.--- | Microsoft Corporation | Midlertidige Filer | Windows Temporary File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.000 | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | Indexing Service Data File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.100 | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | BIOS Upgrade File Version 1.0 | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.14 | PTC | Sikkerhedskopifiler | Versioned Pro/Engineer Project File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.2GR | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | Windows VGA Graphic Drivers | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.386 | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | Windows Virtual Device Driver | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.3~6 | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | Windows 3.xx System File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.AAS | Adobe Systems Incorporated | Datafiler | Adobe Authorware Shocked Packet File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.ATM | E-on Software, Inc. | 3D-billedfiler | Vue Atmospheres File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.BAT | Microsoft Corporation | Eksekverbare filer | DOS Batch File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.BCS | The Wavelength | Indstillingsfiler | Batch Compiler Specification File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.BK1 | Autodesk, Inc. | Sikkerhedskopifiler | Autodesk Backup File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.BK2 | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | Windows Indexing Service File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.BMC | Microsoft Corporation | Rasterbilledfiler | Bitmap Cache File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.BPD | Palo Alto Software | Datafiler | Business Plan Pro File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.CAMP | Microsoft Corporation | Indstillingsfiler | WCS Color Appearance Model Profile File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.CAT | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | Windows Catalog File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.CA_ | Microsoft Corporation | Komprimerede filer | Microsoft Cabinet File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.CB | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | Microsoft Clean Boot File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.CBO | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | Microsoft Interactive Training File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.CDF | Wolfram Research | Sideopsætningsfiler | Computable Document Format File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.CDMP | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | WCS Device Model Profile | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.CHESSTITANSSAVE-MS | Microsoft Corporation | Spilfiler | Chess Titans Saved Game | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.CHG | Quicken | Datafiler | Quicken Online Data File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.CHI | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | Microsoft Help File Index | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.CHL | Leadtek Research | Indstillingsfiler | WinFast PVR2 Channel List | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.CHS | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | Windows Chinese Noise-Word List File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.CHT | Nintendo | Spilfiler | SNES Cheat File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.CI | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | Windows Content Indexer Catalog File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.CLG | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | Windows Catalog File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.CMD | Microsoft Corporation | Eksekverbare filer | Windows Command File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.CMO | ASUS | Systemfiler | ASUS BIOS File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.CMP | Microsoft Corporation | Indstillingsfiler | Windows Connection Manager Profile | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.CN_ | Microsoft Corporation | Komprimerede filer | Compressed Windows Help Content | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.COM | Microsoft Corporation | Eksekverbare filer | DOS Command File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.CONTACT | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | Windows Contact File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.CPL | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | Windows Control Panel Item | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.CTX | Microsoft Corporation | Udviklerfiler | Visual Basic Control Binary File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.CUR | Unknown Developer | Systemfiler | Windows Cursor File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.C_ | Microsoft Corporation | Sikkerhedskopifiler | Microsoft Windows WinHelp Compressed Data | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.DAVMOUNT | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | Windows Based Script Host | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.DB | Dwayne Richard Hipp | Databasefiler | Mobile Device Database File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.DDE | ABBYY | Datafiler | File TypeLingvo Dictionary Error Log File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.DEP | Microsoft Corporation | Udviklerfiler | Windows Dependency File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.DESKLINK | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | Desktop Shortcut | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.DEV | Bloodshed Software | Udviklerfiler | Dev-C++ Project File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.DEVICEMANIFEST-MS | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | Microsoft Windows Device Metadata | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.DEVICEMETADATA-MS | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | Device Metadata Package | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.DIAGCAB | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | Troubleshooting Pack Cabinet File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.DIP | Microsoft Corporation | Grafiske Filer | Windows Bitmap Format | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.DLG | Crytek | Spilfiler | Crysis Dialogue Data File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.DLL | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | Dynamic Link Library | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.DPB | Susteen, Inc. | Sikkerhedskopifiler | DataPilot Backup File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.DPK | Embarcadero Technologies | Udviklerfiler | Delphi Package | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.DRV | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | Device Driver | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.DSS | The International Voice Association (IVA) | Lydfiler | Digital Speech Standard File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.DTH | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | Microsoft Windows Application Log File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.DTI | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | Microsoft Windows Application Log File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.DUMP | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | Dump File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.DUP | Microsoft Corporation | Indstillingsfiler | Microsoft Windows DUA Polling Reconfiguration Data | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.EBD | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | Windows EBD System File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.EFS | ESRI | GIS-filer | ESRI Spatial Binary File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.ESD | Microsoft Corporation | Ikke Almindelige Filer | Windows Electronic Software Download File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.EXE | Microsoft Corporation | Eksekverbare filer | Windows Executable File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.F6 | Various Developers | Skrifttypefiler | Fonts File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.F7 | Various Developers | Skrifttypefiler | Fonts File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.F8 | Various Developers | Skrifttypefiler | Fonts File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.FID | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | Windows Indexing Service File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.FLG | Larry Short, Mick Amadio and Puppy community | Systemfiler | Puppy Linux Partition Flag File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.FND | Microsoft Corporation | Ikke Almindelige Filer | Windows Saved Search File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.FNT | Open Source | Skrifttypefiler | Windows Font File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.FOLDER | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | Microsoft Windows Explorer Folder File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.FOT | Microsoft Corporation | Skrifttypefiler | Font Resource File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.FX | Microsoft Corporation | 3D-billedfiler | Direct3D Effects File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.GADGET | Microsoft Corporation | Eksekverbare filer | Windows Gadget | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.GMMP | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | WCS Gamut Map Model Profile | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.GPD | Microsoft Corporation | Tekstfiler | Generic Printer Description File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.GR2 | Larian Studios | Spilfiler | Divinity: Original Sin Game Data | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.GRP | Blizzard Entertainment Inc. | Spilfiler | StarCraft Graphics Group File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.H1S | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | Windows Assistance Platform Help File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.HDMP | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | Windows Heap Dump | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.HDS | Parallels | Disk billedfiler | Parallels Desktop Hard Disk File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.HIV | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | Windows Registry Hive File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.HLP | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | Windows Help File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.HSH | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | Windows Catalog Search Index File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.HTT | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | Hypertext Template File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.HTW | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | IIS Webhits Template | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.HXA | Microsoft Corporation | Indstillingsfiler | Microsoft Help Attribute Definition | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.HXD | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | Microsoft Help Validator Data File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.HXF | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | Microsoft Help 2 Project Include File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.HXT | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | Microsoft Help 2 Table Of Contents File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.HXW | Microsoft Corporation | Indstillingsfiler | Microsoft Help Attribute Definition | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.H_ | Microsoft Corporation | Sikkerhedskopifiler | Microsoft Windows WinHelp Compressed Data | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.ICD | Macrovision Corporation | Eksekverbare filer | SafeDisc Encrypted Program | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.ICL | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | Windows Icon Library File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.ICX | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | Remote Call Profiler Summary View | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.IDENTIFIER | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | Windows Zone Identifier File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.IMD | Various Developers | GIS-filer | GIS Image Metadata File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.IME | Microsoft Corporation | Systemfiler | Windows Input Method Editor File | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |
.INF | Parametric Technology Corporation | Midlertidige Filer | Pro/ENGINEER Temporary | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Corporation |