Bladeren door Alle Microsoft Corporation Bestanden

Rijen per bladzijde:       van % % totaal_pagina's%%
Uitbreiding Bestandstype Ontwikkelaar Bestandscategorie Bestandstype Beschrijving Software Software-ontwikkelaar
.JSONLD Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden Microsoft Visual Studio Data File Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.JSP Oracle Corporation Webbestanden Java Server Page Microsoft Edge Microsoft Corporation
.JSPA Xinox Software Webbestanden Java Servlet Alias Internet Explorer Microsoft Corporation
.JSPF Oracle Corporation Ontwikkelaarsbestanden Java Server Page Fragment Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.JSPROJ Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden Microsoft Visual Studio Data File Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.JTF Various Developers Rasterafbeeldingen JPEG Tagged Interchange Format Microsoft Windows Photos Microsoft Corporation
.JTP Microsoft Corporation Pagina-indelingsbestand Windows Journal Template Microsoft Windows Journal Microsoft Corporation
.JTX Microsoft Corporation Pagina-indelingsbestand XPS Document File Microsoft XPS Viewer Microsoft Corporation
.JVS Opera Software Webbestanden JavaScript Proxy Autoconfig File Internet Explorer Microsoft Corporation
.JW Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden Microsoft WordPad Document Microsoft WordPad Microsoft Corporation
.JWK Douglas Crockford Versleutelde Bestanden JSON Web Key Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.JWL Roxio Rasterafbeeldingen Roxio Jewel Case File JustWrite Office Microsoft Corporation
.JXR Microsoft Corporation Rasterafbeeldingen JPEG XR Image Microsoft Windows Photos Microsoft Corporation
.K25 Kodak Raw-Bestanden Voor Camera Kodak K25 Image Microsoft Windows Photos Microsoft Corporation
.KCI Microsoft Corporation Instellingsbestanden Visual Studio .NET DB Project Indexing Settings Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.KDC Kaspersky Lab Gegevensbestanden Kaspersky Virus Database File Microsoft Windows Photos Microsoft Corporation
.KDS Knyzhov Dmitry Instellingsbestanden KD Player Skin File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.KEY Unknown Developer Versleutelde bestanden License/ Encrypted Security Key File Microsoft Windows 7 Microsoft Corporation
.KLC Microsoft Corporation Instellingsbestanden Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator Keyboard Data Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator Microsoft Corporation
.KOR Epic Games Spelbestanden Unreal Engine Language Localization Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.KTF Microsoft Corporation Tekstbestanden Microsoft Dynamics AX Kernel Text Data Microsoft Dynamics AX Microsoft Corporation
.L Johan Bontes Gegevensbestanden Game Of Life File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.LACCDB Microsoft Corporation Pagina-indelingsbestand Microsoft Access Lock File Microsoft Access Microsoft Corporation
.LANG Mojang Spelbestanden Minecraft Language File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.LASSO LassoSoft Webbestanden Lasso Database-Driven Web Page Internet Explorer Microsoft Corporation
.LBT Microsoft Corporation Tekstbestanden FoxPro Label Memo Microsoft Visual FoxPro Microsoft Corporation
.LBX Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden FoxPro Label File Microsoft Visual FoxPro Microsoft Corporation
.LCN Microsoft Corporation Versleutelde bestanden License File Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.LCX Cray Inc. Gegevensbestanden LC Model Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.LDB Microsoft Corporation Pagina-indelingsbestand Microsoft Access Lock File Microsoft Access Microsoft Corporation
.LDF Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden SQL Server Transaction Log File Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft Corporation
.LDIF Mozilla Gegevensbestanden LDAP Data Interchange Format File Active Directory Explorer Microsoft Corporation
.LDP Kevin Yau Gegevensbestanden Lingoes Dictionary File Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Microsoft Corporation
.LDS GNU Project Ontwikkelaarsbestanden Binutils LD Linker Script Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.LE Microsoft Corporation Uitvoerbare bestanden DOS/4GW PM 32X DOS Extender Executable Image MS-DOS Microsoft Corporation
.LESS Adobe Systems Incorporated Webbestanden LESS Style Sheet Visual Studio Code Microsoft Corporation
.LGA Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden Microsoft Windows Application Log File Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.LGC Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden Microsoft Windows Application Log File Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.LGD Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden Microsoft Windows Application Log File Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.LGE Don Ho Gegevensbestanden Log Data Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.LGF Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden Microsoft Windows Application Log File Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.LGG Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden Microsoft Windows Application Log File Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.LGH Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden Microsoft Windows Application Log File Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.LGJ Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden Microsoft Windows Application Log File Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.LGM Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden Microsoft Windows Application Log File Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.LGN Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden Microsoft Windows Application Log File Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.LGP Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden Microsoft Windows Application Log File Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.LGS Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden Microsoft Windows Application Log File Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.LGT Microsoft Corporation Instellingsbestanden Let's Go! Theme File Let's Go! Microsoft Corporation
