.ADOC | Stuart Rackham | 3D-bildefiler | AsciiDoc File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.AI4 | Adobe Systems Incorporated | Vektorbildefiler | Encapsulated PostScript File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.APT | Apache Software Foundation | Tektfiles | Almost Plain Text File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.ASD | Microsoft Corporation | Backupfiler | Word AutoSave File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.ASHX | Microsoft Corporation | Web-Filer | ASP.NET Web Handler File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.ASP | Microsoft Corporation | Web-Filer | Active Server Page | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.ATT | Unknown Developer | Web-Filer | Web Form Post Data File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.AW | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | Answer Wizard File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.AXD | Microsoft Corporation | Web-Filer | ASP.NET Web Handler File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.AXL | Wattle Software | Datafiler | XML File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.B | Rockstar Games | Spillfiler | Grand Theft Auto 3 Saved Game File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.BAT | Microsoft Corporation | Eksekverbare filer | DOS Batch File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.BBS | Open Source | Tektfiles | Bulletin Board System Text | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.BED | University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) | Datafiler | UCSC BED Annotation Track File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.BPS | Symantec Corporation | Uvanlige filer | BPS Programs Virus File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.CF | Proofpoint, Inc. | Innstillingsfiler | Sendmail Configuration File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.CHORD | Open Source | Tektfiles | Song Chords File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.CM0013 | Samsung Electronics | Systemfiler | Samsung Smart TV Index File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.CMP | Microsoft Corporation | Innstillingsfiler | Windows Connection Manager Profile | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.CRD | Open Source | Uvanlige filer | Guitar Tabs | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.CVR | Microsoft Corporation | Uvanlige filer | Microsoft Crash Report File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.DICPROOF | Microsoft Corporation | Innstillingsfiler | Microsoft Dictionary Proofing File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.DIZ | Unknown Developer | Tektfiles | Description In Zip File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.DOC | Microsoft Corporation | Tektfiles | Microsoft Word Document (before The 2007 Version) | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.DOCM | Microsoft Corporation | Tektfiles | Word Open XML Macro-Enabled Document | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.DOCMHTML | Microsoft Corporation | Web-Filer | Microsoft Word MIME HTML Document | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.DOCX | Microsoft Corporation | Tektfiles | Microsoft Word Open XML Document | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.DOT | Microsoft Corporation | Sideutformingsfiler | Word Document Template | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.DOTHTML | Microsoft Corporation | Web-Filer | Microsoft Word HTML Document Template | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.DX | Digital Equipment Corporation | Tektfiles | DEC WPS Plus File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.EPS | Adobe Systems Incorporated | Vektorbildefiler | Encapsulated PostScript File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.EXAMPLE | Open Source | Innstillingsfiler | Example Configuration File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.EXC | Lionhead Studios | Spillfiler | Black & White Zone File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.EXD | Microsoft Corporation | Uvanlige filer | Control Information Cache File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.FFT | Adobe Systems Incorporated | Plug-in-filer | Adobe Audition Noise Print File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.FPR | Hewlett-Packard | Datafiler | Audit Workbench Project | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.GEOJSON | Open Source | GIS-filer | GeoJSON File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.GLY | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | Word Glossary File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.GRA | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | Microsoft Graph File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.HAN | Amazon | ebok Filer | Amazon Kindle eBook Data File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.ICF | Zoom Telephonics | Backupfiler | Zoom Router Configuration File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.JNLP | Oracle Corporation | Web-Filer | Java Web Start File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.JSE | Microsoft Corporation | Eksekverbare filer | JScript Encoded File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.LST | Unknown Developer | Tektfiles | Data List | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.M4 | Open Source | Utviklerfiler | Macro Processor Library | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.MAN | Unknown Developer | Tektfiles | Unix Manual | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.MBB | Kodak | Uvanlige filer | Kodak EasyShare Data File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.ME | Unknown Developer | Uvanlige filer | Temporary Delete Me File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.MHT | Various Developers | Web-Filer | MHTML Web Archive | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.MSH1XML | Microsoft Corporation | Innstillingsfiler | Monad Display Configuration File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.MSO | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | Microsoft Organization Chart Data File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.MSW | Corel | Innstillingsfiler | Painter Color Mixer Swatches File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.NFO | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | System Information File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.NOW | The Document Foundation | Tektfiles | Readme Text Document File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.ODT | Oracle Corporation | Tektfiles | OpenDocument Text Document | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.OLB | Microsoft Corporation | Uvanlige filer | OLE Object Library | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.OLK | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | Outlook Address Book File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.OTM | Microsoft Corporation | Eksekverbare filer | Outlook Macro File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.PANIC | Open Source | Systemfiler | Kernel Panic File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.PBM | Unknown Developer | Rasterbildefiler | Portable Bitmap Image | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.PCC | Electronic Arts | Spillfiler | Mass Effect Package | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.PDM | Sybase, Inc | Databasefiler | PowerDesigner Database File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.PDR | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | Windows Port Driver | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.PDW | AcaClone | Datafiler | pDRAW32 DNA File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.PDZ | ProntoForms | Sideutformingsfiler | ProntoDoc For Word Structured Text Document Template | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.PHP5 | Open Source | Web-Filer | PHP 5 Web Page | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.PIP | Microsoft Corporation | Innstillingsfiler | Office Personalized Settings File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.PRD | SoftMaker Software | Datafiler | SoftMaker Presentations Document | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.PRG | Open Source | Eksekverbare filer | Program File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.PSW | Microsoft Corporation | Uvanlige filer | Windows Password Reset Disk File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.PWI | Microsoft Corporation | Tektfiles | Pocket Word Document | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.PWT | Autodesk, Inc. | CAD-filer | AutoCAD Publish To Web Template | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.README | The Document Foundation | Tektfiles | Readme Text Document File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.RELS | Microsoft Corporation | Sideutformingsfiler | Open Office XML Relationships File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.RPT | SAP | Datafiler | Crystal Reports File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.RTX | The Document Foundation | Tektfiles | Rich Text Document | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.SCRIPT | Unknown Developer | Eksekverbare filer | Generic Script File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.SHS | Microsoft Corporation | Uvanlige filer | Microsoft Scrap File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.SHT | The Document Foundation | Web-Filer | HTML File With Server Side Includes | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.SIK | Microsoft Corporation | Backupfiler | Microsoft Word Backup | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.SSC | Microsoft Corporation | Utviklerfiler | SourceSafe Status File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.STC | Adobe Systems Incorporated | Web-Filer | Contribute Connection Key File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.STE | Adobe Systems Incorporated | Innstillingsfiler | Dreamweaver Site Settings File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.STY | Jørgen Sørensen / Jososoft | Lydfiler | Yamaha/Korg Keyboard Style | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.SVS | Nintendo | Spillfiler | Game Boy Advance Saved State File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.SYSTEM | Open Source | Spillfiler | Vega Strike Virtual System File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.TAB | Microsoft Corporation | Tektfiles | Tab Separated Data File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.TEXT | Sublime HQ Pty Ltd | Tektfiles | Plain Text File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.TMP | Mozilla | Backupfiler | General Temporary File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.TXT | Sublime HQ Pty Ltd | Tektfiles | Plain Text File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.VEC | Omron Corporation | Vektorbildefiler | CX-Designer Shape File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.WBK | Microsoft Corporation | Backupfiler | Word Document Backup | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.WIZ | Microsoft Corporation | Eksekverbare filer | Microsoft Wizard File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.WLL | Electronic Arts | Spillfiler | The Sims Wall Texture File Format | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.WP | Corel | Tektfiles | WordPerfect Document | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.WPD | Corel | Tektfiles | WordPerfect Document | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.WPF | Corel | Datafiler | WordPerfect Form | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.WSF | Microsoft Corporation | Eksekverbare filer | Windows Script File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.WTMP | Microsoft Corporation | Midlertidige Filer | Microsoft Word For Mac 5 Temporary File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |
.WWL | Microsoft Corporation | Plug-in-filer | Microsoft Word Add-in File | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Corporation |