.AB2 | Broderbund | File di dati | Print Shop Address Book File | The Print Shop | Broderbund |
.ABK | Corel | File backup | Automatic Backup File | Broderbund PrintMaster v7 Platinum | Broderbund |
.BCC | Broderbund | File di dati | Calendar Creator File | Calendar Creator | Broderbund |
.BIZ | Broderbund | File con layout di pagina | Broderbund Business Card File | Broderbund PrintMaster v7 Platinum | Broderbund |
.BRO | Onyx Computing | File 3D | Broadleaf Tree Model | Broderbund PrintMaster v8 Platinum | Broderbund |
.CAL | Newera Software Technology, Inc. | File con immagini raster | CALS Raster File | Broderbund PrintMaster v8 Platinum | Broderbund |
.CC5 | Broderbund | File con layout di pagina | Calendar Creator Document | Calendar Creator | Broderbund |
.CCE | Broderbund | File vari | Calendar Creator 2 Event File | Calendar Creator | Broderbund |
.CE3 | Broderbund | File vari | Calendar Creator 3.x 4.x Event List File | Calendar Creator | Broderbund |
.DAT | Unknown Developer | File di giochi | Game Data | Prince of Persia | Broderbund |
.HCR | Broderbund | File con layout di pagina | Half-Fold Card File | Broderbund PrintMaster v8 Platinum | Broderbund |
.ICS | IronCAD, LLC | File di CAD | IronCAD 3D CAD Drawing File | Broderbund PrintMaster v8 Platinum | Broderbund |
.NCB | Microsoft Corporation | File sviluppatore | Visual C++ IntelliSense Database | Nick-O-Matic Design Factory | Broderbund |
.NCE | Miroslav Rajčić | File di dati | NoteCase Pro Encrypted Document | Nick-O-Matic Design Factory | Broderbund |
.NDB | Naviter | File di dati | SeeYou Waypoint File | Nick-O-Matic Design Factory | Broderbund |
.NDG | Broderbund | File grafici | Nick-O-Matic Design Factory Project File | Nick-O-Matic Design Factory | Broderbund |
.NEN | Broderbund | File grafici | Nick-O-Matic Design Factory Project File | Nick-O-Matic Design Factory | Broderbund |
.NGO | Broderbund | File grafici | Nick-O-Matic Design Factory Project File | Nick-O-Matic Design Factory | Broderbund |
.PB1 | Broderbund | File di dati | Broderbund 3D Home Architect Data | 3D Home Architect | Broderbund |
.PDA | Molecular Devices | File di dati | SoftMax Pro Microplate Data Analysis File | The Print Shop | Broderbund |
.PDG | Broderbund | File con layout di pagina | Print Shop Deluxe Design File | The Print Shop | Broderbund |
.PDL | PDL Developerment Team | File sviluppatore | Perl Data Language File | The Print Shop | Broderbund |
.PFL | PlotSoft | File con layout di pagina | PDFill Project File | Family Lawyer | Broderbund |
.PL1 | Broderbund | File grafici | 3D Home Architect Room Plan | 3D Home Architect | Broderbund |
.PLV | Magix Software GmbH | File di dati | Digital Foto Maker Data | Prince of Persia | Broderbund |
.PMO | Broderbund | File di dati | Print Meta Object File | Broderbund PrintMaster v7 Platinum | Broderbund |
.PMX | Yu Higuchi | File 3D | MikuMikuDance Model File | Broderbund PrintMaster v7 Platinum | Broderbund |
.PSPROJ | Broderbund | File con layout di pagina | The Print Shop Project File | The Print Shop | Broderbund |
.QBL | Broderbund | File di dati | Business Lawyer Document Files | Home & Business Lawyer | Broderbund |
.QFL | Nolo | File di dati | Family Lawyer Document | Family Lawyer | Broderbund |
.SIG | Unknown Developer | File di testo | Signature File | Broderbund PrintMaster v7 Platinum | Broderbund |
.WNS | Broderbund | File vari | PrintShop Newsletter File | PrintShop | Broderbund |