.DOX | Microsoft Corporation | Tekstitiedostot | Visual Basic Binary UserDocument | Microsoft Visual Studio | Microsoft Corporation |
.DP | Stefan Hagel | Tekstitiedostot | Text Document | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.DPO | DECAdry | Tekstitiedostot | DECAdry Express Business Cards Business Card | DECAdry Express Business Cards | DECAdry |
.DROPBOX | Dropbox, Inc. | Tekstitiedostot | Dropbox Shared Folder Tracker | Dropbox | Dropbox, Inc. |
.DRP | DÖRR EDV-Beratung | Tekstitiedostot | DReport Document | DReport | DÖRR EDV-Beratung |
.DSC | Kingsoft | Tekstitiedostot | Kingsoft Design Science Equation File | Kingsoft Office | Kingsoft |
.DSO | Microsoft Corporation | Tekstitiedostot | Microsoft Visual Studio Workspace Data | Microsoft Visual Studio | Microsoft Corporation |
.DVI | The Evince Team | Tekstitiedostot | Device Independent Format File | Evince | The Evince Team |
.DWD | DiamondWare Ltd. | Tekstitiedostot | DiamondWare Digital Audio File | Wi-Fone | DiamondWare Ltd. |
.DX | Digital Equipment Corporation | Tekstitiedostot | DEC WPS Plus File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.DXB | Autodesk, Inc. | Tekstitiedostot | Drawing Exchange Binary | Autodesk AutoCAD | Autodesk, Inc. |
.EDN | Xilinx, Inc. | Tekstitiedostot | EDIF Implementation Netlist File | Xilinx ISE WebPACK | Xilinx, Inc. |
.EDOC | EUSO | Tekstitiedostot | Electronically Certified Document | EDOC Java Libraries | EUSO |
.EGT | EagleGet | Tekstitiedostot | EagleGet Temporary File | EagleGet | EagleGet |
.EIM | EIAS3D | Tekstitiedostot | Electric Image Model | Electric Image Animation System (EIAS) | EIAS3D |
.EIO | Yozosoft | Tekstitiedostot | Yozo Office File | Yozosoft Yozo Office | Yozosoft |
.EIT | Yozosoft | Tekstitiedostot | Yozo Office Template File | Yozosoft Yozo Office | Yozosoft |
.EMD | FMJ-Software | Tekstitiedostot | ABT Extended Module File | Awave Studio | FMJ-Software |
.EMF | Microsoft Corporation | Tekstitiedostot | Enhanced Windows Metafile | Apache OpenOffice | Apache Software Foundation |
.EMLX | Apple | Tekstitiedostot | Apple Mail Message | Notepad++ | Don Ho |
.EN | Sublime HQ Pty Ltd | Tekstitiedostot | English Language Translation File | Notepad++ | Don Ho |
.EPP | Talasoft | Tekstitiedostot | TalaPhoto Project | TalaPhoto | Talasoft |
.ERR | Microsoft Corporation | Tekstitiedostot | Error Log File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.ES | Interscape | Tekstitiedostot | ECHOSPEECH File | ECHOSPEECH | Interscape |
.ES3 | Microsec Software Engineering & Consulting Plc. | Tekstitiedostot | E-Szigno Signed Document | e-Szigno | Microsec Software Engineering & Consulting Plc. |
.ESD | Microsoft Corporation | Tekstitiedostot | Windows Electronic Software Download File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.ESS | Bethesda Softworks | Tekstitiedostot | The Elder Scrolls Saved Game | Skyrim VR | Bethesda Softworks |
.ETF | NetScape | Tekstitiedostot | Enriched Text Format E-mail Message | GNU Emacs | GNU Project |
.ETS | Enthuware | Tekstitiedostot | Enthuware Test Studio Document | Enthuware Test Studio | Enthuware |
.ETX | Open Source | Tekstitiedostot | TeX Font Encoding File | MiKTeX | Christian Schenk |
.EUC | Unknown Developer | Tekstitiedostot | Extended Unix Code File | EUC-JP decoder | Unknown Developer |
.EXC | Lionhead Studios | Tekstitiedostot | Black & White Zone File | Lionhead Studios Black and White | Lionhead Studios |
.EZ | Open Source | Tekstitiedostot | EZ Word Document | Andrew User Interface System | Open Source |
.EZM | E-Press Corporation | Tekstitiedostot | Text File Mail Data | EasyOffice | E-Press Corporation |
