Gennemse alle Microsoft Corporation-filer

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Udvidelse Filtypeudvikler Filkategori Beskrivelse Af Filtype Software Softwareudvikler
.PE Microsoft Corporation Eksekverbare filer Portable Executable File Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.PEF Pentax Kamera Ubehandlede Filer Pentax Digital Camera Raw Image Format ACD Systems Canvas Microsoft Corporation
.PEM Microsoft Corporation Webfiler Privacy Enhanced Mail Certificate Microsoft IIS Microsoft Corporation
.PER Microsoft Corporation Spilfiler Age Of Empires Personality File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.PERFMONCFG Microsoft Corporation Indstillingsfiler Performance Monitor Configuration File Windows Performance Monitor Microsoft Corporation
.PERL Larry Wall Udviklerfiler Perl Source Code Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.PF Smith Micro Software Komprimerede filer Private File Microsoft Prefetcher Microsoft Corporation
.PFILE Microsoft Corporation Kodet filer Rights Management Protected File Azure Rights Management Microsoft Corporation
.PFM Adobe Systems Incorporated Skrifttypefiler Printer Font Metrics File Microsoft Windows Font Viewer Microsoft Corporation
.PFX Various Developers Systemfiler PKCS #12 Certificate File Certificate Manager Tool Microsoft Corporation
.PGM Jef Poskanzer Rasterbilledfiler Portable Gray Map Image ACD Systems Canvas Microsoft Corporation
.PGP Autodesk, Inc. Indstillingsfiler AutoCAD Program Parameters File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.PGX Hopedot Electronics Disk billedfiler Hopedot VOS Data File Microsoft Visual Basic Microsoft Corporation
.PHL Amazon eBogsfiler Kindle Popular Highlights File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.PHP Panic Webfiler PHP Source Code File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.PHP4 Open Source Webfiler PHP 4 Web Page Internet Explorer Microsoft Corporation
.PHP5 Open Source Webfiler PHP 5 Web Page Microsoft Edge Microsoft Corporation
.PHT Microsoft Corporation Webfiler Partial Hypertext Internet Explorer Microsoft Corporation
.PHTM The Catalina Group Webfiler PHP-Based Web Page Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.PHTML Opera Software Webfiler PHP Web Page Internet Explorer Microsoft Corporation
.PIC John Bridges Rasterbilledfiler Generic Picture File ACD Systems Canvas Microsoft Corporation
.PIF Microsoft Corporation Eksekverbare filer Program Information File Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.PIP Microsoft Corporation Indstillingsfiler Office Personalized Settings File Microsoft Excel Microsoft Corporation
.PJP Joint Photographic Experts Group Rasterbilledfiler JPEG Image Microsoft Windows Photos Microsoft Corporation
.PJPEG Microsoft Corporation Rasterbilledfiler Progressive JPEG Image Internet Explorer Microsoft Corporation
.PJT Golden Software LLC Datafiler Didger Project File Microsoft Visual FoxPro Microsoft Corporation
.PJX Microsoft Corporation Udviklerfiler Visual FoxPro Project Microsoft Visual FoxPro Microsoft Corporation
.PKB Oracle Corporation Udviklerfiler Oracle Package Body File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.PKG Apple Komprimerede filer Apple MacOS Installer Package Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.PKGDEF Microsoft Corporation Indstillingsfiler Microsoft Visual Studio Shell Data Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.PKGUNDEF Microsoft Corporation Udviklerfiler Microsoft Visual Studio Shell File Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.PKN Microsoft Corporation Datafiler Systems Management Server (SMS) Package Creation Notification Microsoft Systems Management Server Microsoft Corporation
.PKP Microsoft Corporation Udviklerfiler Visual Studio Packaging Project Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.PKS Oracle Corporation Datafiler Oracle Package Spec File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.PL Larry Wall Udviklerfiler Perl Source Code Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.PLB Microsoft Corporation Datafiler Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio Playback Data Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio Microsoft Corporation
.PLG Microsoft Corporation Udviklerfiler Visual Studio Build Log File Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.PLIST Apple Indstillingsfiler Property List XML File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.PLN Microsoft Corporation Spilfiler Flight Simulator Flight Plan Microsoft Flight Simulator Microsoft Corporation
.PLR Re-Logic Spilfiler Terraria Player File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.PLSC Microsoft Corporation Eksekverbare filer Messenger Plus! Live Script File Microsoft Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation
.PM5 Adobe Systems Incorporated Sideopsætningsfiler PageMaker 5.0 Document Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.PMA David Harris Komprimerede filer Pegasus Mail Data Archive File MSX Microsoft Corporation
.PMC David Harris Datafiler Pegasus Mail Filter Rule Files Windows Performance Monitor Microsoft Corporation
.PML Microsoft Corporation Datafiler Process Monitor Log File Process Monitor Microsoft Corporation
.PMQ Microsoft Corporation Udviklerfiler Microsoft Target Analyzer File Microsoft Windows Embedded Studio Microsoft Corporation
.PMR Avid Technology Datafiler Avid Persisent Media Record File Windows Performance Monitor Microsoft Corporation
.PMW David Harris Datafiler Pegasus Mail Outgoing Draft Message Windows Performance Monitor Microsoft Corporation
.PNF Microsoft Corporation Systemfiler Precompiled INF File Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.PNG The Pixelmator Team Rasterbilledfiler Portable Network Graphics Microsoft Windows Photos Microsoft Corporation
.PNO Microsoft Corporation Lydfiler Windows 8 Piano Song Microsoft Windows 8 Microsoft Corporation
.PO Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Udviklerfiler Portable Object Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.POD Terminal Reality Spilfiler Terminal Reality Game Data File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.POL Microsoft Corporation Systemfiler Windows Policy File Microsoft Group Policy Object Editor Microsoft Corporation
