Bladeren door "P" Microsoft Corporation Bestanden

Rijen per bladzijde:       van % % totaal_pagina's%%
Uitbreiding Bestandstype Ontwikkelaar Bestandscategorie Bestandstype Beschrijving Software Software-ontwikkelaar
.PPAM Microsoft Corporation Plug-inbestanden PowerPoint 2007 Add-In Microsoft Powerpoint 2016 Microsoft Corporation
.PPC Garmin GIS-bestanden XMap Flight Plan Statistic File Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Corporation
.PPG Microsoft Corporation Tekstbestanden Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Corporation
.PPI Microsoft Corporation Grafische Bestanden Microsoft PowerPoint Graphics Data Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Corporation
.PPKG Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden Microsoft Windows Provisioning Package Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.PPM The GIMP Development Team Rasterafbeeldingen Portable Pixmap Image File ACD Systems Canvas Microsoft Corporation
.PPS Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden PowerPoint Slide Show Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Corporation
.PPSM Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden PowerPoint Open XML Macro-Enabled Slide Show Microsoft Powerpoint 2016 Microsoft Corporation
.PPSX Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden PowerPoint Open XML Slide Show Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Corporation
.PPT Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden PowerPoint Presentation Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Corporation
.PPTM Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden PowerPoint Open XML Macro-Enabled Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Corporation
.PPTMHTML Microsoft Corporation Webbestanden Microsoft PowerPoint MIME HTML Presentation Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Corporation
.PPTX Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden PowerPoint Open XML Presentation Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Corporation
.PPTXML Microsoft Corporation Allerlei bestanden Microsoft Powerpoint XML Presentation File Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Corporation
.PPV Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden Pocket PowerPoint Presentation Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Corporation
.PRD SoftMaker Software Gegevensbestanden SoftMaker Presentations Document Microsoft Word Microsoft Corporation
.PRE IBM Gegevensbestanden Lotus Freelance Graphics File Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Corporation
.PRF Microsoft Corporation Instellingsbestanden Outlook Profile File Microsoft Outlook 2016 Microsoft Corporation
.PRG Open Source Uitvoerbare bestanden Program File Microsoft Word Microsoft Corporation
.PRI The Qt Company Ontwikkelaarsbestanden Qt Project Include File Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.PRINTEREXPORT Microsoft Corporation Systeembestanden Windows Printer Migration File Microsoft Windows 7 Microsoft Corporation
.PRJ Unknown Developer Gegevensbestanden Project File Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.PRN Various Developers Pagina-indelingsbestand HP PCL Printer Output Microsoft Excel Microsoft Corporation
.PROPERTIES Mojang Spelbestanden Minecraft Properties File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.PROPS Microsoft Corporation Instellingsbestanden Microsoft Visual Studio Property Sheet Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.PROVXML Microsoft Corporation Instellingsbestanden Microsoft Windows Provisioning XML Data Windows Mobile Microsoft Corporation
.PRT PTC CAD-bestanden Pro/ENGINEER Part File Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.PRV E-on Software, Inc. 3D-bestanden Vue Preview File Microsoft Publisher Microsoft Corporation
.PRX Microsoft Corporation Uitvoerbare bestanden FoxPro Compiled Program Microsoft Visual FoxPro Microsoft Corporation
.PS1 Microsoft Corporation Ontwikkelaarsbestanden Windows PowerShell Shell Script Microsoft Windows PowerShell Microsoft Corporation
.PS1XML Microsoft Corporation Instellingsbestanden Windows PowerShell Display Configuration File Microsoft Windows PowerShell Microsoft Corporation
.PS2 Datel Spelbestanden Sharkport Saved Game File Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.PS2XML Microsoft Corporation Ontwikkelaarsbestanden Windows PowerShell File Microsoft Windows PowerShell Microsoft Corporation