.LGU Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden LG Windows CE Upgrade Data Microsoft Windows CE Embedded Microsoft Corporation
.LGV Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden Debugging Tools For Windows Logger Log Debugging Tools for Windows Microsoft Corporation
.LGX Microsoft Corporation Systeembestanden Microsoft Windows Received Message Data Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.LHS SourceForge Ontwikkelaarsbestanden Literate Haskell Script Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.LIB Various Developers Gegevensbestanden Generic Data Library Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.LIBRARY-MS Microsoft Corporation Systeembestanden Windows Library Description File Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.LIC Unknown Developer Instellingsbestanden Software License File Microsoft Visual C++ Microsoft Corporation
.LICENSE Unknown Developer Gegevensbestanden Generic License File Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.LIS SourceForge Tekstbestanden SQR (Structured Query Reporting) Output File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.LIST Open Source Gegevensbestanden APT List File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.LIT Microsoft Corporation eBook-bestanden Microsoft Reader eBook File Microsoft Reader Microsoft Corporation
.LKO Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden Outlook Express Linked Object Microsoft Outlook Express Microsoft Corporation
.LKP Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS) Data Microsoft Systems Management Server Microsoft Corporation
.LNK Microsoft Corporation Systeembestanden Windows File Shortcut Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.LNT Gimpel Software Ontwikkelaarsbestanden PC-lint/FlexeLint Configuration File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.LOCAL Embarcadero Technologies Instellingsbestanden Delphi User-Specific Project Options Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.LOCK Mozilla Allerlei bestanden Lock File Microsoft OneDrive Microsoft Corporation
.LOCKED Unknown Developer Versleutelde bestanden Ransomware Encrypted File System Restore Microsoft Corporation
.LOCKY Microsoft Corporation Versleutelde bestanden Locky Ransomware Encrypted File System Restore Microsoft Corporation
.LOG Unknown Developer Tekstbestanden Log File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.LOL Apple Ontwikkelaarsbestanden LOLCODE Source Code FIle Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.LPCM Microsoft Corporation Audiobestanden Movie Maker Audio Microsoft Windows Live Movie Maker Microsoft Corporation
.LRC Various Developers Allerlei bestanden Lyrics File Microsoft Windows Media Player Microsoft Corporation
.LRD Microsoft Corporation Tijdelijke Bestanden Microsoft Money Lock Data Microsoft Money Microsoft Corporation
.LRF Aequus Gaming LTD Spelbestanden League Of Legends Replay File Microsoft C/C++ Microsoft Corporation
.LRM Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden Encarta Class Server Learning Resource File Microsoft Encarta Microsoft Corporation
.LRV Konica Minolta Gegevensbestanden Konica Minolta Data Management Software Stored File Microsoft Windows Media Player Microsoft Corporation
.LSF Interscape Gegevensbestanden Logos Library System File Microsoft Windows Media Player Microsoft Corporation
.LST Unknown Developer Tekstbestanden Data List Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.LSX Microsoft Corporation Videobestanden Streaming Media Shortcut Microsoft Windows Media Player Microsoft Corporation
.LTR Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Tekstbestanden Letter Document Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.LUA Unknown Developer Ontwikkelaarsbestanden Lua Source File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.LWV Microsoft Corporation Audiobestanden Linguistically Enhanced Sound File Microsoft Agent Microsoft Corporation
.LXA Microsoft Corporation Allerlei bestanden Microsoft Speech Lexicon File Microsoft Office Microsoft Corporation
.LYT Adminsoft Gegevensbestanden Adminsoft Document Layout File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.M MathWorks Ontwikkelaarsbestanden MATLAB Source Code File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.M11 Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden Microsoft Money 2003 Data Microsoft Money Microsoft Corporation
.M15 Moving Picture Experts Group Videobestanden MPEG Video File Microsoft Windows Media Player Microsoft Corporation
.M1A Open Source Audiobestanden MPEG-1 Audio File Microsoft Windows Media Player Microsoft Corporation
.M2A Unknown Developer Videobestanden MPEG-1 Layer 2 Audio File Microsoft Windows Media Player Microsoft Corporation
.M2D HTC Instellingsbestanden HTC Manila 2D For Windows Mobile Skin Windows Mobile Microsoft Corporation
.M2P Moving Picture Experts Group Videobestanden MPEG-2 Program Stream File Microsoft Windows Media Player Microsoft Corporation
.M2S Maxthon Instellingsbestanden Maxthon 2 Browser Skin File Microsoft Windows Media Player Microsoft Corporation
.M2T Roxio Videobestanden HDV Video File Microsoft Windows Media Player Microsoft Corporation
.M2TS Sony Videobestanden Blu-ray BDAV Video File Microsoft Windows Media Player Microsoft Corporation
.M2V Webteh Videobestanden MPEG-2 Packetized Elementary Stream Microsoft Windows Media Encoder 9 Microsoft Corporation
.M3U Nullsoft Audiobestanden Media Playlist File Microsoft Windows Media Player Microsoft Corporation
.M3U8 Various Developers Audiobestanden UTF-8 M3U Playlist File Microsoft Windows Media Player Microsoft Corporation
.M4 Open Source Ontwikkelaarsbestanden Macro Processor Library Microsoft Word Microsoft Corporation
.M4A Apple Audiobestanden MPEG-4 Audio File Microsoft Windows Media Player Microsoft Corporation
.M4B Apple Audiobestanden MPEG-4 Audio Book File Microsoft Windows Media Player Microsoft Corporation
Bladeren door Microsoft Corporation Bestandsextensies Per Letter:   # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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