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laajentaminen Tiedostotyypin kehittäjä Tiedostoluokka Tiedostotyypin kuvaus Ensisijaiset Ohjelmistot Ensisijaisesti liittyvät ohjelmiston kehittäjät
.1TXT Unknown Developer Salatut Tiedostot Enigma Ransomware Affected File Unknown Software Unknown Developer
.A2R Salatut Tiedostot KittyXplorer Encrypted Archive KittyXplorer
.ADK IBM Salatut Tiedostot OS/2 Saved SKF Format OS/2 IBM
.AEX Adobe Systems Incorporated Salatut Tiedostot After Effects Plug-in Adobe After Effects Adobe Systems Incorporated
.AFS3 Osborn Software Salatut Tiedostot Advanced File Security 3 Encrypted Data Advanced File Security4 Osborn Software
.APV Dexadine, Inc. Salatut Tiedostot Acerose Password File Acerose Password Vault Dexadine, Inc.
.BFE Johnny Shelley Salatut Tiedostot Bcrypt - BlowFish File Encryption Bcrypt Johnny Shelley
.BTC Microsoft Corporation Salatut Tiedostot Becker Tools Compressed Archive MS-DOS Microsoft Corporation
.CDB Nokia Salatut Tiedostot Symbian Phonebook Database Nokia PC Suite Nokia
.CFD Ranquel Technologies Salatut Tiedostot CryptoForge Encrypted Document File CryptoForge Ranquel Technologies
.CFE Ranquel Technologies Salatut Tiedostot CryptoForge Encrypted Data File CryptoForge Ranquel Technologies
.CFOG Open Source Salatut Tiedostot Cloudfogger Encrypted Data Cloudfogger Open Source
.CODE Cyberjoueurs Salatut Tiedostot Graal Encrypted Cache File Graal Online Cyberjoueurs
.CPT Corel Salatut Tiedostot Corel Photo-Paint Image Corel Presentations X8 Corel
.CRYSIS Unknown Developer Salatut Tiedostot CrySiS Ransomware Encrypted File Unknown Software Unknown Developer
.DAZ DAZ 3D Salatut Tiedostot DAZ Studio 3D Scene DAZ Studio DAZ 3D
.DCV SecurStar Salatut Tiedostot DriveCrypt Encrypted Volume DriveCrypt SecurStar
.DOCENX Egis Technology Inc Salatut Tiedostot Egis Encrypted Word DOC File Egis Egis Technology Inc
.DPD David Pilling Salatut Tiedostot Ovation Pro File Ovation Pro Reader David Pilling
.DWX Capilano Computing Salatut Tiedostot DesignWorks Viewer Tools Data DesignWorks Capilano Computing
.E-MAIL DETECTIVE BINARY DATA FRAGMENT FILE Hot Pepper Technology Salatut Tiedostot E-Mail Detective Binary Data Fragment File E-Mail Detective Hot Pepper Technology
.ECC Carsten Gnörlich Salatut Tiedostot Dvdisaster Error Correction File dvdisaster Carsten Gnörlich
.ECR EMC Salatut Tiedostot Ecrypt Encrypted File Ecrypt EMC
.EEE Next Step Publishing Salatut Tiedostot 3eee Triple Encryption Encrypted Data 3eee Triple Encryption Small Client Next Step Publishing
.EEZ Mascom Salatut Tiedostot Encrypted Infected File TorrentLocker Interscape
.EFA Chicken Systems Salatut Tiedostot Ensoniq ASR File Chicken Systems Translator Chicken Systems
.EFC Unknown Developer Salatut Tiedostot EFCoins File Unknown Software Unknown Developer
.EFL National Federation of the Blind Salatut Tiedostot External Format Language File NFBTRANS National Federation of the Blind
.EFS ESRI Salatut Tiedostot ESRI Spatial Binary File ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute)
.EGISENC Egis Technology Inc Salatut Tiedostot Egis Encrypted Data Egis Egis Technology Inc
.EID IBM Salatut Tiedostot IBM Voice Type Languages Newuser File IBM Voice Type IBM
.ENC Smith Micro Software Salatut Tiedostot Encoded Data File Smith Micro StuffIt Deluxe Smith Micro Software
.ENCRYPTED Malwarebytes Salatut Tiedostot Crypt0L0cker Ransomware Infected Files Malwarebytes Anti-Malware program Malwarebytes
.EOC 2BrightSparks Pte. Ltd. Salatut Tiedostot EncryptOnClick Encrypted File EncryptOnClick 2BrightSparks Pte. Ltd.
