Udvidelse | Filtypeudvikler | Filkategori | Beskrivelse Af Filtype | Primær Software | Primær Softwareudvikler |
.E2C | NJStar Software | Datafiler | NJStar Chinese Word Processor Dictionary File Index | NJStar Chinese WP | NJStar Software |
.E2P | Open Source | Datafiler | PonyProg Device File | PonyProg | Open Source |
.E32 | Jordan Russell | Datafiler | Inno Setup 1.3 Data | Inno Setup | Open Source |
.EAC | Emurasoft, Inc. | Datafiler | EmEditor Auto-Completion Data | EmEditor | Emurasoft, Inc. |
.EAP | Sparx Systems | Datafiler | Enterprise Architect Project | Enterprise Architect | Sparx Systems |
.EAS | Rockwell Automation Inc. | Datafiler | RSLogix Symbol File | RSLogix 5 | Rockwell Automation Inc. |
.EATF | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.EAZ | ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute) | Datafiler | ArcGIS Explorer Add-in File | Microsoft Visual Studio | Microsoft Corporation |
.EBB | Metapraxis | Datafiler | Empower Business Bulletin Data File | Empower | Metapraxis |
.EBC | SourceForge | Datafiler | MediaBASIC Compiled Project | MediaBASIC | SourceForge |
.EBD | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | Windows EBD System File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.EBF | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | Pocket PC WindowsCE Form | Microsoft Windows CE Embedded | Microsoft Corporation |
.EBH | Robert Bentley, Inc. | Datafiler | eBahn Desktop Automotive Repair Information Data File | eBahn Desktop | Robert Bentley, Inc. |
.EBP | Jes-Soft | Datafiler | Jes-Soft Sports Play Description | Jes-Soft Playbook | Jes-Soft |
.EBUILD | Gentoo Foundation, Inc. | Datafiler | Portage eBuild Script | Gentoo Portage | Gentoo Foundation, Inc. |
.EBV | ASH WARE | Datafiler | Ash Ware Enhanced Behavior Data | Unknown Software | Unknown Developer |
.EBX | IBM | Datafiler | Rational Rose 98 Compiled Script | Rational Rose | IBM |
.EC3 | Epson US | Datafiler | EPSON Print CD File | EPSON Print CD | Epson US |
.ECC | Carsten Gnörlich | Datafiler | Dvdisaster Error Correction File | dvdisaster | Carsten Gnörlich |
.ECF | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | Outlook Add-in | Microsoft Outlook | Microsoft Corporation |
.ECG | Open Source | Datafiler | Electrocardiography Data | FreeECG | Open Source |
.ECH | SourceForge | Datafiler | EasyChem Saved Data | EasyChem | SourceForge |
.ECL | Team Shanghai Alice | Datafiler | Touhou Stage Script | Touhou ToolKit | Touhou Patch Center |
.ECP | Intelitek | Datafiler | EasyC Project File | EasyC | Intelitek |
.ECT | Yozosoft | Datafiler | Yozo Office Chart Template File | Yozosoft Yozo Office | Yozosoft |
.EDD | Adobe Systems Incorporated | Datafiler | Adobe FrameMaker Element Definition Document File | Adobe FrameMaker | Adobe Systems Incorporated |
.EDF | ESRF | Datafiler | ESRF Data File | SAXS Program Package | ESRF |
.EDG | Pacestar Software | Datafiler | Edge Diagrammer File | Pacestar Edge Diagrammer | Pacestar Software |
.EDH | MindWare Technologies | Datafiler | HRV Edit Data | Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Analysis Software | MindWare Technologies |
.EDI | Unknown Developer | Datafiler | Electronic Data Interchange File | Microsoft Excel | Microsoft Corporation |
.EDP | National Instruments | Datafiler | NI Multisim Data | NI Multisim | National Instruments |
.EDPI | PrestoSoft LLC | Datafiler | ExamDiff Pro Session File | ExamDiff Pro | PrestoSoft LLC |
.EDT | Adobe Systems Incorporated | Datafiler | Adobe eBook Download Settings | Adobe Digital Editions | Adobe Systems Incorporated |
