Gennemse "N" Text- filer

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Udvidelse Filtypeudvikler Filkategori Beskrivelse Af Filtype Primær Software Primær Softwareudvikler
.N1E OM2 Services LLC Tekstfiler OM2 OMALI NENA Encrypted Document Version 1 OM2 OMALI Professional OM2 Services LLC
.N3 Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Tekstfiler Notation3 Document Notepad++ Don Ho
.NB Wolfram Research Tekstfiler Mathematica Notebook Wolfram Research Mathematica Wolfram Research
.NCZ Netcad Tekstfiler Netcad Drawing Netcad Netcad
.NE2 OM2 Services LLC Tekstfiler OM2 OMALI NENA Document Version 2 OM2 OMALI Professional OM2 Services LLC
.NFD Nefsis Tekstfiler Nefsis Document Nefsis Nefsis
.NFO Microsoft Corporation Tekstfiler System Information File Microsoft System Information Microsoft Corporation
.NLC Nero AG Tekstfiler Nero Linux Compilation File Nero Linux Nero AG
.NOTE Failsafe Games Tekstfiler Notessimo Composition Notessimo Starburst
.NOTES Guyswithtowels Tekstfiler Memento Notes File Memento Guyswithtowels
.NOW The Document Foundation Tekstfiler Readme Text Document File LibreOffice The Document Foundation
.NPD Netrosoft Corporation Tekstfiler Netrosoft Presentation Document Netrosoft Office Suite Netrosoft Corporation
.NPL Nokia Tekstfiler Nokia Playlist File Nokia Multimedia Player Nokia
.NRF The Neat Company Tekstfiler Neat Document Folder File Neat The Neat Company
.NTG Mark Milam Tekstfiler NTGsim Data NTGsim Mark Milam
.NWM Sony Tekstfiler Sony NWM Display Screen File Adobe Photoshop Adobe Systems Incorporated
.NWP Perion Network Ltd Tekstfiler Magentic Wallpaper File IncrediMail Perion Network Ltd
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