Gennemse "P" Developer- filer

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Udvidelse Filtypeudvikler Filkategori Beskrivelse Af Filtype Primær Software Primær Softwareudvikler
.P Python Software Foundation Udviklerfiler Python Pickle File Python pickle Python Software Foundation
.P3D Markus Pfau Udviklerfiler Peak3D 3D Graphics File Peak3D Markus Pfau
.P5 Larry Wall Udviklerfiler Perl Source Code Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.PA3 Embarcadero Technologies Udviklerfiler Turbo Pascal DOS File Turbo Pascal Embarcadero Technologies
.PAJ Open Source Udviklerfiler Pajek Project File Pajek Open Source
.PAR Siemens PLM Software Udviklerfiler Solid Edge Part File Adobe Acrobat DC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.PARTIAL Microsoft Corporation Udviklerfiler Internet Explorer Partially Downloaded File Internet Explorer Microsoft Corporation
.PAS Embarcadero Technologies Udviklerfiler Delphi Unit Source File Delphi (IDE) Embarcadero Technologies
.PATCH Matt Mackall Udviklerfiler Mercurial Patch File Mercurial Matt Mackall
.PAW SecurelyShare Udviklerfiler PawaaFILE File Format SecurelyShare SecurelyShare
.PB Fantaisie Software Udviklerfiler PureBasic Source File PureBasic Fantaisie Software
.PBC Parrot Foundation Udviklerfiler Parrot Compiled Byte Code Parrot Parrot Foundation
.PBI The FreeBSD Community Udviklerfiler PC BSD Installer Package FreeBSD The FreeBSD Community
.PBL PowerBASIC, Inc. Udviklerfiler PowerBASIC File PowerBASIC PowerBASIC, Inc.
.PBO Bohemia Interactive Udviklerfiler Packed Bohemia Object ArmA: Armed Assault Bohemia Interactive
.PBPROJ Apple Udviklerfiler Project Builder Project Apple Xcode Apple
.PBS Corel Udviklerfiler PaintShop Pro Brush Strokes PaintShop Pro Corel
.PBX Sybase, Inc Udviklerfiler PowerBuilder Extension File PowerBuilder SAP
.PC Personal Composer Udviklerfiler Personal Composer File Personal Composer Personal Composer
.PCH MSC Software Udviklerfiler Nastran Punch Output File MSC Nastran MSC Software
.PCP Microsoft Corporation Udviklerfiler Windows Installer Patch Creation Properties File Microsoft Windows SDK Microsoft Corporation
.PCS Pfaff Udviklerfiler Pfaff Embroidery File PesView Open Source
.PDE Open Source Udviklerfiler Processing Development Environment Source MacroMates TextMate MacroMates
.PDL PDL Developerment Team Udviklerfiler Perl Data Language File perldl Open Source
.PDM Sybase, Inc Udviklerfiler PowerDesigner Database File Sybase PowerDesigner SAP
.PDT Microsoft Corporation Udviklerfiler InkWriter Note Taker Template File Windows Mobile Microsoft Corporation
.PEM Microsoft Corporation Udviklerfiler Privacy Enhanced Mail Certificate Microsoft IIS Microsoft Corporation
.PER Microsoft Corporation Udviklerfiler Age Of Empires Personality File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.PERL Larry Wall Udviklerfiler Perl Source Code Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.PF3 SmartWare Corporation Udviklerfiler SmartWare Text Project SmartWare SmartWare Corporation
.PFA Open Source Udviklerfiler Printer Font ASCII File FontForge Open Source
.PFE Alan Phillips Udviklerfiler Programmer's File Editor File Programmer's File Editor Alan Phillips
.PFG jEEPersDX Udviklerfiler jEEPers Program Configuration File jEEPers Unknown Developer
.PGT Open Source Udviklerfiler Pokémon Gift File Pokesav PokéCheats
.PGX Hopedot Electronics Udviklerfiler Hopedot VOS Data File Hopedot VOS Hopedot Electronics
.PH Larry Wall Udviklerfiler Perl Header File Perl Larry Wall
.PH4 Open Source Udviklerfiler PHP Script PHP Open Source
.PHL Amazon Udviklerfiler Kindle Popular Highlights File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.PHY Autodesk, Inc. Udviklerfiler 3ds Max Physique File Autodesk 3ds Max Autodesk, Inc.
