.1ST | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | Visual FoxPro Documenting Wizard List | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.A | Open Source | Udviklerfiler | Static Library | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.AAE | Apple | Datafiler | Sidecar Image Format File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.AD2 | Unknown Developer | Lydfiler | ADPCM 2-bit Compressed Voice | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.ADOC | Stuart Rackham | 3D-billedfiler | AsciiDoc File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.ALE | Avid Technology | Videofiler | Avid Log Exchange File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.ANDROID | Unknown Developer | Datafiler | Android Readme File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.ANS | Open Source | Tekstfiler | ANSI Text File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.APT | Apache Software Foundation | Tekstfiler | Almost Plain Text File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.AS | Adobe Systems Incorporated | Udviklerfiler | Adobe ActionScript File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.ASA | Microsoft Corporation | Webfiler | ASP Configuration File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.ASC | Symantec Corporation | Kodet filer | PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) ASCII Armored File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.ASCII | Sublime HQ Pty Ltd | Tekstfiler | ASCII Text | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.ASE | Adobe Systems Incorporated | Indstillingsfiler | Adobe Swatch Exchange File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.ASHX | Microsoft Corporation | Webfiler | ASP.NET Web Handler File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.ASM | Open Source | Udviklerfiler | Assembly Language Source Code File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.ATOMSVC | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | Atom Service Document | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.ATT | Unknown Developer | Webfiler | Web Form Post Data File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.AVS | Adobe Systems Incorporated | Datafiler | Adobe Photoshop Variations File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.AXD | Microsoft Corporation | Webfiler | ASP.NET Web Handler File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.AXS | Microsoft Corporation | Udviklerfiler | ActiveX Script File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.B | Rockstar Games | Spilfiler | Grand Theft Auto 3 Saved Game File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.BBS | Open Source | Tekstfiler | Bulletin Board System Text | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.BCS | The Wavelength | Indstillingsfiler | Batch Compiler Specification File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.BI | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | Binary File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.BIB | Oren Patashnik | Tekstfiler | BibTeX Bibliography Database | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.BLG | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | Windows Binary Performance Log File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.BMK | return7, LLC | Sikkerhedskopifiler | BillMinder Backup File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.BML | Various Developers | Webfiler | Bean Markup Language File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.BOOK | Adobe Systems Incorporated | Datafiler | FrameMaker Book File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.BPW | Open Source | Kodet filer | Bitser Password File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.BS2 | Parallax | Udviklerfiler | BASIC Stamp 2 Code File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.BSD | IEEE Xplore | Datafiler | Boundary Scan Description Language Data File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.BSH | Open Source | Udviklerfiler | BeanShell Script | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.BTAB | Microsoft Corporation | Tekstfiler | Base Guitar Tabulature Data | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.CC2 | Briggs Softworks | Datafiler | Calendar Commander Calendar Data | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.CEL | Affymetrix | Datafiler | Affymetrix Probe Results File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.CELX | Open Source | Eksekverbare filer | Celestia Script File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.CF | Proofpoint, Inc. | Indstillingsfiler | Sendmail Configuration File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.CFG | Unknown Developer | Udviklerfiler | Configuration File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.CGI | Unknown Developer | Eksekverbare filer | Common Gateway Interface Script | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.CHART | Interscape | Tekstfiler | Feedback Chart File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.CHT | Nintendo | Spilfiler | SNES Cheat File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.CIK | Corel | Indstillingsfiler | Corel Graphics 10 Custom Dual Tone File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.CIL | Symantec Corporation | Datafiler | Norton CleanSweep Installation Log File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.CMD | Microsoft Corporation | Eksekverbare filer | Windows Command File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.CONF | Unknown Developer | Indstillingsfiler | Generic Configuration File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.CONFIG | Unknown Developer | Udviklerfiler | Configuration File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.COO | Autodesk, Inc. | Tekstfiler | AutoCAD Bounding Coordinates Cookie | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.CPQ | Compaq | Systemfiler | Compaq OEM Disc Configuration File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.CPR | Steinberg | Lydfiler | Cubase