Gennemse "X" Settings- filer

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Udvidelse Filtypeudvikler Filkategori Beskrivelse Af Filtype Primær Software Primær Softwareudvikler
.XC2 Haliplex Communications Indstillingsfiler DACCS Configuration File HPXView Haliplex Communications
.XCI Adobe Systems Incorporated Indstillingsfiler Adobe Reader Font Mapping File Adobe Reader Adobe Systems Incorporated
.XCU Apache Software Foundation Indstillingsfiler Configuration File Apache OpenOffice Apache Software Foundation
.XDC Adobe Systems Incorporated Indstillingsfiler Adobe Acrobat Printer Description Adobe Acrobat DC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.XDR Microsoft Corporation Indstillingsfiler XML-Data Reduced File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.XEE Microsoft Corporation Indstillingsfiler Microsoft Expression Encoder Preset Expression Encoder Microsoft Corporation
.XEM X-Genics Limited Indstillingsfiler eManager Metered Units X-Genics eManager X-Genics Limited
.XEP X-Genics Limited Indstillingsfiler eManager File Packaging Information X-Genics eManager X-Genics Limited
.XES X-Genics Limited Indstillingsfiler eManager Skins Definition X-Genics eManager X-Genics Limited
.XET X-Genics Limited Indstillingsfiler eManager Process Definition X-Genics eManager X-Genics Limited
.XEV X-Genics Limited Indstillingsfiler eManager Auto-Update File X-Genics eManager X-Genics Limited
.XGS Microsoft Corporation Indstillingsfiler XACT Global Settings File Microsoft XACT Microsoft Corporation
.XIP Apple Indstillingsfiler MacOS Signed Archive Apple Archive Utility Apple
.XJS Newforms Technologies Indstillingsfiler Jindent Settings File Jindent Newforms Technologies
.XLB Microsoft Corporation Indstillingsfiler Excel Toolbars File Microsoft Excel Microsoft Corporation
.XM2 LexisNexis Indstillingsfiler TextMap Version 2 Case Format File TextMap LexisNexis
.XMS Alexander Gross Indstillingsfiler Music Studio Project Alexander Gross Music Studio Alexander Gross
.XPF Open Source Indstillingsfiler Linux MultiMedia Studio Preset File LMMS Open Source
.XPL Interscape Indstillingsfiler LcdStudio Playlist File LCDStudio Interscape
.XPX Intercon Associates Indstillingsfiler Intercon FormNet File Accessible FormNet Intercon Associates
.XPY Open Source Indstillingsfiler XPY Settings File XPY Open Source
.XRX Microsoft Corporation Indstillingsfiler Expression Encoder Media Profile Settings Expression Encoder Microsoft Corporation
.XS Microsoft Corporation Indstillingsfiler Age Of Empires 3 Map AI Generator Microsoft Age of Empires Ensemble Studios
.XST IBM Indstillingsfiler WebSphere Query Template WebSphere Application Server IBM
.XTODVD VSO Software Indstillingsfiler ConvertXtoDVD Project File ConvertXtoDVD VSO Software
.XTP adnx Indstillingsfiler xTime Project Document xPlan adnx
.XUI Microsoft Corporation Indstillingsfiler Xbox 360 User Interface File Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.XVM VMware Indstillingsfiler VMware Console Configuration File VMware Workstation VMware
.XWK Intel Corporation Indstillingsfiler Crosstalk Communicator Keyboard Mapping Intel Crosstalk Communicator Intel Corporation
.XXS Sorenson Media Indstillingsfiler Sorenson Squeeze Settings File Squeeze Sorenson Media
Gennemse Settings Files-filtyper alfabetisk:   # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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Kompatibel med Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 og 11

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“FileViewPro eliminerer tiden og frustrationen ved at forsøge at finde et bestemt stykke software for at åbne en bestemt fil.”   - Tucows

