.FMT | Microsoft Corporation | Udviklerfiler | FoxPro Format File | Microsoft Visual FoxPro | Microsoft Corporation |
.FOOTER | Chuck Shotton | Udviklerfiler | WebSTAR Directory Indexer Footer | WebSTAR | Kerio Technologies |
.FOR | MacroMates | Udviklerfiler | Fortran 77 Source File | MacroMates TextMate | MacroMates |
.FP | FileMaker Inc. | Udviklerfiler | FileMaker Pro Spreadsheet | FileMaker Pro | FileMaker Inc. |
.FPC | Microsoft Corporation | Udviklerfiler | FoxPro Catalog Memo | Microsoft Visual FoxPro | Microsoft Corporation |
.FPM | The Game Creators | Udviklerfiler | FPS Creator Map File | FBS Creator | The Game Creators |
.FPP | The Eclipse Foundation | Udviklerfiler | Fortran Source Code | MacroMates TextMate | MacroMates |
.FPT | Sage | Udviklerfiler | ACT! Data File | Act! | Swiftpage, Inc. |
.FRM | Oracle Corporation | Udviklerfiler | MySQL Database Format File | MySQL | Oracle Corporation |
.FRX | Microsoft Corporation | Udviklerfiler | Visual Basic Binary Form File | Microsoft Visual Basic | Microsoft Corporation |
.FS | Microsoft Corporation | Udviklerfiler | Visual F# Source File | Microsoft Visual Studio | Microsoft Corporation |
.FSF | Microsoft Corporation | Udviklerfiler | Microsoft Office Cache Data | Microsoft Office | Microsoft Corporation |
.FSI | Microsoft Corporation | Udviklerfiler | Visual F# Signature File | Microsoft Visual Studio | Microsoft Corporation |
.FSL | AutoDesSys, Inc. | Udviklerfiler | Form•Z Script | AutoDesSys formZ | AutoDesSys, Inc. |
.FSSCRIPT | Microsoft Corporation | Udviklerfiler | Visual F# Script File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.FSX | Microsoft Corporation | Udviklerfiler | Visual F# Script File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.FTL | Apache Software Foundation | Udviklerfiler | FreeMarker Template File | FreeMaker | Apache Software Foundation |
.FTN | The Eclipse Foundation | Udviklerfiler | Fortran Source Code | MacroMates TextMate | MacroMates |
.FW4 | Selections & Functions | Udviklerfiler | Framework IV File | Framework | Selections & Functions |
.FXC | DIMDATA Co., Ltd | Udviklerfiler | FilePackager Configuration | DIMDATA FilePackager | DIMDATA Co., Ltd |
.G1M | Casio Computer Co., Ltd. | Udviklerfiler | Casio Model 9860 BASIC Program File | Unknown Software | Unknown Developer |
.GAB | Open Source | Udviklerfiler | Dencom Global Address Book Export File | Dencom Global Address Book | Open Source |
.GAR | GIANTS Software | Udviklerfiler | Farming Simulator Game Archive File | Farming Simulator | GIANTS Software |
.GAS | Atari Corporation | Udviklerfiler | Atari Jaguar GPU Assembly Source | Atari Jaguar | Atari Corporation |
.GBAP | Dream Design Entertainment Software | Udviklerfiler | GLBasic Project File | GLBasic | Dream Design Entertainment Software |
.GBL | Ucamco | Udviklerfiler | Gerber Bottom Layer Data File | CadSoft EAGLE | Autodesk, Inc. |
.GDT | Open Source | Udviklerfiler | Gretl Data File | gretl | Open Source |
.GED | Thoughtful Creations | Udviklerfiler | GEDCOM Genealogy Data File | Ages! | Jörn Daub e.K. |
.GEM | RubyGems.org | Udviklerfiler | RubyGems Package | RubyGems | RubyGems.org |
.GFO | Oracle Corporation | Udviklerfiler | Grammatical Framework | Java | Oracle Corporation |
.GLADE | Open Source | Udviklerfiler | Glade Project File | Glade | Open Source |
.GLD | Microchip Technology Inc. | Udviklerfiler | MPLAB C Compiler Linker Script File | MPLAB IDE | Microchip Technology Inc. |
.GLF | Vladimir Romanyuk | Udviklerfiler | Space Engine Shader File | Space Engine | Vladimir Romanyuk |
.GLS | Babylon Software Ltd. | Udviklerfiler | Babylon Glossary File | Babylon | Babylon Software Ltd. |
