Erweiterung | Dateityp-Entwickler | Dateikategorie | Dateityp Beschreibung | Software | Software-Entwickler |
.MAP | id Software | Spieldateien | Quake Engine Map File | Google Chrome | |
.MBN | Samsung Electronics | Systemdateien | Multi Boot Image | Google Android | |
.MHT | Various Developers | Webdateien | MHTML Web Archive | Google Chrome | |
.MHTM | Microsoft Corporation | Webdateien | Mime HTML (MHTML) File | Google Chrome | |
.MHTML | Microsoft Corporation | Webdateien | Mime HTML (MHTML) File | Google Chrome | |
.MOOV | Apple | Videodateien | Apple QuickTime Movie | Google Drive | |
.MOV | Apple | Videodateien | Apple QuickTime Movie | Google Drive | |
.MP3 | Moving Picture Experts Group | Audiodateien | MP3 Audio File | Google Drive | |
.MP4 | Moving Picture Experts Group | Videodateien | MPEG-4 Video File | Google Drive | |
.MP4V | Moving Picture Experts Group | Videodateien | MPEG-4 Video File | Google Drive | |
.MPG4 | Moving Picture Experts Group | Videodateien | MPEG-4 Video File | Google Drive | |
.MRC | mIRC Co. Ltd | Ausführbare Dateien | mIRC Script File | Google Android | |
.MRW | Konica Minolta | Kamerarohdaten | Minolta Raw Image File | Google Picasa | |
.MSPX | Microsoft Corporation | Webdateien | Microsoft ASP.NET Web Page | Google Chrome | |
.MTS | Sony | Videodateien | AVCHD Video File | Google Drive | |
.NEF | Nikon | Kamerarohdaten | Nikon Electronic Format Camera RAW Image | Google Picasa | |
.NRW | Nikon | Kamerarohdaten | Nikon Raw Image File | Google Picasa | |
.O3D | Grafikdateien | Google Open 3D Web Graphic Format | Google Chrome | ||
.OBB | Textdateien | Android Opaque Binary Blob File | Google Play Console | ||
.ODT | Oracle Corporation | Textdateien | OpenDocument Text Document | Google Drive | |
.OEB | IDPF (International Digital Publishing Forum) | E-Book-Dateien | Open eBook File | Google Play Books | |
.OGA | Xiph.Org | Audiodateien | Ogg Vorbis Audio File | Google Drive | |
.OGG | Xiph.Org | Audiodateien | Ogg Vorbis Audio File | Google Drive | |
.ORF | Olympus Corporation | Kamerarohdaten | Olympus RAW File | Google Picasa | |
.OS | Open Source | Entwicklerdateien | ObjectScript Source File | Google Android | |
.PAGES | Apple | Textdateien | Apple Pages Document | Google Drive | |
.PBF | Paragon Software Group | Backupdateien | Paragon Backup File | Google Picasa | |
.PBZ | Einstellungsdateien | Google Picasa Button ZIP Archive | Google Picasa | ||
Adobe Systems Incorporated | Seitenlayoutdateien | Portable Document Format File | Google Drive | ||
.PEF | Pentax | Kamerarohdaten | Pentax Digital Camera Raw Image Format | Google Picasa | |
.PHP2 | Open Source | Webdateien | PHP 2 Web Page | Google Chrome | |
.PHP5 | Open Source | Webdateien | PHP 5 Web Page | Google Chrome | |
.PHTM | The Catalina Group | Webdateien | PHP-Based Web Page | Google Chrome | |
.PHTML | Opera Software | Webdateien | PHP Web Page | Google Chrome | |
.PIT | Samsung Electronics | Systemdateien | Samsung Phone Firmware File | Google Android | |
.PJP | Joint Photographic Experts Group | Rasterbilddateien | JPEG Image | Google Drive | |
.PMP | Autodesk, Inc. | Einstellungsdateien | AutoCAD Plot Model Parameter File | Google Picasa | |
.PNG | The Pixelmator Team | Rasterbilddateien | Portable Network Graphics | Google Drive | |
.PPSX | Microsoft Corporation | Textdateien | PowerPoint Open XML Slide Show | Google Drive | |
.PPT | Microsoft Corporation | Textdateien | PowerPoint Presentation | Google Drive | |
.PPTX | Microsoft Corporation | Textdateien | PowerPoint Open XML Presentation | Google Drive | |
.PROP | Systemdateien | Android Build Properties File | Google Android | ||
.PROTO | Entwicklerdateien | Google Protocol Buffer File | protobuf | ||
.PSP | Corel Corporation | Rasterbilddateien | PaintShop Pro Image | Google Chrome | |
.QF | Nokia | Einstellungsdateien | Nokia (Ovi) Maps Version Data | Google Chrome | |
