Gennemse alle GIS-filer

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Udvidelse Filtypeudvikler Filkategori Beskrivelse Af Filtype Primær Software Primær Softwareudvikler
.004 SourceForge GIS-filer Compressed File From A Multi-volume Archive (part 4) 7-Zip Igor Pavlov
.005 bhv GIS-filer Winfunktion Mathematik V8.0 Julia Fractal File WinFunction Mathematics bhv
.006 bhv GIS-filer Winfunktion Mathematik V8.0 Julia Fractal File WinFunction Mathematics bhv
.007 bhv GIS-filer Winfunktion Mathematik V8.0 Julia Fractal File WinFunction Mathematics bhv
.008 ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute) GIS-filer International S-57 Hydrographic Data Electronic Navigation Chart ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute)
.009 bhv GIS-filer Winfunktion Mathematik V8.0 Julia Fractal File WinFunction Mathematics bhv
.3D Interscape GIS-filer 3D Drawing CAD Data Quick3D quick3D
.3DC NNG GIS-filer iGO 3D Building Data iGO Navigation NNG
.3DF Informative Graphics Corporation GIS-filer 3D Format Myriad Informative Graphics Corporation
.AAT ESRI GIS-filer Arcinfo Line Data Attribute Data ArcInfo ESRI
.ADF Cloanto Corporation GIS-filer Amiga Disk File Amiga Forever Cloanto Corporation
.AER Adobe Systems Incorporated GIS-filer Adobe Atmosphere World Adobe Atmosphere Adobe Systems Incorporated
.AEU Microsoft Corporation GIS-filer Microsoft AutoRoute Express Europe Route Data Microsoft AutoRoute Microsoft Corporation
.AFP Garmin GIS-filer XMap Flight Plan Statistic File XMap Garmin
.AGF ESRI GIS-filer Atlas GIS Native Binary Geodataset ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute)
.AIN Valve GIS-filer Source Engine Compiled AI Nodegraph File Valve Source SDK Valve
.APL Matthew T. Ashland GIS-filer Monkey's Audio Track Information File Microsoft Windows Media Player Microsoft Corporation
.APM Adobe Systems Incorporated GIS-filer Aldus Placeable Metafile Image GIMP The GIMP Development Team
.APP Nokia GIS-filer Symbian OS Application Symbian OS Nokia
.APX Ability Plus Software GIS-filer Ability Photopaint Studio Image Ability Office Ability Plus Software
.AQM Psyberia GIS-filer AlpineQuest Map File Mobile Atlas Creator Open Source
.AT5 Lowrance Electronics GIS-filer Lowrance Map File Lowrance Endura Lowrance Electronics
.ATX ESRI GIS-filer ArcGIS Attribute Index File ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute)
.AVL ESRI GIS-filer ArcView Legend File ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute)
.AWX ESRI GIS-filer ArcIMS XML Project File ArcIMS ESRI
.AXE Microsoft Corporation GIS-filer AutoRoute Map File Microsoft AutoRoute Microsoft Corporation
.AXT Adobe Systems Incorporated GIS-filer Adobe Photoshop Extract File Adobe Photoshop CC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.BIL ESRI GIS-filer ESRI BIL File ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute)
.BLX Magellan Navigation GIS-filer Magellan MapSend Map Data MapSend Lite Magellan Navigation
.BPW Open Source GIS-filer Bitser Password File Bitser Open Source
.BQW ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute) GIS-filer ArcView World Data ArcGIS ESRI
.BSB Take-Two Interactive GIS-filer BioShock Saved Game File BioShock Take-Two Interactive
.BSQ ESRI GIS-filer ArcView Band Sequential Image ArcView ESRI
.BT Blue Marble Geographics GIS-filer BT (Binary Terrain) File Global Mapper Blue Marble Geographics
.BYO Bayo Groupe NSE GIS-filer Bayo CartoExploreur Cartographic Map CartoExploreur Bayo Groupe NSE
.BZM ESRI GIS-filer Business Map File BusinessMap ESRI
.CAI Naviter GIS-filer SeeYou Flight Data File SeeYou Naviter
.CEE Unknown Developer GIS-filer Compressed GPS Ephemeris Data Unknown Software Unknown Developer
.COR Trimble Inc. GIS-filer Trimble Corrected SSF File GPS Pathfinder Office Software Trimble Inc.
.CR5 Campbell Scientific GIS-filer CRBasic Source Code File CR300-Series Dataloggers Campbell Scientific
.CSF Intergraph Corporation GIS-filer GeoMedia Coordinate System File Intergraph GeoMedia Hexagon Geospatial
.CUB Microsoft Corporation GIS-filer Analysis Services Cube File Microsoft Excel Microsoft Corporation
.CUP Naviter GIS-filer Naviter SeeYou Waypoint File SeeYou Naviter
.DBF dBase, LLC GIS-filer Database File Microsoft Excel Microsoft Corporation
.DEM Valve GIS-filer Video Game Demo File VirtualDub Open Source
.DGF Trimble Inc. GIS-filer GPS Pathfinder Office Geoid Grid File GPS Pathfinder Office Software Trimble Inc.