.PJX Microsoft Corporation Udviklerfiler Visual FoxPro Project Microsoft Visual FoxPro Microsoft Corporation
.PKB Oracle Corporation Udviklerfiler Oracle Package Body File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.PKGUNDEF Microsoft Corporation Udviklerfiler Microsoft Visual Studio Shell File Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.PKO Open Source Udviklerfiler Packo Package packø Open Source
.PKP Microsoft Corporation Udviklerfiler Visual Studio Packaging Project Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.PL Larry Wall Udviklerfiler Perl Source Code Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.PL1 Broderbund Udviklerfiler 3D Home Architect Room Plan 3D Home Architect Broderbund
.PLC Sunbelt Udviklerfiler PL/B Source File Sunbelt Visual PL/B Sunbelt
.PLE Yuna Software Udviklerfiler Messenger Plus! Live Encrypted Log File Messenger Plus! Yuna Software
.PLEX ActiveState Udviklerfiler Visual Perl File Visual Perl ActiveState
.PLG Microsoft Corporation Udviklerfiler Visual Studio Build Log File Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.PLI IBM Udviklerfiler PL/I Source Code File PL/I for VSE/ESA IBM
.PLL CA Technologies Udviklerfiler Clipper Prelinked Library Clipper CA Technologies
.PM IBM Udviklerfiler Unix XV Graphic File Lemkesoft GraphicConverter Lemkesoft
.PM5 Adobe Systems Incorporated Udviklerfiler PageMaker 5.0 Document Adobe PageMaker Adobe Systems Incorporated
.PMQ Microsoft Corporation Udviklerfiler Microsoft Target Analyzer File Microsoft Windows Embedded Studio Microsoft Corporation
.PO Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Udviklerfiler Portable Object Apache OpenOffice Apache Software Foundation
.POD Terminal Reality Udviklerfiler Terminal Reality Game Data File Dragon UnPACKer Open Source
.POT Microsoft Corporation Udviklerfiler PowerPoint Template Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Corporation
.PPC Garmin Udviklerfiler XMap Flight Plan Statistic File XMap Garmin
.PPL Open Source Udviklerfiler Free Pascal Dynamic Library Free Pascal Open Source
.PPU Open Source Udviklerfiler Free Pascal Unit File Free Pascal Open Source
.PQL SIR Pty Ltd. Udviklerfiler VisualPQL Source Code SIR/XS SIR Pty Ltd.
.PR2 dBase, LLC Udviklerfiler dBASE IV Printer Driver dBase dBase, LLC
.PRC Adobe Systems Incorporated Udviklerfiler Product Representation Compact File Adobe Acrobat DC Adobe Systems Incorporated
.PRG Open Source Udviklerfiler Program File Notepad++ Don Ho
.PRI The Qt Company Udviklerfiler Qt Project Include File Qt SDK The Qt Company
.PRO Adobe Systems Incorporated Udviklerfiler Adobe Proto Design File Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Systems Incorporated
.PROJECT The Eclipse Foundation Udviklerfiler Eclipse Project Description File Zend Studio Rogue Wave
.PROTO Google Udviklerfiler Google Protocol Buffer File protobuf Google
.PS1 Microsoft Corporation Udviklerfiler Windows PowerShell Shell Script Microsoft Windows PowerShell Microsoft Corporation
.PS2XML Microsoft Corporation Udviklerfiler Windows PowerShell File Microsoft Windows PowerShell Microsoft Corporation
.PSC Bethesda Softworks Udviklerfiler Papyrus Script The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Bethesda Softworks
.PSD1 Microsoft Corporation Udviklerfiler Windows PowerShell Data File Microsoft Windows PowerShell Microsoft Corporation
.PSESS Microsoft Corporation Udviklerfiler Microsoft Visual Studio Performance Session Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.PSL Ericom Software Udviklerfiler PowerTerm Script Language File PowerTerm InterConnect Ericom Software
.PSM1 Microsoft Corporation Udviklerfiler Windows PowerShell Script Module File Microsoft Windows PowerShell Microsoft Corporation
.PTL IBM Udviklerfiler Rational Rose Petal File IBM Rational Rose development software IBM
.PTX Adobe Systems Incorporated Udviklerfiler PageMaker Template File Adobe InDesign Adobe Systems Incorporated
.PTY IBM Udviklerfiler Rational Property Set Rational Rose IBM
.PWN CompuPhase Udviklerfiler Pawn Source Code File SA-MP Editor Open Source
.PXD Greg Ewing Udviklerfiler Pyrex Definition File Pyrex Greg Ewing
.PXI Plextor Udviklerfiler PlexTools Disk Image File IsoBuster Smart Projects
.PY Python Software Foundation Udviklerfiler Python Script Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.PY2 Python Software Foundation Udviklerfiler Python Script Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.PYD Python Software Foundation Udviklerfiler Python Dynamic Module Python Python Software Foundation
.PYM VRVis (Vienna University of Technology) Udviklerfiler PYM Macro Preprocessor File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.PYTHON Python Software Foundation Udviklerfiler Python Script File Python Python Software Foundation
.PYW Python Software Foundation Udviklerfiler Python GUI Source File Python Python Software Foundation
.PZC GraphPad Software Udviklerfiler GraphPad Prism Script GraphPad Prism GraphPad Software
Gennemse Developer Files-filtyper alfabetisk:   # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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