Gennemse alle Eksekverbar-filer

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Udvidelse Filtypeudvikler Filkategori Beskrivelse Af Filtype Primær Software Primær Softwareudvikler
.73K Texas Instruments, Inc. Eksekverbare filer TI-73 Application Tl-73 Texas Instruments, Inc.
.A6P Adobe Systems Incorporated Eksekverbare filer Authorware 6 Program Adobe Authorware Adobe Systems Incorporated
.AC GNU Operating System Eksekverbare filer Autoconf Script GNU Autoconf GNU Operating System
.ACC FKJ Software Eksekverbare filer Graphics Accounts Data File Graphic Accounts FKJ Software
.ACTION Apple Eksekverbare filer Automator Action Apple Automator Apple
.AHK Open Source Eksekverbare filer AutoHotkey Script AutoHotkey Open Source
.AIF Apple Eksekverbare filer Audio Interchange File Format Microsoft Windows Media Player Microsoft Corporation
.AIR Adobe Systems Incorporated Eksekverbare filer Adobe AIR Installation Package Adobe Animate CC 2017 Adobe Systems Incorporated
.APP Nokia Eksekverbare filer Symbian OS Application Symbian OS Nokia
.ASB Planit Solutions, Inc. Eksekverbare filer Alphacam Stone VB Macro File Planit Alphacam Planit Solutions, Inc.
.AZW2 Amazon Eksekverbare filer Amazon Kindle Program Amazon Kindle Amazon
.BAT Microsoft Corporation Eksekverbare filer DOS Batch File Notepad++ Don Ho
.BEAM Ericsson Computer Science Laboratory Eksekverbare filer Compiled Erlang File Erlang Ericsson Computer Science Laboratory
.BHTML Parameshwar Babu Eksekverbare filer BabuHTML Embedded Software File BabuHTML Parameshwar Babu
.BIN Unknown Developer Eksekverbare filer Binary Disk Image File IsoBuster Smart Projects
.BOI TNHteam Eksekverbare filer Botje Bot-File Botje TNHteam
.BTM Microsoft Corporation Eksekverbare filer BizTalk Map File BizTalk Server Microsoft Corporation
.CAC dBase, LLC Eksekverbare filer dBASE IV Executable Data dBase dBase, LLC
.CEL Affymetrix Eksekverbare filer Affymetrix Probe Results File The MathWorks MATLAB MathWorks
.CELX Open Source Eksekverbare filer Celestia Script File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.CGI Unknown Developer Eksekverbare filer Common Gateway Interface Script Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.CLX IBM Eksekverbare filer Rational XDE Rational XDE IBM
.CMD Microsoft Corporation Eksekverbare filer Windows Command File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.COF Microchip Technology Inc. Eksekverbare filer MPLAB COFF File MPLAB IDE Microchip Technology Inc.
.COFFEE Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Eksekverbare filer CoffeeScript Script Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.COM Microsoft Corporation Eksekverbare filer DOS Command File Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.CSH Adobe Systems Incorporated Eksekverbare filer Photoshop Custom Shapes File Adobe Photoshop Elements Adobe Systems Incorporated
.CYW Unknown Developer Eksekverbare filer Rbot.CYW Worm File Should Not Be Opened Manually Unknown Developer
.DEK Wizards of the Coast Eksekverbare filer Magic: The Gathering Deck File Magic Interscape
.DLD Campbell Scientific Eksekverbare filer EdLog Compiled Program LoggerNet Campbell Scientific
.DMC nModal Solutions Inc. Eksekverbare filer Datamartist Data Canvas File nModal Solutions Datamartist nModal Solutions Inc.
.DXL IBM Eksekverbare filer Domino XML Language File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.DZEP CyberLink Eksekverbare filer PowerDirector File PowerDirector CyberLink
.EAR Oracle Corporation Eksekverbare filer Java Enterprise Archive File WebSphere Application Server IBM
.EBS Psychology Software Tools, Inc. Eksekverbare filer E-Run Version 1 Script File E-Prime Psychology Software Tools, Inc.