.GM | GameMonkey | Udviklerfiler | GameMonkey Script | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.GM6 | YoYo Games | Udviklerfiler | GameMaker 6 Project File | GameMaker Studio | YoYo Games |
.GMD | YoYo Games | Udviklerfiler | Game Maker Program Code | GameMaker Studio | YoYo Games |
.GMK | YoYo Games | Udviklerfiler | Game Maker Project File | GameMaker Studio | YoYo Games |
.GML | Galdos Systems, Inc. | Udviklerfiler | Geography Markup Language File | Canvas X | ACD Systems |
.GMO | GNU Operating System | Udviklerfiler | GNU Machine Object File | GNU gettext | GNU Operating System |
.GMX | YoYo Games | Udviklerfiler | GameMaker File | GameMaker Studio | YoYo Games |
.GNI | American Advantech Corporation | Udviklerfiler | VisiDAQ | VisiDAQ | American Advantech Corporation |
.GNT | Micro Focus International plc | Udviklerfiler | Micro Focus COBOL Generated Code | Visual COBOL | Micro Focus International plc |
.GO | Google | Udviklerfiler | Go Source Code File | MacroMates TextMate | MacroMates |
.GOBJ | Geoworks Ensemble | Udviklerfiler | Geoworks Object Code File | Breadbox Office | Breadbox Computer Company |
.GP | Sublime HQ Pty Ltd | Udviklerfiler | Gofer Project Source | Notepad++ | Don Ho |
.GPI | Garmin | Udviklerfiler | Garmin Point Of Interest File | Garmin POI loader | Garmin |
.GPJ | Green Hills Software | Udviklerfiler | MULTI IDE Project File | Green Hills MULTI IDE | Green Hills Software |
.GR | Geosoft | Udviklerfiler | GX Resource Source File | Oasis montaj | Geosoft |
.GRADLE | Google | Udviklerfiler | Android Studio Build Data | Android Studio | Google |
.GROOVY | VMware | Udviklerfiler | Groovy Source Code File | MacroMates TextMate | MacroMates |
.GRXML | Sublime HQ Pty Ltd | Udviklerfiler | Grammar Data | Sublime Text | Sublime HQ Pty Ltd |
.GS | Google | Udviklerfiler | Google Apps Script | Google Apps Script | Google |
.GS3 | GameStarter | Udviklerfiler | GameStarter File | FPSC GameStarter | Unknown Developer |
.GSS | McGraw-Hill Education | Udviklerfiler | Geometer's Sketchpad Script | Key Curriculum Press Geometer's Sketchpad | McGraw-Hill Education |
.GST | MapInfo Corporation | Udviklerfiler | MapInfo Geoset File | MapInfo Professional | Pitney Bowes |
.GWD | Samsung Electronics | Udviklerfiler | Gear Watchface Design File | Samsung Gear Watch Designer | Samsung Electronics |
.GWF | Benthic Software | Udviklerfiler | Benthic Golden Data File | Benthic Golden | Benthic Software |
.GXP | Google | Udviklerfiler | Google XML Pages Data | Google XML Pages | Google |
.GXR | ARTech | Udviklerfiler | GeneXus Report | GeneXus | ARTech |
.H | The Eclipse Foundation | Udviklerfiler | C/C++/Objective-C Header File | MacroMates TextMate | MacroMates |
.HAC | Open Source | Udviklerfiler | Helma Actions Script | Helma | Open Source |
.HAML | Sublime HQ Pty Ltd | Udviklerfiler | HTML Abstraction Markup Language File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.HAY | Open Source | Udviklerfiler | Haydee Web Server Module Content File | Notepad++ | Don Ho |
.HBS | GitHub, Inc. | Udviklerfiler | Handlebars Template | Handlebars | GitHub, Inc. |
.HBX | Open Source | Udviklerfiler | BinHex Encoded File | Smith Micro StuffIt Deluxe | Smith Micro Software |
.HC | Open Source | Udviklerfiler | VeraCrypt Container File | VeraCrypt | Open Source |
.HCF | Zaplots Games, Inc. | Udviklerfiler | Compact Ham Library | Zaplots HAM Runtime | Zaplots Games, Inc. |
.HEX | Intel Corporation | Udviklerfiler | Hexadecimal Source File | Heaventools FlexHex | Heaventools Software |
