Gennemse "R" Sublime HQ Pty Ltd-filer

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Udvidelse Filtypeudvikler Filkategori Beskrivelse Af Filtype Software Softwareudvikler
.RCJ Microsoft Corporation Tekstfiler Robocopy Job File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.RD Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Tekstfiler R Document File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.README The Document Foundation Tekstfiler Readme Text Document File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.REPORT Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Datafiler Report File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.RHTML Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto Webfiler Ruby HTML Web Page Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.RJS Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto Webfiler Ruby Javascript File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.RPP Cockos Incorporated Lydfiler REAPER Project Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.RPY Team Shanghai Alice Spilfiler Touhou Project Replay File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.RSP Rockwell Automation Inc. Datafiler RSLogix PLC Program File Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.RTX The Document Foundation Tekstfiler Rich Text Document Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.RUS Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Datafiler Russian Text Or Localization Data Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
.RXML Roxen Internet Software Indstillingsfiler Roxen Macro Language Source Code Sublime Text Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
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Kompatibel med Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 og 11

Installer valgfri produkter - FileViewPro (Solvusoft) | Slutbrugerlicensaftale | Politik om beskyttelse af personlige oplysninger | Vilkår | Fjern

“FileViewPro eliminerer tiden og frustrationen ved at forsøge at finde et bestemt stykke software for at åbne en bestemt fil.”   - Tucows