.ECF Microsoft Corporation Eksekverbare filer Outlook Add-in Microsoft Outlook Microsoft Corporation
.ELF Nintendo Eksekverbare filer Nintendo Wii Game File Dolphin (emulator) Dolphin Emulator Project
.EPK LG Electronics Eksekverbare filer LG Firmware Package epk2extract openlgtv
.ESH Microsoft Corporation Eksekverbare filer Extended Shell Batch File MS-DOS Microsoft Corporation
.EX1 Igor Pavlov Eksekverbare filer Renamed EXE File 7-Zip Igor Pavlov
.EXA Aquila Software Eksekverbare filer Examine32 Saved Search Paramaters File Examine32 Aquila Software
.EXE Microsoft Corporation Eksekverbare filer Windows Executable File 7-Zip Igor Pavlov
.EXEC Open Source Eksekverbare filer Unix Executable File FreeBSD The FreeBSD Community
.EZS EZ-R Stats Eksekverbare filer EZ-R Stats Batch Script EZ-R Stats for Windows EZ-R Stats
.EZT EZTitles Development Studio Eksekverbare filer EZTitles Subtitles File EZTitles EZTitles Development Studio
.E_E Igor Pavlov Eksekverbare filer Renamed EXE File 7-Zip Igor Pavlov
.FAS Autodesk, Inc. Eksekverbare filer Compiled Fast-Load AutoLISP File Autodesk AutoCAD Autodesk, Inc.
.FKY Microsoft Corporation Eksekverbare filer FoxPro Macro Microsoft Visual FoxPro Microsoft Corporation
.FMX FileMaker Inc. Eksekverbare filer FileMaker Plug-in FileMaker Pro FileMaker Inc.
.FPI The Game Creators Eksekverbare filer FPS Creator Intelligence Script Dimenzo Text Editor Dimenzo, Inc.
.FPX Kodak Eksekverbare filer FlashPix Bitmap Image File Kodak EasyShare Kodak
.FRS Corel Eksekverbare filer Corel WordPerfect Screen Font Resource File Corel WordPerfect Corel
.FXP Microsoft Corporation Eksekverbare filer FoxPro Compiled Program Microsoft Visual FoxPro Microsoft Corporation
.GADGET Microsoft Corporation Eksekverbare filer Windows Gadget Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.HAM Interplay Entertainment Eksekverbare filer Descent 2 Resource File Interplay Descent 2 Interplay Entertainment
.HMS Advanced Network Software Eksekverbare filer HostMonitor Script File HostMonitor Advanced Network Software
.HPF IBM Eksekverbare filer High Performance Fortran File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.HTA Microsoft Corporation Eksekverbare filer HTML Application Internet Explorer Microsoft Corporation
.HZX Rowley Associates Ltd Eksekverbare filer CrossWorks Executable File CrossWorks for ARM Rowley Associates Ltd
.ICD Macrovision Corporation Eksekverbare filer SafeDisc Encrypted Program SafeDisc Macrovision Corporation
.IIM Ipswitch, Inc. Eksekverbare filer iMacro Macro File Mozilla Firefox Mozilla
.IPA Apple Eksekverbare filer Apple iOS Application Apple iTunes Apple
.IPI Microsoft Corporation Eksekverbare filer Microsoft Windows Installer Data Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.IRX Martin Stanek Eksekverbare filer Brewer Irradiation File UVBrewer Interscape
.ISU Flexera Software Eksekverbare filer InstallShield Uninstaller Script InstallShield Flexera Software
.ITA Unknown Developer Eksekverbare filer IconTweaker Theme Archive IconTweaker Unknown Developer
.JSE Microsoft Corporation Eksekverbare filer JScript Encoded File Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.JSX Adobe Systems Incorporated Eksekverbare filer ExtendScript Script File Adobe After Effects Adobe Systems Incorporated