.ERROR Mascom Salatut Tiedostot Error Ransomware Thread File AlphaCrypt Mascom
.FILELOCK Unknown Developer Salatut Tiedostot FileLock Data Unknown Software Unknown Developer
.GFL GiliSoft Salatut Tiedostot File Lock Pro Encrypted Archive File Lock Pro GiliSoft
.HNUMKHOTEP Emsi Software GmbH Salatut Tiedostot Globe 3 Ransomware Affected File Emsisoft Decrypter for Globe Emsi Software GmbH
.HTMLX Unknown Developer Salatut Tiedostot Encrypted HTML File Egis Egis Technology Inc
.ICP AT&T Labs Salatut Tiedostot Unix IContact Parameter Data Unix AT&T Labs
.JPEGENX Egis Technology Inc Salatut Tiedostot Egis Encrypted JPEG Picture Image Egis Egis Technology Inc
.JPI Elfin Salatut Tiedostot Jupiter Encrypted XML File Jupiter Elfin
.JSN JetSoft Co. Salatut Tiedostot Shield Now Shield File Shield Now JetSoft Co.
.JWK Douglas Crockford Salatut Tiedostot JSON Web Key Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.K2P Inv Softworks Salatut Tiedostot Kryptel Encrypted Data Kryptel Inv Softworks
.KGB Open Source Salatut Tiedostot KGB Archive File KGB Archiver Open Source
.KRY Herolab Salatut Tiedostot Herolab Krypten Unknown Software Unknown Developer
.LEOTMI LEOMASTER Salatut Tiedostot Privacy Lock Protected Data LEO Privacy LEOMASTER
.LGB Intuit, Inc. Salatut Tiedostot QuickBooks Little Green Box QuickBooks Intuit, Inc.
.LXV Lexar Salatut Tiedostot Lexar Secure II Encrypted Archive File Lexar Secure II Lexar
.MHTENX Egis Technology Inc Salatut Tiedostot Egis Encrypted HTM File Egis Egis Technology Inc
.NEF Nikon Salatut Tiedostot Nikon Electronic Format Camera RAW Image MacPhun ColorStrokes Macphun
.NSX NS Basic Salatut Tiedostot AppStudio Project NS Basic AppStudio NS Basic
.P5TKJW Unknown Developer Salatut Tiedostot Xorist Ransomware Affected File Decrypter for Xorist Emsi Software GmbH
.P7M SecCommerce Informationssysteme GmbH Salatut Tiedostot S/MIME Digitally Encrypted Message InfoNotary e-Doc Signer InfoNotary
.PKCS7 Open Source Salatut Tiedostot Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard OpenSSL Open Source
.PKD Power Karaoke Salatut Tiedostot Power Karaoke Project Power Karaoke Power Karaoke
.PPENC Ashampoo Salatut Tiedostot Ashampoo Magical Security Encrypted File Magical Security Ashampoo
.PPSXENX Egis Technology Inc Salatut Tiedostot Egis Encrypted PowerPoint PPSX File Egis Egis Technology Inc
.PUF Briggs Softworks Salatut Tiedostot Puffer Encrypted Data Puffer Briggs Softworks
.PVK Microsoft Corporation Salatut Tiedostot Private Key File OpenSSL Open Source
.PWA Moon Software Salatut Tiedostot Password Agent File Password Agent Moon Software
.R5A hasherezade's 1001 nights Salatut Tiedostot 7ev3n Ransomware Affected File Decoders For 7ev3n Ransomware hasherezade's 1001 nights
.RARENX Egis Technology Inc Salatut Tiedostot Egis Encrypted RAR Archive Egis Egis Technology Inc
.RNG Nokia Salatut Tiedostot Nokia Composer Ringtone Nokia PC Suite Nokia
.RPGMVP ENTERBRAIN, INC. Salatut Tiedostot RPG Maker MV Encrypted PNG Image RPG Maker VX ENTERBRAIN, INC.