.QRM | Armangil Software | Webdateien | Qworum Message File | Google Chrome | |
.QT | Apple | Videodateien | Apple QuickTime Movie | Google Drive | |
.QTM | Apple | Videodateien | Apple QuickTime Movie | Google Drive | |
.RAF | Fuji Xerox | Kamerarohdaten | Fuji RAW Image File | Google Picasa | |
.RAW | Unknown Developer | Kamerarohdaten | Raw Image Data File | Google Picasa | |
.RHTML | Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto | Webdateien | Ruby HTML Web Page | Google Chrome | |
.RJS | Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto | Webdateien | Ruby Javascript File | Google Chrome | |
.RL4 | Various Developers | Rasterbilddateien | Bitmap Image File | Google Drive | |
.RMT | The Catalina Group | Systemdateien | Router Firmware File | Google Chrome | |
.SBF | Systemdateien | Android System File | Google Android | ||
.SDL | Microsoft Corporation | Entwicklerdateien | Service Description Language File | Google Chrome | |
.SHT | The Document Foundation | Webdateien | HTML File With Server Side Includes | Google Chrome | |
.SHTM | Opera Software | Videodateien | HTML Server Side Include File | Google Chrome | |
.SHTML | Sublime HQ Pty Ltd | Webdateien | Server Side Include HTML File | Google Chrome | |
.SNZ | Backupdateien | Snappy SNZ Compressed File | Snappy | ||
.SVG | Nintendo | Spieldateien | Saved Game File | Google Drive | |
.SVR | Superscape | Webdateien | Compressed Virtual World | Google Chrome | |
.TDB | Textdateien | Android Thumbnail Cache | Google Android | ||
.THUMBDATA3 | 3D-Dateien | Google Android Thumbnail Database | Google Android | ||
.THUMBDATA5 | 3D-Dateien | Google Android Thumbnail Database | Google Android | ||
.TIF | XnSoft | Rasterbilddateien | Tagged Image File Format | Google Drive | |
.TIFF | XnSoft | Rasterbilddateien | Tagged Image File Format | Google Drive | |
.TIM | Sierra Entertainment | Spieldateien | The Incredible Machine Level | Google Drive | |
.TOR | LucasArts Entertainment Company, LLC | Spieldateien | Star Wars: The Old Republic Asset File | EasyMYP | |
.URL | Microsoft Corporation | Webdateien | Internet Shortcut | Google Chrome | |
.VBD | Microsoft Corporation | Webdateien | Visual Basic ActiveX Document | Google Chrome | |
.VRT | Superscape | Webdateien | Virtual World | Google Chrome | |
.WAV | Microsoft Corporation | Audiodateien | WAVE Audio File | Google Drive | |
.WEBLOC | Apple | Webdateien | Mac OS X Website Location | Google Chrome | |
.WEBM | Videodateien | WebM Video File | Google Chrome | ||
.WEBP | Rasterbilddateien | Google Image File Format | Google Chrome | ||
.WML | Syncro Soft | Webdateien | Wireless Markup Language File | Google Chrome | |
.WMV | Microsoft Corporation | Videodateien | Windows Media Video File | Google Drive | |
.WOA | Apple | Webdateien | WebObjects Application | Google Chrome | |
.WOFF | Open Source | Fontdateien | Web Open Font Format File | Google Chrome | |
.WVM | Videodateien | Google Play Video File | Google Play Movies | ||
.X-PNG | The Pixelmator Team | Rasterbilddateien | Portable Network Graphics | Google Drive | |
.X3F | SIGMA Corporation | Kamerarohdaten | SIGMA X3F Camera RAW File | Google Picasa | |
.XHR | Microsoft Corporation | Webdateien | XMLHttpRequest | Google Chrome | |
.XHT | Open Source | Webdateien | XHTML File | Google Chrome | |
.XHTM | Opera Software | Webdateien | Extensible Hypertext Markup Language Document | Google Chrome | |
.XHTML | Opera Software | Webdateien | Extensible Hypertext Markup Language Document | Google Chrome | |
.XLS | Microsoft Corporation | Spreadsheetdateien | Microsoft Excel 97 To 2003 Spreadsheet | Google Drive | |
.XLSM | Microsoft Corporation | Spreadsheetdateien | Microsoft Excel Open XML Macro-Enabled Spreadsheet | Google Drive | |
.XLSX | Microsoft Corporation | Spreadsheetdateien | Microsoft Excel Open XML Spreadsheet | Google Docs Suite |
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