.EEG | Compumedics Neuroscan | Datafiler | EEG Data File | Neuroscan Curry | Compumedics Neuroscan |
.EEP | Open Source | Datafiler | EEPROM Data File | HHD Hex Editor | HHD Software |
.EER | Lahey Computer Systems, Inc. | Datafiler | Lahey Fortran Error Data | Lahey Fortran | Lahey Computer Systems, Inc. |
.EF | Blackboard Collaborate | Datafiler | Diploma Exam File | Wimba Diploma | Blackboard Collaborate |
.EFC | Unknown Developer | Datafiler | EFCoins File | Unknown Software | Unknown Developer |
.EFP | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | Exchange Forms Designer Template | Microsoft Exchange Server | Microsoft Corporation |
.EFS | ESRI | Datafiler | ESRI Spatial Binary File | ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop | ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute) |
.EFT | Cay Horstmann | Datafiler | ChiWriter High Resolution Screen Font | ChiWriter | Cay Horstmann |
.EFX | j2 Global, Inc. | Datafiler | eFax Document | j2 Global Communications eFax | j2 Global, Inc. |
.EGB | Encog Machine Learning Framework | Datafiler | Encog Binary Data | Encog Machine Learning Framework | Encog Machine Learning Framework |
.EGF | CSC - IT Center for Science | Datafiler | Elmer Front Geometry Definition Data | Elmer Front | CSC - IT Center for Science |
.EGP | Edline | Datafiler | Easy Grade Pro Gradebook File | Edline Easy Grade Pro | Edline |
.EGR | Crestron Electronics | Datafiler | Crestron Studio Engraver Document File | Crestron Studio | Crestron Electronics |
.EGT | EagleGet | Datafiler | EagleGet Temporary File | EagleGet | EagleGet |
.EGV | Canon Inc. | Datafiler | Canon Easy Guide Viewer File | Canon Easy Guide Viewer | Canon Inc. |
.EIA | Excellon Automation | Datafiler | Excellon Data | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.EID | IBM | Datafiler | IBM Voice Type Languages Newuser File | IBM Voice Type | IBM |
.EIF | Envex Solutions | Datafiler | Envex Import Format File | xFlow | Envex Solutions |
.EIO | Yozosoft | Datafiler | Yozo Office File | Yozosoft Yozo Office | Yozosoft |
.EIS | Synthesoft, Inc. | Datafiler | EIS Spectrum Analyser Project | CD/Spectrum Pro | Synthesoft, Inc. |
.EKA | Borland | Datafiler | Eureka Internal Data File | Unknown Software | Unknown Developer |
.EKB | ZMC | Datafiler | ZMC Visual Tablet Data | ZMC VisualTablet for AutoCAD | ZMC |
.EKR | EEG Store | Datafiler | EEGer Data | EEGer | EEG Store |
.EKS | Metapraxis | Datafiler | Metapraxis Empower Data File | Empower | Metapraxis |
.EL | GNU Project | Datafiler | Emacs Lisp Code File | GNU Emacs | GNU Project |
.EL2 | Canon Inc. | Datafiler | Easy-PhotoPrint EX Sticker File | Easy-PhotoPrint EX | Canon Inc. |
.EL3 | Canon Inc. | Datafiler | Canon Easy-PhotoPrint EX File | Easy-PhotoPrint EX | Canon Inc. |
.ELC | GNU Project | Datafiler | Emacs Compiled Lisp File | GNU Emacs | GNU Project |
.ELD | DIAL | Datafiler | Eulumdat Formatted Luminaire Data File | DIAL DIALux | DIAL |
.ELG | Energy Scitech Limited | Datafiler | Enable Activity Log | ENABLE Software | Energy Scitech Limited |
.ELI | Novarm | Datafiler | DipTrace Data | DipTrace | Novarm |
.ELL | Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. | Datafiler | AMD ATI Radeon Video Driver | ATI Multimedia Center | Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. |
.ELN | Blackboard Collaborate | Datafiler | Blackboard Collaborate Note Document | Unknown Software | Unknown Developer |
.ELOG | McAfee, Inc. | Datafiler | McAffee Firewall Log File | McAfee Internet Security | McAfee, Inc. |