.DIV Robert Hijmans GIS-filer DIVA-GIS Project File DIVA-GIS Robert Hijmans
.DIX Robert Hijmans GIS-filer DIVA-GIS Export File DIVA-GIS Robert Hijmans
.DLG Crytek GIS-filer Crysis Dialogue Data File Crysis Crytek
.DMF Geosystem GIS-filer Geosystem Digitals Map File Geosystem Digitals Geosystem
.DMT DeLorme GIS-filer XMap Transfer File XMap Garmin
.DT0 National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency GIS-filer DTED Level 0 File ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute)
.DT1 National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency GIS-filer DTED Level 1 File ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute)
.DT2 Microsoft Corporation GIS-filer Windows Live Messenger Emoticon Image File Microsoft Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation
.DVC IBM GIS-filer Lotus 1-2-3 Data Lotus 1-2-3 IBM
.E00 ESRI GIS-filer ArcInfo Coverage Export File ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute)
.E01 GetData GIS-filer EnCase Image File PassMark OSForensics PassMark Software
.EFS ESRI GIS-filer ESRI Spatial Binary File ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute)
.EGD ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute) GIS-filer Encrypted Grid Shape File ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute)
.EMH EIVA a/s GIS-filer NaviPac Data NaviPac EIVA a/s
.EPH Trimble Inc. GIS-filer GPS Pathfinder Office Ephemeris File GPS Pathfinder Office Software Trimble Inc.
.ERS ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute) GIS-filer ER Mapper Data File ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute)
.ESI Open Source GIS-filer Escape Level Index File Escape Open Source
.EST Microsoft Corporation GIS-filer Streets & Trips Map File Microsoft MapPoint Microsoft Corporation
.ETA Google GIS-filer Google Earth Placemark File ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute)
.EVF Exelis Inc. GIS-filer ENVI Vector ENVI Exelis Inc.
.EWT Interscape GIS-filer EWView Trace Data EWView for MS-DOS Interscape
.FBL International TechneGroup Incorporated GIS-filer CADfix Command Level Log File CADfix International TechneGroup Incorporated
.FDS Adobe Systems Incorporated GIS-filer JetForm FormFlow Data File JetForm FormFlow Adobe Systems Incorporated
.FFS Safe Software GIS-filer FME Desktop Feature Store File FME Desktop Safe Software
.FIT Garmin GIS-filer Garmin Activity File Garmin Connect Garmin
.FME Safe Software GIS-filer FME Mapping File FME Desktop Safe Software
.FMI Safe Software GIS-filer FME Include File FME Desktop Safe Software
.FMV Safe Software GIS-filer FME Desktop Viewspace File FME Desktop Safe Software
.FMW Safe Software GIS-filer FME Workbench File FME Desktop Safe Software
.FSP Wondershare Software Co., Ltd. GIS-filer Flash Slideshow Builder Project Wondershare Flash Gallery Factory Wondershare Software Co., Ltd.
.GDF Eytan Adar GIS-filer GUESS Graph Data Format File GUESS Eytan Adar
.GEOJSON Open Source GIS-filer GeoJSON File Notepad++ Don Ho
.GFW Open Source GIS-filer GIF World File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.GGF Trimble Inc. GIS-filer GPS Pathfinder Office Geoid Grid GPS Pathfinder Office Software Trimble Inc.
.GHD Adam Schneider GIS-filer Geonaute Keymaze Tracklog File GPS Visualizer Adam Schneider
.GLB Analytical Graphics GIS-filer STK Globe File Systems Tool Kit (STK) Analytical Graphics
.GLF Vladimir Romanyuk GIS-filer Space Engine Shader File Space Engine Vladimir Romanyuk
.GMAP Garmin GIS-filer Garmin Map File Garmin BaseCamp Garmin
.GMC Blue Marble Geographics GIS-filer Global Mapper Catalog File Global Mapper Blue Marble Geographics
.GMF Leadwerks Software GIS-filer Leadwerks Game Model File Leadwerks Game Engine Leadwerks Software
.GMI GPS Tuner GIS-filer GPS Tuner Map Calibration Data MAPC2MAPC The Thorns
.GML Galdos Systems, Inc. GIS-filer Geography Markup Language File Canvas X ACD Systems
.GND ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute) GIS-filer Geography Network Document ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute)
.GPF Open Source GIS-filer Gecko Patch File Nintendulator Open Source
.GPL Open Source GIS-filer GNU Public License Text File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.GPS Molecular Devices GIS-filer GenePix Settings File GenePix Pro Software Molecular Devices
.GPX Unknown Developer GIS-filer GPS Exchange File Gedit GNOME
.GRI Petrosys Pty Ltd GIS-filer Petrosys Grid Data Petrosys Petrosys Pty Ltd
.GSB Golden Software LLC GIS-filer Golden Software Boundary File Golden Software Surfer Golden Software LLC
.GSF Nintendo GIS-filer Game Boy Advance Sound File Nullsoft Winamp Nullsoft
.GSI Golden Software LLC GIS-filer Golden Software Interchange File Golden Software Surfer Golden Software LLC
.GSR Golden Software LLC GIS-filer Golden Software Reference File Golden Software Surfer Golden Software LLC
.GST MapInfo Corporation GIS-filer MapInfo Geoset File MapInfo Professional Pitney Bowes
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