Gennemse "W" Settings- filer

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Udvidelse Filtypeudvikler Filkategori Beskrivelse Af Filtype Primær Software Primær Softwareudvikler
.W3D Adobe Systems Incorporated Indstillingsfiler Adobe Shockwave 3D File Adobe Director Adobe Systems Incorporated
.WAT IBM Indstillingsfiler IBM Voice Type Languages Map Data IBM Voice Type IBM
.WB4 Stardock Corporation Indstillingsfiler WindowBlinds Default Skin WindowBlinds Stardock Corporation
.WC Valve Indstillingsfiler Valve Hammer Configuration File Valve Hammer Editor Valve
.WCR Open Source Indstillingsfiler Ergane Configuration File Ergane Open Source
.WCX Microsoft Corporation Indstillingsfiler RemoteApp And Desktop Connections Configuration File Remote Desktop Manager Devolutions
.WCZ SoftShape Indstillingsfiler Chameleon Clock Wallpaper File Chameleon Clock SoftShape
.WFC Microsoft Corporation Indstillingsfiler Windows Wireless Network Settings File MacroMates TextMate MacroMates
.WFP Turtle Beach Corporation Indstillingsfiler WaveFront Program File Turtle Beach WaveFront Software Turtle Beach Corporation
.WFW Microsoft Corporation Indstillingsfiler Windows Firewall Policy File Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Microsoft Corporation
.WFX Adobe Systems Incorporated Indstillingsfiler Adobe User Keyboard Shortcut Settings Adobe Creative Cloud Adobe Systems Incorporated
.WIF Canyon Art Indstillingsfiler Weaving Interchange Format File Art WeaveIt (Art iWeaveIt for iOS and Android) Canyon Art
.WLM Pierre-Emmanuel Gougelet Indstillingsfiler CompW Image Format File XnView MP XnSoft
.WME Microsoft Corporation Indstillingsfiler Windows Media Encoder Session File Microsoft Windows Media Encoder 9 Microsoft Corporation
.WMS Microsoft Corporation Indstillingsfiler Windows Media Skin Microsoft Windows Media Player Microsoft Corporation
.WMZ Microsoft Corporation Indstillingsfiler Compressed Windows Media Player Skin Microsoft Windows Media Player Microsoft Corporation
.WPJ Watcom International Corporation Indstillingsfiler Watcom C/C++ Project Watcom C/C++ Open Source
.WPP Serif Indstillingsfiler WebPlus Project File Serif WebPlus Serif
.WPS Kingsoft Indstillingsfiler Kingsoft Writer Document WPS Office Kingsoft
.WPZ Naviter Indstillingsfiler SeeYou Waypoint File SeeYou Naviter
.WS MicroPro International Corp. Indstillingsfiler WordStar Document Corel WordPerfect X8 Corel
.WSA Sonicle Indstillingsfiler WebSynth Media File WebSynth Sonicle
.WSP Microsoft Corporation Indstillingsfiler SharePoint Solution Package Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.WSS Microsoft Corporation Indstillingsfiler Microsoft Windows Sound System File Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.WSW Aignes Indstillingsfiler WebSite-Watcher Bookmark WebSite-Watcher Aignes
.WS_ Unknown Developer Indstillingsfiler Visc15 Adressen Setup File Unknown Software Unknown Developer
.WWK Corel Corporation Indstillingsfiler Corel WordPerfect Keyboard Layout File Corel WordPerfect Corel
.WWP Microsoft Corporation Indstillingsfiler Microsoft Works Wizards File Microsoft Works Microsoft Corporation
.WWS Microsoft Corporation Indstillingsfiler Microsoft Works Wizards File Microsoft Works Microsoft Corporation
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Kompatibel med Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 og 11

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“FileViewPro eliminerer tiden og frustrationen ved at forsøge at finde et bestemt stykke software for at åbne en bestemt fil.”   - Tucows

