Bladeren door Alle Apple Bestanden

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Uitbreiding Bestandstype Ontwikkelaar Bestandscategorie Bestandstype Beschrijving Software Software-ontwikkelaar
.REZCODE Apple Gegevensbestanden Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.RGB Silicon Graphics, Inc. Rasterafbeeldingen RGB Bitmap Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.RHTML Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto Webbestanden Ruby HTML Web Page Apple Safari Apple
.RL4 Various Developers Rasterafbeeldingen Bitmap Image File Apple Photos Apple
.RLELZW Apple Gegevensbestanden Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.RMI Open Source Audiobestanden RMID MIDI File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.RMP RealNetworks Videobestanden RealPlayer Metadata Package File Apple iTunes Apple
.RMT The Catalina Group Systeembestanden Router Firmware File Apple Safari Apple
.RMVB RealNetworks Videobestanden RealMedia Variable Bit Rate File olimsoft OPlayer Apple
.ROUT Apple Gegevensbestanden Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.ROUTINES Apple Gegevensbestanden Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.ROY Apple Lettertypebestanden TrueType File TrueType Apple
.RPT SAP Gegevensbestanden Crystal Reports File Apple Pages Apple
.RST David Goodger Tekstbestanden ReStructuredText File Apple TextEdit Apple
.RTF Microsoft Corporation Tekstbestanden Rich Text Format File Apple Pages Apple
.RTFD Apple Tekstbestanden Rich Text Format Directory File Apple TextEdit Apple
.RTS Heaventools Software Ontwikkelaarsbestanden Resource Tuner Console Script Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.RTSP Apple Audiobestanden Apple QuickTime Real-Time Streaming Protocol File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.RTX The Document Foundation Tekstbestanden Rich Text Document Apple TextEdit Apple
.RU Microsoft Corporation Tekstbestanden Russian Text Or Localization File Apple TextEdit Apple
.S7Z Igor Pavlov Gecomprimeerde bestanden 7-Zip Compressed File Sixty Five 7zX Apple
.SAVER Apple Systeembestanden Mac OS X Screen Saver Apple OS X Apple
.SB MIT Media Lab Ontwikkelaarsbestanden Scratch Project File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.SCC Microsoft Corporation Ontwikkelaarsbestanden SourceSafe Source Code Control File Apple DVD Studio Pro Apple
.SCORES Unknown Developer Gegevensbestanden Unknown Apple II File. (found On Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) Apple IIGS Apple
.SCRIPT Unknown Developer Uitvoerbare bestanden Generic Script File Apple Pages Apple
.SCSS Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Webbestanden Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets Syntax Data Apple TextEdit Apple
.SCT Scitex Rasterafbeeldingen Scitex Continuous Tone File Apple TextEdit Apple
.SD2 Avid Technology Audiobestanden Sound Designer II File Apple iTunes Apple
.SD2F Avid Technology Audiobestanden Sound Designer II File Apple iTunes Apple
.SDEF Apple Ontwikkelaarsbestanden AppleScript Dictionary Document Apple Xcode Apple
.SDL Microsoft Corporation Ontwikkelaarsbestanden Service Description Language File Safari Apple
.SDP Oracle Corporation Gegevensbestanden StarOffice Presentation File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.SDS Oracle Corporation Gegevensbestanden Chart Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.SDX Kivuto Allerlei bestanden Kivuto Secure Download Manager File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.SERIAL Apple Gegevensbestanden Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.SETUP Crytek Ontwikkelaarsbestanden CryENGINE Character Setup File Apple OS X Apple
.SGI Silicon Graphics, Inc. Rasterafbeeldingen Silicon Graphics Image File Apple Preview Apple
.SH Unknown Developer Ontwikkelaarsbestanden Bash Shell Script Apple Terminal Apple
.SHELL Apple Gegevensbestanden Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.SHOP Apple Gegevensbestanden Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.SHT The Document Foundation Webbestanden HTML File With Server Side Includes Apple TextEdit Apple
.SHTM Opera Software Videobestanden HTML Server Side Include File Apple TextEdit Apple
.SIGNUP Unknown Developer Gegevensbestanden Unknown Apple II File. (found On Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) Apple IIGS Apple
.SK Apple Allerlei bestanden Safari History Index File Apple Safari Apple
.SLAP Apple Gegevensbestanden Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.SMART2 Apple Gegevensbestanden Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.SMF Oracle Corporation Tekstbestanden StarMath Formula File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.SMI Apple Schijfimagebestanden Self-Mounting Disk Image Apple Disk Utility Apple