.FAD | Microsoft Corporation | Tekstitiedostot | Office File Attribute Database File | Microsoft Office | Microsoft Corporation |
.FBL | International TechneGroup Incorporated | Tekstitiedostot | CADfix Command Level Log File | CADfix | International TechneGroup Incorporated |
.FCF | Final Draft | Tekstitiedostot | Final Draft Converter File | Final Draft | Final Draft |
.FCT | Salty Brine | Tekstitiedostot | FolderClone Task List | Salty Brine FolderClone | Salty Brine |
.FD | Data Access Worldwide | Tekstitiedostot | DataFlex Data File | DataFlex | Data Access Worldwide |
.FDF | Adobe Systems Incorporated | Tekstitiedostot | Acrobat Forms Data Format | Adobe Acrobat DC | Adobe Systems Incorporated |
.FDR | Final Draft | Tekstitiedostot | Final Draft Document | Final Draft | Final Draft |
.FDS | Adobe Systems Incorporated | Tekstitiedostot | JetForm FormFlow Data File | JetForm FormFlow | Adobe Systems Incorporated |
.FDT | Final Draft | Tekstitiedostot | Final Draft 5-7 Template | Final Draft | Final Draft |
.FDW | Nelfo | Tekstitiedostot | FEBDOK Document File | FEBDOK | Nelfo |
.FDX | Final Draft | Tekstitiedostot | Final Draft Document | Final Draft | Final Draft |
.FEE | Kalahari Software LLC | Tekstitiedostot | Precision Fees Fee Schedule | Precision Fees | Kalahari Software LLC |
.FFP | Open Source | Tekstitiedostot | FLAC Fingerprint Data | Notepad++ | Don Ho |
.FFT | Adobe Systems Incorporated | Tekstitiedostot | Adobe Audition Noise Print File | Adobe Audition | Adobe Systems Incorporated |
.FGS | Chen Lujie | Tekstitiedostot | Fig Figure Settings File | Fig | Chen Lujie |
.FIN | Interscape | Tekstitiedostot | Sapir Torah Text | Sapir Torah | Interscape |
.FIRE | CoffeeCup | Tekstitiedostot | FireStarter Project File | CoffeeCup FireStarter | CoffeeCup |
.FLR | Igor Kogan | Tekstitiedostot | Flare Decompiled ActionScript File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.FORM | Oracle Corporation | Tekstitiedostot | NetBeans Java GUI Designer Form | NetBeans | Open Source |
.FPC | Microsoft Corporation | Tekstitiedostot | FoxPro Catalog Memo | Microsoft Visual FoxPro | Microsoft Corporation |
.FR | Sublime HQ Pty Ltd | Tekstitiedostot | French Language Translation | Notepad++ | Don Ho |
.FRT | Microsoft Corporation | Tekstitiedostot | FoxPro Report Memo | Microsoft Visual FoxPro | Microsoft Corporation |
.FSC | ProFantasy Software Ltd | Tekstitiedostot | Campaign Cartographer File | Campaign Cartographer 3 | ProFantasy Software Ltd |
.FSS | Basta Computing | Tekstitiedostot | Splitty Data Split File | Basta Computing Splitty | Basta Computing |
.FULL | Red Hat | Tekstitiedostot | Cygwin Variable Log | Cygwin | Open Source |
.FWD | Ipswitch, Inc. | Tekstitiedostot | IMail Server Forwarded Mail Message | Ipswitch IMail Server | Ipswitch, Inc. |
.FX | Microsoft Corporation | Tekstitiedostot | Direct3D Effects File | Microsoft Visual Studio | Microsoft Corporation |
.FX2 | Corel | Tekstitiedostot | Corel WordPerfect Office Template File | Corel WordPerfect | Corel |
.GBF | Yuku | Tekstitiedostot | General Bible Format | Quick Bible | Yuku |
.GDC | Iconics, Inc. | Tekstitiedostot | Iconics GraphWorx32 Document | GraphWorX32 | Iconics, Inc. |
.GER | Open Source | Tekstitiedostot | German Text/html Info | Notepad++ | Don Ho |
.GGG | Sharon Dugdale and David Kibbey | Tekstitiedostot | Green Globs & Graphing Equations Records | Green Globs & Graphing Equations | Sharon Dugdale and David Kibbey |
.GMD | YoYo Games | Tekstitiedostot | Game Maker Program Code | GameMaker Studio | YoYo Games |
