Extension | Filtypeutvikler | Filkategori | Filtypebeskrivelse | Programvare | Programvareutvikler |
.MAILABVIEW | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | MS AddressBook File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.MAN | Unknown Developer | Tektfiles | Unix Manual | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.MANIFEST | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | Windows Application Manifest File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.MAPIMAIL | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | Send To Mail Recipient | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.MFI | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | Windows 98 Resource Kit Data Format | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.MFT | Kaspersky Lab | Datafiler | Kaspersky File Table | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.MLC | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | Microsoft Language Interface Pack | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.MM4 | Microsoft Corporation | Tektfiles | Microsoft Windows Word Processing Format | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.MOF | Microsoft Corporation | Innstillingsfiler | Managed Object Format File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.MS-WINDOWS-STORE-LICENSE | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | Microsoft Windows License Manager Data | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.MSD | ESRI | GIS-filer | Map Service Definition File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.MSN | Microsoft Corporation | Innstillingsfiler | Host Blocking File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.MSO | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | Microsoft Organization Chart Data File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.MSRCINCIDENT | Microsoft Corporation | Uvanlige filer | Microsoft Windows Remote Assistance Request Data | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.MSSTYLES | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | Windows XP Style | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.MSU | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | Windows Vista Update Package | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.MS_ | Microsoft Corporation | Backupfiler | Microsoft Windows WinHelp Compressed Data | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.MUM | AmsterCHEM | Datafiler | MATLAB Unit Operation Model File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.MVA | Microsoft Corporation | Komprimerte filer | Microsoft Setup Archive | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.MYDOCS | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | Send To My Documents | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
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*Filer som ikke støttes kan åpnes i binært format.
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