.SMIL "Synchronized Multimedia" Working Group (SYMM WG) Videobestanden SMIL(Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language) Presentation File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.SML ESRI Ontwikkelaarsbestanden ARC/INFO Simple Macro Language File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.SML2 Apple Gegevensbestanden Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.SND Open Source Audiobestanden Sound File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.SNG Korg Audiobestanden Korg Trinity Song File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.SOFTWARE Apple Gegevensbestanden Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.SON Open Source Audiobestanden Notator SL Audio File Apple Logic Pro Apple
.SOUND Unknown Developer Gegevensbestanden Unknown Apple II File. (found On Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) Apple IIGS Apple
.SOUNDS id Software Spelbestanden Quake 3 Engine Sound Definition File Apple TextEdit Apple
.SOURCE Unknown Developer Gegevensbestanden Unknown Apple II File. (found On Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) Apple IIGS Apple
.SPADES Unknown Developer Gegevensbestanden Unknown Apple II File. (found On Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) Apple IIGS Apple
.SPARSE Apple Gegevensbestanden Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.SPK Atari Corporation Spelbestanden Deer Hunter Map File Apple Archive Utility Apple
.SPRITES Apple Gegevensbestanden Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.SPS IBM Gegevensbestanden SPSS Program File Apple TextEdit Apple
.SPX Xiph.Org Audiobestanden Ogg Vorbis Speex File Apple QuickTime Player Apple
.SQL Various Developers Databasebestanden Structured Query Language Data File Apple TextEdit Apple
.SS Open Source Ontwikkelaarsbestanden SilverStripe Source Code File Apple TextEdit Apple
.SSC Microsoft Corporation Ontwikkelaarsbestanden SourceSafe Status File Apple TextEdit Apple
.SSQ Microsoft Corporation Ontwikkelaarsbestanden ODBC Script File Apple ODBC Administrator Apple
.STACK Apple Gegevensbestanden Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.STAGE1 Apple Gegevensbestanden Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.STAR Apple Gegevensbestanden Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.STARTUP Apple Gegevensbestanden Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.STC Adobe Systems Incorporated Webbestanden Contribute Connection Key File Apple Pages Apple
.STE Adobe Systems Incorporated Instellingsbestanden Dreamweaver Site Settings File Apple Pages Apple
.STL 3D Systems CAD-bestanden Stereolithography File Apple Final Cut Pro Apple
.STORAGE Apple Gegevensbestanden Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.STRINGS Apple Tekstbestanden Text Strings File Apple TextEdit Apple
.SUB URUWORKS Tekstbestanden Subtitle File olimsoft OPlayer Apple
.SUI Sean Maxwell Gegevensbestanden StarSplatter User Interface File macOS Apple
.SUIT Apple Lettertypebestanden Macintosh Font Suitcase Apple OS X Apple
.SUPP Apple Gegevensbestanden iOS Data File Apple iOS Apple
.SVR Superscape Webbestanden Compressed Virtual World Safari Apple
.SVX The Survex Project GIS-bestanden Survex Cavern Data File Apple TextEdit Apple
.SWAP Microsoft Corporation Systeembestanden Swap File Apple OS X Apple
.SWP Microsoft Corporation Systeembestanden Swap File Apple OS X Apple
.SYMBOLS Apple Gegevensbestanden Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.SYNC Apple Gegevensbestanden Apple ColorSync File Apple OS X Apple
.SYNTAX Apple Gegevensbestanden Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.SYSLOG Apple Gegevensbestanden Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.SYSTEM Open Source Spelbestanden Vega Strike Virtual System File Apple TextEdit Apple
.T2 RM Education Gegevensbestanden Textease 2000 File macOS Apple
.TABLE1 Apple Gegevensbestanden Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.TABLES Apple Gegevensbestanden Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.TALK2 Apple Gegevensbestanden Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.TAR Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler Gegevensbestanden Consolidated Unix File Archive Apple Archive Utility Apple
.TBZ2 Winrar Gecomprimeerde bestanden Tar BZip 2 Compressed File Apple Archive Utility Apple
.TDF DVD Copy Instellingsbestanden Title Definition Format File Apple Xserve Diagnostics Apple
.TEASERS2 Apple Gegevensbestanden Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
.TECH Apple Gegevensbestanden Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File Apple OS X Apple
Bladeren door Apple Bestandsextensies Per Letter:   # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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