Incorporated Vektorbildefiler FreeHand 8 Template Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FT9 Adobe Systems Incorporated Vektorbildefiler FreeHand 9 Drawing Template Adobe Flash Professional CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FTN The Eclipse Foundation Vektorbildefiler Fortran Source Code MacroMates TextMate MacroMates
.FXG Adobe Systems Incorporated Vektorbildefiler Flash XML Graphics File Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.GEM Vektorbildefiler RubyGems Package RubyGems
.GKS USGS (United States Geological Survey) Vektorbildefiler Graphics Kernel System File MODPATH USGS (United States Geological Survey)
.GL2 Hewlett-Packard Vektorbildefiler HP Graphics Language Plotter Document XnView MP XnSoft
.GLOX Microsoft Corporation Vektorbildefiler Microsoft Office SmartArt Graphics Layout File Microsoft Excel Microsoft Corporation
.GLS Babylon Software Ltd. Vektorbildefiler Babylon Glossary File Babylon Babylon Software Ltd.
.GRAFFLE The Omni Group Vektorbildefiler OmniGraffle Drawing OmniGraffle The Omni Group
.HGL Hewlett-Packard Vektorbildefiler HP Graphics Language File CADSoftTools ABViewer CADSoftTools
.HP Hewlett-Packard Vektorbildefiler HP Graphics Language Plotter File Canvas X ACD Systems
.HPGL Hewlett-Packard Vektorbildefiler HP Graphics Language Plotter File Canvas X ACD Systems
.HPL Hewlett-Packard Vektorbildefiler HP Graphics Language Plotter File Canvas X ACD Systems
.HVIF Michael Phipps Vektorbildefiler Haiku Vector Icon Format Haiku Michael Phipps
.ICN Microsoft Corporation Vektorbildefiler Windows Icon File Adobe Photoshop Adobe Systems Incorporated
.IDEA Adobe Systems Incorporated Vektorbildefiler Adobe Ideas Document Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.IGF Unknown Developer Vektorbildefiler Intercept Geometry Data Unknown Software Unknown Developer
.IGX iGrafx Vektorbildefiler iGrafx Document FlowCharter iGrafx
.IMD Various Developers Vektorbildefiler GIS Image Metadata File ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute)
.INB LucasArts Entertainment Company, LLC Vektorbildefiler Rebel Assault Backup Star Wars: Rebel Assault LucasArts Entertainment Company, LLC
.INK Mimio Vektorbildefiler Mimio Ink Data File MimioStudio Mimio
.LMK SourceTec Vektorbildefiler Sothink Logo Maker Image Sothink LogoMaker SourceTec
.MGC Microsoft Corporation Vektorbildefiler Microsoft Clip Organizer Media Catalog Microsoft Office Microsoft Corporation
.MGMF MindGenius Ltd Vektorbildefiler MindGenius Map File MindGenius MindGenius Ltd
.MMW Microsoft Corporation Vektorbildefiler Microsoft Clip Organizer Media Catalog Microsoft Office Microsoft Corporation
.MP Autodesk, Inc. Vektorbildefiler Maya PLE Project File Autodesk Maya Autodesk, Inc.
.MPP Microsoft Corporation Vektorbildefiler Microsoft Project File Serena OpenProj Serena
.MVG ImageMagick Studio LLC Vektorbildefiler Magick Vector Graphics File ImageMagick ImageMagick Studio LLC
.MYW Unknown Developer Vektorbildefiler MyWorld Education Drawing Unknown Software Unknown Developer
.NAP McAfee, Inc. Vektorbildefiler McAfee ePO Network Associates Package McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator McAfee, Inc.
.NAPLPS Unknown Developer Vektorbildefiler North American Presentation Layer Protocol Syntax File Unknown Software Unknown Developer
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