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.GBF Yuku Tekstitiedostot General Bible Format Quick Bible Yuku
.GDC Iconics, Inc. Tekstitiedostot Iconics GraphWorx32 Document GraphWorX32 Iconics, Inc.
.GER Open Source Tekstitiedostot German Text/html Info Notepad++ Don Ho
.GGG Sharon Dugdale and David Kibbey Tekstitiedostot Green Globs & Graphing Equations Records Green Globs & Graphing Equations Sharon Dugdale and David Kibbey
.GMD YoYo Games Tekstitiedostot Game Maker Program Code GameMaker Studio YoYo Games
.GMP Blue Marble Geographics Tekstitiedostot Global Mapper Package File Global Mapper Blue Marble Geographics
.GMX YoYo Games Tekstitiedostot GameMaker File GameMaker Studio YoYo Games
.GNU Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Tekstitiedostot GNU Licence Information Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.GPD Microsoft Corporation Tekstitiedostot Generic Printer Description File Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.GPL Open Source Tekstitiedostot GNU Public License Text File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.GPN Matt Herron Tekstitiedostot GlidePlan Map Document GlidePlan Matt Herron
.GSD PROFIBUS & PROFINET International Tekstitiedostot General Station Description File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.GUIDE Unknown Developer Tekstitiedostot AmigaGuide Hypertext Document Amiga Forever Cloanto Corporation
.GUL Samsung Electronics Tekstitiedostot JungUm Global Document JungUm Global Samsung Electronics
.GV AT&T Labs Tekstitiedostot Graphviz DOT File Graphviz AT&T Labs
.GWB Open Source Tekstitiedostot Interwrite Presentation File InterWrite Reader Open Source
.GX Saltire Software Tekstitiedostot Geometry Expressions Document Geometry Expressions Saltire Software
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