Bladeren door "S" Don Ho Bestanden

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Uitbreiding Bestandstype Ontwikkelaar Bestandscategorie Bestandstype Beschrijving Software Software-ontwikkelaar
.S4P Open Source Gegevensbestanden Touchstone 16 S-parameters Data File Notepad++ Don Ho
.SAM Microsoft Corporation Tekstbestanden LMHOSTS Sample File Notepad++ Don Ho
.SBV Superbase Software Pagina-indelingsbestand Superbase Form Definition File Notepad++ Don Ho
.SCA Symantec Corporation Gegevensbestanden Norton AntiVirus Scan File Notepad++ Don Ho
.SCRIPT Unknown Developer Uitvoerbare bestanden Generic Script File Notepad++ Don Ho
.SFB Sony Spelbestanden PlayStation 3 Disc Data File Notepad++ Don Ho
.SH Unknown Developer Ontwikkelaarsbestanden Bash Shell Script Notepad++ Don Ho
.SHT The Document Foundation Webbestanden HTML File With Server Side Includes Notepad++ Don Ho
.SHTML Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Webbestanden Server Side Include HTML File Notepad++ Don Ho
.SIF Microsoft Corporation Instellingsbestanden Windows Setup Information File Notepad++ Don Ho
.SKI Motorola Instellingsbestanden Motorola Phone Skin File Notepad++ Don Ho
.SL SourceForge Instellingsbestanden Unix Software License File Notepad++ Don Ho
.SLS Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Allerlei bestanden Image Playlist Notepad++ Don Ho
.SMS Sega Spelbestanden Sega Master System ROM Notepad++ Don Ho
.SMW Crestron Electronics Ontwikkelaarsbestanden SIMPL Windows Source File Notepad++ Don Ho
.SOUNDS id Software Spelbestanden Quake 3 Engine Sound Definition File Notepad++ Don Ho
.SPEC Open Source Ontwikkelaarsbestanden RPM Specification File Notepad++ Don Ho
.SPN Corel Instellingsbestanden Corel WordPerfect Distribution Definition Notepad++ Don Ho
.SPS IBM Gegevensbestanden SPSS Program File Notepad++ Don Ho
.SRX Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Gegevensbestanden SPARQL Query Results XML Format Result Notepad++ Don Ho
.SS Open Source Ontwikkelaarsbestanden SilverStripe Source Code File Notepad++ Don Ho
.SSC Microsoft Corporation Ontwikkelaarsbestanden SourceSafe Status File Notepad++ Don Ho
.SSF Unknown Developer Videobestanden Structured Subtitle Format File Notepad++ Don Ho
.STC Adobe Systems Incorporated Webbestanden Contribute Connection Key File Notepad++ Don Ho
.STE Adobe Systems Incorporated Instellingsbestanden Dreamweaver Site Settings File Notepad++ Don Ho
.SVH IEEE Xplore Ontwikkelaarsbestanden SystemVerilog Source Code Header File Notepad++ Don Ho
.SVX The Survex Project GIS-bestanden Survex Cavern Data File Notepad++ Don Ho
.SYSTEM Open Source Spelbestanden Vega Strike Virtual System File Notepad++ Don Ho
Bladeren door Don Ho Bestandsextensies Per Letter:   # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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