Bla gjennom alle Grafikk-filer

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Extension Filtypeutvikler Filkategori Filtypebeskrivelse Hovedprogramvare Primær programvareutvikler
.M01 Digital Vision Grafiske filer ComputerEyes Animation File ComputerEyes Digital Vision
.MAE Interscape Grafiske filer My Avatar Editor Character File My Avatar Editor Interscape
.MBT Interscape Grafiske filer Blue Card Manager Merit Badge Template File Blue Card Manager Scout Management Software
.MC6 Smith Micro Software Grafiske filer Poser 6 Material File Poser Smith Micro Software
.MCH Interscape Grafiske filer Machinery HDR Effects Machinery HDR Interscape
.MGL Microsoft Corporation Grafiske filer Age Of Empires 2 Replay File Microsoft Age of Empires Ensemble Studios
.MGX Microsoft Corporation Grafiske filer Rise Of Nations Saved Game Rise Of Nations Big Huge Games
.MH Unknown Developer Grafiske filer Teli Fax Image XnView MP XnSoft
.MHA Open Source Grafiske filer MetaImage Medical Format Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit Open Source
.MIF Adobe Systems Incorporated Grafiske filer FrameMaker Interchange Format File Adobe FrameMaker Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MLD FMJ-Software Grafiske filer I-Melody Format For I-Mode Awave Studio FMJ-Software
.MLF Autodesk, Inc. Grafiske filer Autodesk Mapguide Layer Data MapGuide Open Source Autodesk, Inc.
.MNG Various Developers Grafiske filer Multiple Network Graphic Mozilla Firefox Mozilla
.MO Dassault Systèmes Grafiske filer Dymola Simulation File Dymola Dassault Systèmes
.MOCHA Adobe Systems Incorporated Grafiske filer Adobe Mocha For Adobe After Effects File Adobe After Effects Adobe Systems Incorporated
.MOR Corel Grafiske filer Corel Shared Writing Tools Data Corel Paradox Corel
.MSK Corel Grafiske filer Paint Shop Pro Mask File PaintShop Pro Corel
.MSV Sony Grafiske filer Memory Stick Voice File Microsoft Windows Media Player Microsoft Corporation
.MVO Unknown Developer Grafiske filer A Graphic File Unknown Software Unknown Developer
.NCB Microsoft Corporation Grafiske filer Visual C++ IntelliSense Database Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.NCE Miroslav Rajčić Grafiske filer NoteCase Pro Encrypted Document NoteCase Pro Miroslav Rajčić
.NCI CNC Software Grafiske filer Mastercam Toolpath Data Mastercam CNC Software
.NCV Nikon Grafiske filer Nikon Capture Curves File Nikon Capture NX Nikon
.NDB Naviter Grafiske filer SeeYou Waypoint File SeeYou Naviter
.NDG Broderbund Grafiske filer Nick-O-Matic Design Factory Project File Nick-O-Matic Design Factory Broderbund
.NEN Broderbund Grafiske filer Nick-O-Matic Design Factory Project File Nick-O-Matic Design Factory Broderbund
.NGO Broderbund Grafiske filer Nick-O-Matic Design Factory Project File Nick-O-Matic Design Factory Broderbund
.NIL Symantec Corporation Grafiske filer Norton Icon Library Icon Set Norton Utilities Symantec Corporation
.NPM Corel Grafiske filer CorelDRAW V10 Draw Media Lines Data CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Corel
.NSO NetStudio Grafiske filer NetStudio Easy Web Graphics Data NetStudio Easy Web Graphics NetStudio
.O2C Eleco Software GmbH Grafiske filer Objects To See 3D File Format Objects to See Eleco Software GmbH
.O3D Google Grafiske filer Google Open 3D Web Graphic Format Google Chrome Google
.OCC MathWorks Grafiske filer Oceanic DataPool File The MathWorks MATLAB MathWorks
.ONX Onyx Computing Grafiske filer OnyxGrass Image OnyxGrass Onyx Computing
.OOG Python Software Foundation Grafiske filer PyGraph Python Graphics Interface Object Oriented Graphics Python Python Software Foundation
.OSP Jonathan Thomas Grafiske filer OpenShot Project File OpenShot Jonathan Thomas
.OTO Open Source Grafiske filer AutoPano Project AutoPano Kolor
.OVF VMware Grafiske filer Open Virtualization File VMware Workstation VMware
.PAN ProVUE Development Grafiske filer Panorama Database File ProVUE Development Panorama ProVUE Development
.PANO Microsoft Corporation Grafiske filer Camera Panoramic Picture Microsoft OneDrive Microsoft Corporation
.PC3 Autodesk, Inc. Grafiske filer AutoCAD Plotter Configuration File Autodesk AutoCAD Autodesk, Inc.