.HH | Microsoft Corporation | Udviklerfiler | C++ Header File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.HHH | Mix Software | Udviklerfiler | Power C Precompiled Header File | Power C Compiler | Mix Software |
.HHP | Microsoft Corporation | Udviklerfiler | HTML Help Workshop Project | Microsoft HTML Help Workshop | Microsoft Corporation |
.HISTORY | The Eclipse Foundation | Udviklerfiler | Eclipse IDE Local History Data | Eclipse IDE for Java Developers | The Eclipse Foundation |
.HM | Microsoft Corporation | Udviklerfiler | Windows Help Context IDs | Microsoft Visual C++ | Microsoft Corporation |
.HMF | Tech Soft 3D | Udviklerfiler | HOOPS Metafile | HOOPS | Tech Soft 3D |
.HOC | Open Source | Udviklerfiler | High Order Calculator (HOC) Script File | High Order Calculator (HOC) | Open Source |
.HPF | IBM | Udviklerfiler | High Performance Fortran File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.HPP | Microsoft Corporation | Udviklerfiler | C++ Header File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.HRL | Ericsson Computer Science Laboratory | Udviklerfiler | Erlang Header File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.HS | Open Source | Udviklerfiler | Haskell Script | MacroMates TextMate | MacroMates |
.HSC | Aspen Technology, Inc. | Udviklerfiler | Aspen HYSYS Simulation File | Aspen HYSYS | Aspen Technology, Inc. |
.HSE | Adobe Systems Incorporated | Udviklerfiler | Homesite Snippet End | Adobe Dreamweaver | Adobe Systems Incorporated |
.HSM | Unknown Developer | Udviklerfiler | Assembly Language Header File | Assembly Programming Language | Unknown Developer |
.HSP | HeliumScraper.com | Udviklerfiler | Helium Scraper Project File | Helium Scraper | HeliumScraper.com |
.HTML5 | Sublime HQ Pty Ltd | Udviklerfiler | HTML5 Hypertext Markup Language Revision 5 Source Code | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.HTR | Microsoft Corporation | Udviklerfiler | Microsoft Windows NT Password Services Script | Windows NT | Microsoft Corporation |
.HWPROJ | Microsoft Corporation | Udviklerfiler | Visual Studio .NET Help Project | Microsoft Visual Basic | Microsoft Corporation |
.HX | Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. | Udviklerfiler | Amira 3D Mesh File | Amira | Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. |
.HXML | Open Source | Udviklerfiler | HaXe Make File | Haxe | Open Source |
.HXX | The Qt Company | Udviklerfiler | C++ Source Code Header File | MacroMates TextMate | MacroMates |
.HZP | Rowley Associates Ltd | Udviklerfiler | CrossWorks For ARM Project | CrossWorks for ARM | Rowley Associates Ltd |
.H__ | Microsoft Corporation | Udviklerfiler | C++ Header File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.I | Microsoft Corporation | Udviklerfiler | Visual Studio Intermediate File | Microsoft Visual Studio | Microsoft Corporation |
.I3 | elego Software Solutions GmbH | Udviklerfiler | Modula-3 Interface Source Code | Modula-3 | elego Software Solutions GmbH |
.IAP | BioWare | Udviklerfiler | Infinity Engine Add-on Patcher File | Baldur's Gate | BioWare |
.ICE | Raphaël et Béatrice Mounier | Udviklerfiler | ICE File Archive | ALZip | ESTsoft |
.IDAPI | Borland | Udviklerfiler | Borland Database Engine IDAPI Data | Borland C++ | Micro Focus International plc |
.IDB | Microsoft Corporation | Udviklerfiler | Visual Studio Intermediate Debug File | Microsoft Visual Studio | Microsoft Corporation |
.IDL | Microsoft Corporation | Udviklerfiler | Interface Definition Language File | Microsoft Visual Studio | Microsoft Corporation |
.IDT | Microsoft Corporation | Udviklerfiler | Windows Installer Database Text Archive File | Windows Installer | Microsoft Corporation |