Project | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.CSH | Adobe Systems Incorporated | Ikke Almindelige Filer | Photoshop Custom Shapes File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.CSV | Unknown Developer | Datafiler | Comma Separated Values File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.CTT | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | Messenger Contact List | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.CU | NVIDIA | Udviklerfiler | CUDA Source Code File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.CUE | Unknown Developer | Disk billedfiler | Cue Sheet File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.CUS | Autodesk, Inc. | Indstillingsfiler | AutoCAD Custom Dictionary File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.CVS | Unknown Developer | Datafiler | Comma Separated Values File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.CXE | Sublime HQ Pty Ltd | Udviklerfiler | Common XML Envelope Data | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.DB-JOURNAL | Sublime HQ Pty Ltd | Databasefiler | SQLite Rollback Journal File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.DBA | PDC (Prolog Development Center) | Databasefiler | Turbo Prolog Database | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.DBP | Microsoft Corporation | Udviklerfiler | Microsoft Visual Studio Visual C++ Database Project | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.DDF | Microsoft Corporation | Indstillingsfiler | Diamond Directive File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.DEC | Various Developers | Udviklerfiler | Declaration File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.DIF | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | Data Interchange Format | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.DIZ | Unknown Developer | Tekstfiler | Description In Zip File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.DOK | Nenad Hrg | Indstillingsfiler | DesktopOK Icons Layout File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.DP | Stefan Hagel | Tekstfiler | Text Document | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.DRC | Open Source | Ikke Almindelige Filer | Open Mobile Alliance DRM Rights Object | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.DSC | Kingsoft | Indstillingsfiler | Kingsoft Design Science Equation File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.DTD | Syncro Soft | Udviklerfiler | Document Type Definition File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.DUT | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | Dutch Localization Language | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.DX | Digital Equipment Corporation | Tekstfiler | DEC WPS Plus File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.DXL | IBM | Databasefiler | Domino XML Language File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.EA | Amazon | eBogsfiler | Kindle End Actions File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.EIA | Excellon Automation | Datafiler | Excellon Data | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.ERB | Open Source | Udviklerfiler | Ruby ERB Script | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.ERL | INCA Internet | Ikke Almindelige Filer | GameGuard Error Log File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.ERR | Microsoft Corporation | Tekstfiler | Error Log File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.EW | OpenEuphoria | Udviklerfiler | Euphoria Source Code File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.EX | Symantec Corporation | Indstillingsfiler | Norton Ghost Template Data | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.EXT | Symantec Corporation | Plug-in-filer | Norton Commander Extension | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.EXW | OpenEuphoria | Udviklerfiler | Euphoria Source Code File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.FAQ | The Document Foundation | 3D-billedfiler | Frequently Asked Questions Document | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.FDR | Final Draft | Tekstfiler | Final Draft Document | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.FFD | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | SharePoint FFDDumper Log | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.FLR | Igor Kogan | Tekstfiler | Flare Decompiled ActionScript File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.FNA | University of Virginia | Datafiler | FASTA DNA And Protein Sequence Alignment | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.FRM | Oracle Corporation | Databasefiler | MySQL Database Format File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.FSA | University of Virginia | Datafiler | FASTA DNA And Protein Sequence Alignment | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.FSSCRIPT | Microsoft Corporation | Udviklerfiler | Visual F# Script File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.FSX | Microsoft Corporation | Udviklerfiler | Visual F# Script File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.GAL | Molecular Devices | Datafiler | GenePix Array List | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.GFW | Open Source | GIS-filer | GIF World File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.GM | GameMonkey | Udviklerfiler | GameMonkey Script | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.GPL | Open Source | Tekstfiler | GNU Public License Text File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.GSD | PROFIBUS & PROFINET International | Tekstfiler | General Station Description File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.HAML | Sublime HQ Pty Ltd | Udviklerfiler | HTML Abstraction Markup Language File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.HDM | Openwave Systems Ltd | Webfiler | Handheld Device Markup Language (HDML) File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |
.HDML | Openwave Systems Ltd | Webfiler | Handheld Device Markup Language (HDML) File | Microsoft Notepad | Microsoft Corporation |