.PCJ IBM Grafiske filer IBM LinkWay Graphics Data IBM LinkWay IBM
.PCS Pfaff Grafiske filer Pfaff Embroidery File PesView Open Source
.PDA Molecular Devices Grafiske filer SoftMax Pro Microplate Data Analysis File SoftMax Pro Molecular Devices
.PDV Kitware, Inc. Grafiske filer Visualization Toolkit Graphic File Visualization ToolKit Interscape
.PFL PlotSoft Grafiske filer PDFill Project File PlotSoft PDFill PlotSoft
.PFR Corel Corporation Grafiske filer Corel PaintShop Photo Pro Frame Data PaintShop Pro Corel
.PFS Antonio Da Cruz Grafiske filer PhotoFiltre Studio Saved Selection File PhotoFiltre Antonio Da Cruz
.PGL Hewlett-Packard Grafiske filer HP Plotter Language File Format Unknown Software Unknown Developer
.PHC David Harris Grafiske filer Pegasus Mail Header Cache Pegasus Mail David Harris
.PHP Panic Grafiske filer PHP Source Code File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.PI 10101 Software Grafiske filer Pi Calculation Data File iPi Software 10101 Software
.PICS Apple Grafiske filer Apple Mac PICT Drawing Sequence File QuickDraw Apple
.PII Apple Grafiske filer Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.PIV Peter Bone Grafiske filer Pivot Stickfigure Animation Pivot Animator (Pivot Stickfigure Animator) Peter Bone
.PL1 Broderbund Grafiske filer 3D Home Architect Room Plan 3D Home Architect Broderbund
.PLB Microsoft Corporation Grafiske filer Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio Playback Data Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio Microsoft Corporation
.PLZ IBM Grafiske filer Lotus Freelance Presentation Lotus Freelance Graphics IBM
.PMB Polar Grafiske filer Polar Uplink Tool Bitmap File PeaZip Open Source
.PMP Autodesk, Inc. Grafiske filer AutoCAD Plot Model Parameter File Autodesk AutoCAD Autodesk, Inc.
.PNG The Pixelmator Team Grafiske filer Portable Network Graphics Adobe Illustrator CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.POS Trimble Inc. Grafiske filer Trimble Position File GPS Pathfinder Office Software Trimble Inc.
.PPI Microsoft Corporation Grafiske filer Microsoft PowerPoint Graphics Data Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Corporation
.PPR IBM Grafiske filer Cognos PowerPlay Report File Cognos PowerPlay IBM
.PSEG IBM Grafiske filer IBM Printer Page Segment Bitmap XnView MP XnSoft
.PSI SAPIEN Technologies Grafiske filer PrimalScript Online Help Shortcut PrimalScript SAPIEN Technologies
.PTN Nuance Grafiske filer PaperPort Thumbnail File Nuance PaperPort 14 Nuance
.PTS Avid Technology Grafiske filer Pro Tools Session Avid Pro Tools Avid Technology
.PTV CodeJam Pte Ltd Grafiske filer MemoriesOnTV Project MemoriesOnTV CodeJam Pte Ltd
.PVT Tom Jennings Grafiske filer Local Fidonet Pointlist Fidonet Tom Jennings
.PVW Outram Research Ltd Grafiske filer Pronto For Windows Data View File Pronto for Windows Outram Research Ltd
.PWC LANovation Grafiske filer PictureTaker File LANovation PictureTaker LANovation
.PXB The Pixelmator Team Grafiske filer Pixelmator Brush File Pixelmator The Pixelmator Team
.PZI Unknown Developer Grafiske filer Pizazz Plus Graphics File Unknown Software Unknown Developer
.PZM GraphPad Software Grafiske filer GraphPad Prism Project GraphPad Prism GraphPad Software
.Q3D Act-3D Grafiske filer Quest3D Project File Quest3D Act-3D
.QAD Corel Grafiske filer Corel WordPerfect Office Thumbnail Corel WordPerfect Corel
.QLI Gammill, Inc. Grafiske filer Statler Stitcher Data Statler Stitcher Gammill, Inc.
.QMG Samsung Electronics Grafiske filer Samsung Theme Graphics File Samsung Theme Designer Samsung Electronics
.QST Synergy Software Grafiske filer KaleidaGraph Style File KaleidaGraph Synergy Software
.QTZ Apple Grafiske filer Quartz Composer File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.QXP QuArK Development Team Grafiske filer QuarkXpress Project QuarkXPress Quark Software Inc.
.R82 Microsoft Corporation Grafiske filer Flight Simulator Texture File Microsoft Flight Simulator Microsoft Corporation
.RAG Bentley Systems Grafiske filer RAM Advanse Generator Data RAM Advanse Bentley Systems
.RD3 Corel Grafiske filer CorelDRAW CorelDream 3D Data CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Corel
.RGH Unknown Developer Grafiske filer ZZ RouGH Image Unknown Software Unknown Developer
.RKW RockWare Grafiske filer RockWorks Graphics File RockWorks RockWare
.RL8 Microsoft Corporation Grafiske filer Windows Bitmap Image Adobe Photoshop Adobe Systems Incorporated
.RLB Pierre-Emmanuel Gougelet Grafiske filer Alias/Wavefront Bitmap Image File XnView MP XnSoft
.RLC ESRI Grafiske filer ArcView Image ArcView ESRI
.RND Symantec Corporation Grafiske filer PGP Random Seed File Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Symantec Corporation
.ROS Jon Taylor Grafiske filer BattleScribe Roster Editor File BattleScribe Jon Taylor
.RTB William Blake Grafiske filer Behemot Binary 3D Scene Behemoth William Blake
.RVS Eidos Interactive Grafiske filer Revenant Game Archive Revenant Cinematix Studios, Inc.
.S3D Micrografx Grafiske filer Micrografx Simply 3D Project File Micrografx Simply 3D Micrografx
.SAF DeLorme Grafiske filer Street Atlas USA Map File DeLorme Street Atlas USA DeLorme
.SAIF Safe Software Grafiske filer Spatial Archive Interchange Format Unknown Software Unknown Developer
.SAN LucasArts Entertainment Company, LLC Grafiske filer Smush Animation File Star Wars: Rebel Assault LucasArts Entertainment Company, LLC
.SBL Adobe Systems Incorporated Grafiske filer Shockwave Flash Object Adobe Flash Player Adobe Systems Incorporated
.SDP Oracle Corporation Grafiske filer StarOffice Presentation File Apache OpenOffice Apache Software Foundation
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