Bla gjennom alle Mozilla Firefox-filer

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Extension Filtypeutvikler Filkategori Filtypebeskrivelse Programvare Programvareutvikler
.RJS Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto Web-Filer Ruby Javascript File Mozilla Firefox Mozilla
.RMT The Catalina Group Systemfiler Router Firmware File Mozilla Firefox Mozilla
.RSA Various Developers Uvanlige filer RSA Certificate File Mozilla Firefox Mozilla
.RSS Various Developers Web-Filer Rich Site Summary Mozilla Firefox Mozilla
.SDL Microsoft Corporation Utviklerfiler Service Description Language File Mozilla Firefox Mozilla
.SESSION Dassault Systèmes 3D-bildefiler CATIA 4 Session File Mozilla Firefox Mozilla
.SHT The Document Foundation Web-Filer HTML File With Server Side Includes Mozilla Firefox Mozilla
.SHTM Opera Software Videofiler HTML Server Side Include File Mozilla Firefox Mozilla
.SHTML Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Web-Filer Server Side Include HTML File Mozilla Firefox Mozilla
.SLT Mozilla Innstillingsfiler Mozilla User Profile Folder Mozilla Firefox Mozilla
.SPOP Opera Software Datafiler InterTrust SPOP File Mozilla Firefox Mozilla
.SUN Sun Microsystems Rasterbildefiler Sun Raster Graphic File Mozilla Firefox Mozilla
.SVR Superscape Web-Filer Compressed Virtual World Mozilla Firefox Mozilla
.TBL Blizzard Entertainment Inc. Datafiler StarCraft Information Table Mozilla Firefox Mozilla
.TMP Mozilla Backupfiler General Temporary File Mozilla Firefox Mozilla
.URL Microsoft Corporation Web-Filer Internet Shortcut Mozilla Firefox Mozilla
.VBD Microsoft Corporation Web-Filer Visual Basic ActiveX Document Mozilla Firefox Mozilla
.VRT Superscape Web-Filer Virtual World Mozilla Firefox Mozilla
.WEBLOC Apple Web-Filer Mac OS X Website Location Mozilla Firefox Mozilla
.WEBM Google Videofiler WebM Video File Mozilla Firefox Mozilla
.WML Syncro Soft Web-Filer Wireless Markup Language File Mozilla Firefox Mozilla
.WMV Microsoft Corporation Videofiler Windows Media Video File Mozilla Firefox Mozilla
.WOA Apple Web-Filer WebObjects Application Mozilla Firefox Mozilla
.WOFF Open Source Fontfiler Web Open Font Format File Mozilla Firefox Mozilla
.XBAP Microsoft Corporation Eksekverbare filer XAML Browser Application File Mozilla Firefox Mozilla
.XBL Open Source Utviklerfiler XBLite Source Code File Mozilla Firefox Mozilla
.XHTM Opera Software Web-Filer Extensible Hypertext Markup Language Document Mozilla Firefox Mozilla
.XHTML Opera Software Web-Filer Extensible Hypertext Markup Language Document Mozilla Firefox Mozilla
.XPI Mozilla Plug-in-filer Mozilla Installer Package Mozilla Firefox Mozilla
.XPT Mozilla Plug-in-filer Mozilla Firefox Component Mozilla Firefox Mozilla
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Kompatibel med Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, og 11

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“FileViewPro fjerner tiden og frustrasjonen ved å prøve å spore ned en spesifikk programvare for å åpne en spesifikk fil.”   - Tucows