.KIX Ruud Van Velsen Eksekverbare filer KiXtart Script File Notepad++ Don Ho
.KMD Open Source Eksekverbare filer ABSTAT For Windows Batch File ABstat Open Source
.KSH AT&T Labs Eksekverbare filer Unix Korn Shell Script AbiWord Open Source
.KX Ruud Van Velsen Eksekverbare filer KiXtart Tokenized Script KixTart Ruud Van Velsen
.LE Microsoft Corporation Eksekverbare filer DOS/4GW PM 32X DOS Extender Executable Image MS-DOS Microsoft Corporation
.LKU STMicroelectronics Eksekverbare filer ST Microelectronics Linked Unit Data Unknown Software Unknown Developer
.LO BroadVision Eksekverbare filer Interleaf Compiled Lisp File QuickSilver Micrografx
.LS NewTek Eksekverbare filer LightWave LScript File LightWave 3D NewTek
.M3G Nokia Eksekverbare filer Mobile 3D Graphics Program Nokia Mobile Phone Software Nokia
.MAM Microsoft Corporation Eksekverbare filer Microsoft Access Macro Microsoft Access Microsoft Corporation
.MCR Mojang Eksekverbare filer Minecraft Region File Minecraft Mojang
.MEL Autodesk, Inc. Eksekverbare filer Maya Embedded Language File Autodesk Maya Autodesk, Inc.
.MEM Microsoft Corporation Eksekverbare filer FoxPro Variable File Microsoft Visual FoxPro Microsoft Corporation
.MEX MathWorks Eksekverbare filer MATLAB Dynamically Linked Subroutine File The MathWorks MATLAB MathWorks
.MIO Open Source Eksekverbare filer MioEngine Application File MioFactory Open Source
.MLX MathWorks Eksekverbare filer MATLAB Live Script The MathWorks MATLAB MathWorks
.MM Kodak Eksekverbare filer Kodak EasyShare Thumbnail Cache File Kodak EasyShare Kodak
.MMX Interscape Eksekverbare filer Command And Conquer Game Data Command and Conquer Interscape
.MPX Microsoft Corporation Eksekverbare filer FoxPro Compiled Menu Program Microsoft Visual FoxPro Microsoft Corporation
.MRC mIRC Co. Ltd Eksekverbare filer mIRC Script File mIRC mIRC Co. Ltd
.MS Next Limit Technologies Eksekverbare filer Maxwell Script Maxwell Render Next Limit Technologies
.MSL Microsoft Corporation Eksekverbare filer Mapping Specification Language File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.MXE Insight Software Solutions Eksekverbare filer Macro Express Playable Macro Macro Express Insight Software Solutions
.N Nicolas Cannasse Eksekverbare filer Neko Bytecode File Neko Nicolas Cannasse
.NDR Nikon Eksekverbare filer Nikon Capture Image Dust Off File Nikon Capture NX Nikon
.ORE Crait Corp. Eksekverbare filer Ore Executable File Ore Runtime Environment Jonathan Holmes
.OSX Apple Eksekverbare filer PowerPC Executable File macOS Apple
.OTM Microsoft Corporation Eksekverbare filer Outlook Macro File Microsoft Word Microsoft Corporation
.OUT Open Source Eksekverbare filer Compiled Executable File Linux Open Source
.PAF FamilySearch Eksekverbare filer Personal Ancestral File Personal Ancestral File FamilySearch
.PE Microsoft Corporation Eksekverbare filer Portable Executable File Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.PEX Schlumberger Limited Eksekverbare filer Merak Peep Data File Merak Peep Schlumberger Limited
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“FileViewPro eliminerer tiden og frustrationen ved at forsøge at finde et bestemt stykke software for at åbne en bestemt fil.”   - Tucows

