Udvidelse | Filtypeudvikler | Filkategori | Beskrivelse Af Filtype | Software | Softwareudvikler |
.FDA | Relic Entertainment | Lydfiler | Dawn Of War Audio File | Relic Entertainment Dawn of War | Relic Entertainment |
.HLK | Relic Entertainment | Spilfiler | Warhammer 40.000: Dawn Of War 2 Animation File | Warhammer 40K Dawn of War | Relic Entertainment |
.HOTSPOT | Relic Entertainment | Spilfiler | Homeworld Cursor Information File | Homeworld | Relic Entertainment |
.LOD | Ubisoft | Spilfiler | Homeworld Level Of Detail Data | Homeworld | Relic Entertainment |
.ORK | Relic Entertainment | Spilfiler | Warhammer Mark Of Chaos Game Archive | Warhammer 40K Dawn of War | Relic Entertainment |
.PEO | Relic Entertainment | Spilfiler | Homeworld MESH File | Homeworld | Relic Entertainment |
.RGM | Relic Entertainment | Spilfiler | Essence Game Engine Model File | Warhammer 40K Dawn of War | Relic Entertainment |
.RSH | Relic Entertainment | Spilfiler | Warhammer 40,000 Texture | Warhammer 40K Dawn of War | Relic Entertainment |
.SCX | RIX SoftWorks, Inc. | Rasterbilledfiler | ColoRIX Bitmap Graphic File | Homeworld | Relic Entertainment |
.SGA | Relic Entertainment | Spilfiler | Relic Entertainment Game Archive | Relic Entertainment Dawn of War | Relic Entertainment |
.SGB | Relic Entertainment | Spilfiler | Dawn Of War Map File | Relic Entertainment Dawn of War | Relic Entertainment |
.TI | timber-lang.org | Udviklerfiler | Timber Compiler | Homeworld | Relic Entertainment |
.UCS | Relic Entertainment | Spilfiler | Relic Localized Unicode Strings | Warhammer 40K Dawn of War | Relic Entertainment |
.WHM | Relic Entertainment | Spilfiler | Warhammer 40,000: Dawn Of War Model File | Warhammer 40K Dawn of War | Relic Entertainment |
.WTP | Satish Kumar | Ikke Almindelige Filer | Wink Template | Warhammer 40K Dawn of War | Relic Entertainment |
.WXD | Relic Entertainment | Spilfiler | Homeworld Musc Resource Game File | Homeworld | Relic Entertainment |
.WXH | Relic Entertainment | Spilfiler | Homeworld Game Sound Control File | Homeworld | Relic Entertainment |
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