.ELP | Open Source | Datafiler | eXe Learning Package File | eXeLearning | Open Source |
.ELS | TradeStation | Datafiler | EasyLanguage Storage File | EasyLanguage | TradeStation |
.ELSEWHERE | Unknown Developer | Datafiler | Unknown Apple II File. (found On Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) | Atom | GitHub, Inc. |
.ELT | NEPLAN AG | Datafiler | NEPLAN Topology Data | NEPLAN Electricity | NEPLAN AG |
.EMAT | ANSYS, Inc. | Datafiler | ANSYS Element Matrix File | ANSYS DesignModeler | ANSYS, Inc. |
.EMB | Everest Software | Datafiler | Everest Embedded Bank File | Awave Studio | FMJ-Software |
.EMBL | European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) | Datafiler | EMBL Sequence Data File | DNASTAR Lasergene | DNASTAR |
.EMD | FMJ-Software | Datafiler | ABT Extended Module File | Awave Studio | FMJ-Software |
.EMP | Open Source | Datafiler | eMusic Music Download File | eMusic/J | Open Source |
.EMS | Intergraph Corporation | Datafiler | Intergraph Engineering Modelling System File | Unknown Software | Unknown Developer |
.ENB | Open Source | Datafiler | eNotebook Notebook File | eNotebook | Open Source |
.ENC | Smith Micro Software | Datafiler | Encoded Data File | Smith Micro StuffIt Deluxe | Smith Micro Software |
.END | Corel | Datafiler | CorelDRAW Arrow-head Definition Data | CorelDRAW Graphics Suite | Corel |
.ENE | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Datafiler | GROMACS Binary Energy File | Gromacs | KTH Royal Institute of Technology |
.ENG | Unknown Developer | Datafiler | Chess Engine | ChessMaster | Ubisoft Blue Byte |
.ENH | Open Source | Datafiler | CRiSP Harvest Model Enhancement File | CRiSP Harvest | Open Source |
.ENL | Thomson Reuters Corporation | Datafiler | EndNote Library | EndNote | Thomson Reuters Corporation |
.ENM | e-undertown | Datafiler | Enewsletter Manager Message File | eNewletter Manager | e-undertown |
.ENS | Thomson Reuters Corporation | Datafiler | EndNote Style File | EndNote | Thomson Reuters Corporation |
.ENV | Adobe Systems Incorporated | Datafiler | Adobe Dictionary Data File | Adobe Illustrator CC | Adobe Systems Incorporated |
.ENX | IBM | Datafiler | IBM Rational XDE Data | Rational XDE | IBM |
.EON | EON Reality | Datafiler | EON Studio File | EON Studio | EON Reality |
.EOP | Everyone Piano Inc. | Datafiler | EveryonePiano Music Score File | Everyone Piano | Everyone Piano Inc. |
.EOT | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | Embedded OpenType Font | Web Embedding Fonts Tool (WEFT) | Microsoft Corporation |
.EOX | EON Reality | Datafiler | EON Studio Project | EON Studio | EON Reality |
.EOZ | EON Reality | Datafiler | EON Studio File | EON Studio | EON Reality |
.EPB | WebWorks | Datafiler | ePublisher File | ePublisher | WebWorks |
.EPC | Sumo Digital Ltd. | Datafiler | Doctor Who Game Data File | BBC Doctor Who: The Adventure Games | Sumo Digital Ltd. |
.EPF | Vero Software | Datafiler | Edgecam Educational Part File | Planit Edgecam | Vero Software |
.EPJ | Grass Valley | Datafiler | EDIUS Pro Project File | Thomson EDIUS | Grass Valley |
.EPL | Open Source | Datafiler | Tallyman E-commerce Software File | TallyMan | Open Source |
.EPP | Talasoft | Datafiler | TalaPhoto Project | TalaPhoto | Talasoft |
.EPT | Adobe Systems Incorporated | Datafiler | Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange Format With TIFF Preview | Adobe Acrobat DC | Adobe Systems Incorporated |
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