.PSC1 Microsoft Corporation Instellingsbestanden Windows PowerShell Console File Microsoft Windows PowerShell Microsoft Corporation
.PSC2 Microsoft Corporation Instellingsbestanden Windows PowerShell Console File Microsoft Windows PowerShell Microsoft Corporation
.PSD Adobe Systems Incorporated Rasterafbeeldingen Adobe Photoshop Document ACD Systems Canvas Microsoft Corporation
.PSD1 Microsoft Corporation Ontwikkelaarsbestanden Windows PowerShell Data File Microsoft Windows PowerShell Microsoft Corporation
.PSESS Microsoft Corporation Ontwikkelaarsbestanden Microsoft Visual Studio Performance Session Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.PSHADER Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden Microsoft Visual Studio Data File Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.PSM1 Microsoft Corporation Ontwikkelaarsbestanden Windows PowerShell Script Module File Microsoft Windows PowerShell Microsoft Corporation
.PSO NCH Software Gegevensbestanden DreamPlan Home Design Software Data Microsoft DirectX Microsoft Corporation
.PSP Corel Corporation Rasterafbeeldingen PaintShop Pro Image ACD Systems Canvas Microsoft Corporation
.PSPIMAGE Corel Corporation Rasterafbeeldingen PaintShop Pro Image ACD Systems Canvas Microsoft Corporation
.PSSC Microsoft Corporation Systeembestanden Windows PowerShell Session Configuration File Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.PST Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden Outlook Personal Information Store File Microsoft Outlook Express Microsoft Corporation
.PSV Sony Spelbestanden PlayStation 2 Save File Microsoft Excel Microsoft Corporation
.PSW Microsoft Corporation Allerlei bestanden Windows Password Reset Disk File Password Reset Disk Microsoft Corporation
.PTM Microsoft Corporation GIS-bestanden MapPoint Map File Microsoft MapPoint Microsoft Corporation
.PTT Avid Technology Audiobestanden Pro Tools Session Template Microsoft MapPoint Microsoft Corporation
.PTX Adobe Systems Incorporated Lettertypebestanden PageMaker Template File Microsoft Windows Photos Microsoft Corporation
.PUB Microsoft Corporation Pagina-indelingsbestand Microsoft Publisher Document Microsoft Publisher Microsoft Corporation
.PUBLISHPROJ Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden Visual Studio Data Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.PUBXML Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden Microsoft Visual Studio Publish Profile Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.PUZ Literate Software Spelbestanden Across Lite Crossword Puzzle Microsoft Publisher Microsoft Corporation
.PVG Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden Encarta World Atlas Data File Microsoft Encarta Microsoft Corporation
.PVK Microsoft Corporation Versleutelde Bestanden Private Key File File Signing Tool (Signcode.exe) Microsoft Corporation
.PWI Microsoft Corporation Tekstbestanden Pocket Word Document Microsoft Word Microsoft Corporation
.PWT Autodesk, Inc. CAD-bestanden AutoCAD Publish To Web Template Microsoft Word Microsoft Corporation
.PXL Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden Pocket Excel File Microsoft ActiveSync Microsoft Corporation
.PXT Microsoft Corporation Allerlei bestanden Microsoft Pocket Excel Template Microsoft Excel Mobile Microsoft Corporation
.PY Python Software Foundation Ontwikkelaarsbestanden Python Script Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.PY2 Python Software Foundation Ontwikkelaarsbestanden Python Script Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.PYA Microsoft Corporation Audiobestanden Microsoft PlayReady DRM Audio File Microsoft Windows Media Player Microsoft Corporation
.PYM VRVis (Vienna University of Technology) Ontwikkelaarsbestanden PYM Macro Preprocessor File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.PYS Microsoft Corporation Gegevensbestanden Microsoft Console Based Script Host File Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.PYV Microsoft Corporation Audiobestanden Microsoft PlayReady Video PlayReady Microsoft Corporation
Bladeren door Microsoft Corporation Bestandsextensies Per Letter:   # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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Compatible met Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 en 11

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“FileViewPro elimineert de tijd en frustratie van het proberen te achterhalen van een specifieke software om een specifiek bestand te openen.”   - Tucows