.GMP | Blue Marble Geographics | Tekstitiedostot | Global Mapper Package File | Global Mapper | Blue Marble Geographics |
.GMX | YoYo Games | Tekstitiedostot | GameMaker File | GameMaker Studio | YoYo Games |
.GNU | Sublime HQ Pty Ltd | Tekstitiedostot | GNU Licence Information | Sublime Text | Sublime HQ Pty Ltd |
.GPD | Microsoft Corporation | Tekstitiedostot | Generic Printer Description File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.GPL | Open Source | Tekstitiedostot | GNU Public License Text File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.GPN | Matt Herron | Tekstitiedostot | GlidePlan Map Document | GlidePlan | Matt Herron |
.GSD | PROFIBUS & PROFINET International | Tekstitiedostot | General Station Description File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.GUIDE | Unknown Developer | Tekstitiedostot | AmigaGuide Hypertext Document | Amiga Forever | Cloanto Corporation |
.GUL | Samsung Electronics | Tekstitiedostot | JungUm Global Document | JungUm Global | Samsung Electronics |
.GV | AT&T Labs | Tekstitiedostot | Graphviz DOT File | Graphviz | AT&T Labs |
.GWB | Open Source | Tekstitiedostot | Interwrite Presentation File | InterWrite Reader | Open Source |
.GX | Saltire Software | Tekstitiedostot | Geometry Expressions Document | Geometry Expressions | Saltire Software |
.HBK | Mathsoft | Tekstitiedostot | Mathcad Handbook File | Mathcad | PTC |
.HCR | Broderbund | Tekstitiedostot | Half-Fold Card File | CreataCard | American Greetings |
.HDT | Adobe Systems Incorporated | Tekstitiedostot | Photoshop HDR Toning Preset File | Adobe Photoshop CC | Adobe Systems Incorporated |
.HLM | Adobe Systems Incorporated | Tekstitiedostot | Winhelp Vbhilfe File | Adobe Authorware | Adobe Systems Incorporated |
.HLX | Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. | Tekstitiedostot | ATI Radeon Video Driver Support File | ATI Catalyst | Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. |
.HM2 | EC Software | Tekstitiedostot | Help And Manual 2 Project | Help & Manual | EC Software |
.HMW | Tandy | Tekstitiedostot | Homeword For DeskMate Document | Homeword for DeskMate | Tandy |
.HNC | Interscape | Tekstitiedostot | NoteCenter Note | NoteCenter | Interscape |
.HOT | Electronic Arts | Tekstitiedostot | The Sims Audio File | Electronic Arts SimCity 4 | Electronic Arts |
.HPW | Hewlett-Packard | Tekstitiedostot | Hewlett-Packard Word Document File | Corel WordPerfect | Corel |
.HRX | Herolab | Tekstitiedostot | Herolab E.A.S.Y Document | Herolab E.A.S.Y | Herolab |
.HS | Open Source | Tekstitiedostot | Haskell Script | MacroMates TextMate | MacroMates |
.HTD | ResearchWare Inc. | Tekstitiedostot | HyperTRANSCRIBE Document | HyperTRANSCRIBE | ResearchWare Inc. |
.HVC | Sublime HQ Pty Ltd | Tekstitiedostot | ASCII Text | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.HWP | Hancom, Inc. | Tekstitiedostot | Hanword Document | NeoOffice | Planamesa Software Inc. |
.HWT | Huawei | Tekstitiedostot | Huawei Emotion UI Theme | EMUI | Huawei |
.HZ | Unknown Developer | Tekstitiedostot | Chinese (Hanzi) Text | Unknown Software | Unknown Developer |
.IGV | Broad Institute | Tekstitiedostot | Integrative Genomics Viewer Data | Integrative Genomics Viewer | Broad Institute |
.ILL | Unknown Developer | Tekstitiedostot | Illust Logic Puzzle File | Unknown Software | Unknown Developer |
.IRB | Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto | Tekstitiedostot | Interactive Ruby Script | Ruby | Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto |
.ISR | Open Source | Tekstitiedostot | GoMoku Game File | Gomoku | Open Source |