.RPZ SAP Salatut Tiedostot Crystal Reports Encrypted And Zipped Report File Crystal Reports SAP
.S1N SealedMedia Salatut Tiedostot Sealed PNG Graphic File Unsealer Oracle Corporation
.SAGE Sage Salatut Tiedostot Sage Ransomware Affected Data Mozilla Thunderbird Mozilla
.SBE Safer Networking Ltd. Salatut Tiedostot Spybot Exclude Data Spybot - Search & Destroy Safer Networking Ltd.
.SDA Oracle Corporation Salatut Tiedostot StarOffice Drawing Apache OpenOffice Apache Software Foundation
.SEF Steganos Salatut Tiedostot Password Manager Container File Steganos Password Manager Steganos
.SLG Dionex Corporation Salatut Tiedostot Chromeleon Audit Trail Data Chromeleon Dionex Corporation
.SME Samsung Electronics Salatut Tiedostot Samsung Mobile Backup File Samsung Kies Samsung Electronics
.SPN Corel Salatut Tiedostot Corel WordPerfect Distribution Definition Corel WordPerfect Corel
.STI Oracle Corporation Salatut Tiedostot StarOffice Presentation Template Apache OpenOffice Apache Software Foundation
.TTT Interscape Salatut Tiedostot TestTrack Pro Database File TestTrack Pro Interscape
.UE2 Nico De Vries Salatut Tiedostot Encrypted Archive UltraCompressor II Nico De Vries
.UENC IDM Computer Solutions Salatut Tiedostot UltraEdit Encrypted Text File UltraEdit IDM Computer Solutions
.VEF BioWare Salatut Tiedostot Infinite Game Engine Visual Effects File Baldur's Gate BioWare
.VMDF Egis Technology Inc Salatut Tiedostot MyWinLocker Encrypted Virtual Drive MyWinLocker Egis Technology Inc
.VME Meganet Corporation Salatut Tiedostot Virtual Matrix Encryption File VME Office Meganet Corporation
.WZD Sharp Corporation Salatut Tiedostot Sharp Wizard Program File Sharp Wizard Sharp Corporation
.XCS DynaSend Salatut Tiedostot BuzzLetter Encrypted Stationery Template BuzzLetter DynaSend
.XDC Adobe Systems Incorporated Salatut Tiedostot Adobe Acrobat Printer Description Adobe Acrobat DC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.XEA Cryptomax Salatut Tiedostot Encrypted Archive File Cryptomax Cryptomax
.XEF X-Genics Limited Salatut Tiedostot eManager Form Data X-Genics eManager X-Genics Limited
.XG Mastermind Technology Salatut Tiedostot XG Encryption Encrypted File XG Encryption Mastermind Technology
.XLSBENX HITRUST Alliance Salatut Tiedostot Encrypted XLSB (Excel 2007) File Egis Egis Technology Inc
.XTBL Unknown Developer Salatut Tiedostot XTBL Ransomware Encrypted File AVG Antivirus AVG Technologies
.XXX BloodDolly Salatut Tiedostot TeslaCrypt 3.0 Ransomware Encrypted File Tesla Decoder BloodDolly
.XYZ SourceForge Salatut Tiedostot Molecule Specification File Avogadro Open Source
.ZDB Synacor Inc. Salatut Tiedostot Zimbra Database File Microsoft Outlook Microsoft Corporation
.ZPS Zebra Digital Assets Salatut Tiedostot Zebra Portable Safe File Zebra Digital Assets' ZPS Explorer Zebra Digital Assets
.ZXN SolveCase Salatut Tiedostot PhotoEncrypt Encrypted Photo PhotoCrypt SolveCase
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