.POP Valve Spilfiler Team Fortress 2 Population File Microsoft Windows Photos Microsoft Corporation
.POT Microsoft Corporation Datafiler PowerPoint Template Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Corporation
.POTM Microsoft Corporation Datafiler PowerPoint Open XML Macro-Enabled Presentation Template Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Corporation
.POTX Microsoft Corporation Datafiler PowerPoint Open XML Presentation Template Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Corporation
.POW Microsoft Corporation Indstillingsfiler Microsoft Windows Power Schema Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.PP Geckonization Datafiler Pocket Physics Sketch File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.PPA Microsoft Corporation Plug-in-filer PowerPoint Add-in Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Corporation
.PPAM Microsoft Corporation Plug-in-filer PowerPoint 2007 Add-In Microsoft Powerpoint 2016 Microsoft Corporation
.PPC Garmin GIS-filer XMap Flight Plan Statistic File Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Corporation
.PPG Microsoft Corporation Tekstfiler Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Corporation
.PPI Microsoft Corporation Grafiske Filer Microsoft PowerPoint Graphics Data Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Corporation
.PPKG Microsoft Corporation Datafiler Microsoft Windows Provisioning Package Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.PPM The GIMP Development Team Rasterbilledfiler Portable Pixmap Image File ACD Systems Canvas Microsoft Corporation
.PPS Microsoft Corporation Datafiler PowerPoint Slide Show Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Corporation
.PPSM Microsoft Corporation Datafiler PowerPoint Open XML Macro-Enabled Slide Show Microsoft Powerpoint 2016 Microsoft Corporation
.PPSX Microsoft Corporation Datafiler PowerPoint Open XML Slide Show Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Corporation
.PPT Microsoft Corporation Datafiler PowerPoint Presentation Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Corporation
.PPTM Microsoft Corporation Datafiler PowerPoint Open XML Macro-Enabled Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Corporation
.PPTMHTML Microsoft Corporation Webfiler Microsoft PowerPoint MIME HTML Presentation Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Corporation
.PPTX Microsoft Corporation Datafiler PowerPoint Open XML Presentation Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Corporation
.PPTXML Microsoft Corporation Ikke Almindelige Filer Microsoft Powerpoint XML Presentation File Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Corporation
.PPV Microsoft Corporation Datafiler Pocket PowerPoint Presentation Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Corporation
.PRD SoftMaker Software Datafiler SoftMaker Presentations Document Microsoft Word Microsoft Corporation
.PRE IBM Datafiler Lotus Freelance Graphics File Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Corporation
.PRF Microsoft Corporation Indstillingsfiler Outlook Profile File Microsoft Outlook 2016 Microsoft Corporation
.PRG Open Source Eksekverbare filer Program File Microsoft Word Microsoft Corporation
.PRI The Qt Company Udviklerfiler Qt Project Include File Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.PRINTEREXPORT Microsoft Corporation Systemfiler Windows Printer Migration File Microsoft Windows 7 Microsoft Corporation
.PRJ Unknown Developer Datafiler Project File Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.PRN Various Developers Sideopsætningsfiler HP PCL Printer Output Microsoft Excel Microsoft Corporation
.PROPERTIES Mojang Spilfiler Minecraft Properties File Microsoft Notepad Microsoft Corporation
.PROPS Microsoft Corporation Indstillingsfiler Microsoft Visual Studio Property Sheet Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.PROVXML Microsoft Corporation Indstillingsfiler Microsoft Windows Provisioning XML Data Windows Mobile Microsoft Corporation
.PRT PTC CAD-filer Pro/ENGINEER Part File Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.PRV E-on Software, Inc. 3D-billedfiler Vue Preview File Microsoft Publisher Microsoft Corporation
.PRX Microsoft Corporation Eksekverbare filer FoxPro Compiled Program Microsoft Visual FoxPro Microsoft Corporation
.PS1 Microsoft Corporation Udviklerfiler Windows PowerShell Shell Script Microsoft Windows PowerShell Microsoft Corporation
.PS1XML Microsoft Corporation Indstillingsfiler Windows PowerShell Display Configuration File Microsoft Windows PowerShell Microsoft Corporation
.PS2 Datel Spilfiler Sharkport Saved Game File Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation
.PS2XML Microsoft Corporation Udviklerfiler Windows PowerShell File Microsoft Windows PowerShell Microsoft Corporation
.PSC1 Microsoft Corporation Indstillingsfiler Windows PowerShell Console File Microsoft Windows PowerShell Microsoft Corporation
.PSC2 Microsoft Corporation Indstillingsfiler Windows PowerShell Console File Microsoft Windows PowerShell Microsoft Corporation
.PSD Adobe Systems Incorporated Rasterbilledfiler Adobe Photoshop Document ACD Systems Canvas Microsoft Corporation
.PSD1 Microsoft Corporation Udviklerfiler Windows PowerShell Data File Microsoft Windows PowerShell Microsoft Corporation
.PSESS Microsoft Corporation Udviklerfiler Microsoft Visual Studio Performance Session Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
.PSHADER Microsoft Corporation Datafiler Microsoft Visual Studio Data File Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation
Gennemse Microsoft Corporation-filtyper Alfabetisk:   # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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Kompatibel med Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 og 11

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“FileViewPro eliminerer tiden og frustrationen ved at forsøge at finde et bestemt stykke software for at åbne en bestemt fil.”   - Tucows

