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Udvidelse Filtypeudvikler Filkategori Beskrivelse Af Filtype Software Softwareudvikler
.MAP id Software Spilfiler Quake Engine Map File Google Chrome Google
.MBN Samsung Electronics Systemfiler Multi Boot Image Google Android Google
.MHT Various Developers Webfiler MHTML Web Archive Google Chrome Google
.MHTM Microsoft Corporation Webfiler Mime HTML (MHTML) File Google Chrome Google
.MHTML Microsoft Corporation Webfiler Mime HTML (MHTML) File Google Chrome Google
.MOOV Apple Videofiler Apple QuickTime Movie Google Drive Google
.MOV Apple Videofiler Apple QuickTime Movie Google Drive Google
.MP3 Moving Picture Experts Group Lydfiler MP3 Audio File Google Drive Google
.MP4 Moving Picture Experts Group Videofiler MPEG-4 Video File Google Drive Google
.MP4V Moving Picture Experts Group Videofiler MPEG-4 Video File Google Drive Google
.MPG4 Moving Picture Experts Group Videofiler MPEG-4 Video File Google Drive Google
.MRC mIRC Co. Ltd Eksekverbare filer mIRC Script File Google Android Google
.MRW Konica Minolta Kamera Ubehandlede Filer Minolta Raw Image File Google Picasa Google
.MSPX Microsoft Corporation Webfiler Microsoft ASP.NET Web Page Google Chrome Google
.MTS Sony Videofiler AVCHD Video File Google Drive Google
.NEF Nikon Kamera Ubehandlede Filer Nikon Electronic Format Camera RAW Image Google Picasa Google
.NRW Nikon Kamera Ubehandlede Filer Nikon Raw Image File Google Picasa Google
.O3D Google Grafiske Filer Google Open 3D Web Graphic Format Google Chrome Google
.OBB Google Datafiler Android Opaque Binary Blob File Google Play Console Google
.ODT Oracle Corporation Tekstfiler OpenDocument Text Document Google Drive Google
.OEB IDPF (International Digital Publishing Forum) eBogsfiler Open eBook File Google Play Books Google
.OGA Xiph.Org Lydfiler Ogg Vorbis Audio File Google Drive Google
.OGG Xiph.Org Lydfiler Ogg Vorbis Audio File Google Drive Google
.ORF Olympus Corporation Kamera Ubehandlede Filer Olympus RAW File Google Picasa Google
.OS Open Source Udviklerfiler ObjectScript Source File Google Android Google
.PAGES Apple Tekstfiler Apple Pages Document Google Drive Google
.PBF Paragon Software Group Sikkerhedskopifiler Paragon Backup File Google Picasa Google
.PBZ Google Indstillingsfiler Google Picasa Button ZIP Archive Google Picasa Google
.PDF Adobe Systems Incorporated Sideopsætningsfiler Portable Document Format File Google Drive Google
.PEF Pentax Kamera Ubehandlede Filer Pentax Digital Camera Raw Image Format Google Picasa Google
.PHP2 Open Source Webfiler PHP 2 Web Page Google Chrome Google
.PHP5 Open Source Webfiler PHP 5 Web Page Google Chrome Google
.PHTM The Catalina Group Webfiler PHP-Based Web Page Google Chrome Google
.PHTML Opera Software Webfiler PHP Web Page Google Chrome Google
.PIT Samsung Electronics Systemfiler Samsung Phone Firmware File Google Android Google
.PJP Joint Photographic Experts Group Rasterbilledfiler JPEG Image Google Drive Google
.PMP Autodesk, Inc. Indstillingsfiler AutoCAD Plot Model Parameter File Google Picasa Google
.PNG The Pixelmator Team Rasterbilledfiler Portable Network Graphics Google Drive Google
.PPSX Microsoft Corporation Datafiler PowerPoint Open XML Slide Show Google Drive Google
.PPT Microsoft Corporation Datafiler PowerPoint Presentation Google Drive Google
.PPTX Microsoft Corporation Datafiler PowerPoint Open XML Presentation Google Drive Google
.PROP Google Systemfiler Android Build Properties File Google Android Google
.PROTO Google Udviklerfiler Google Protocol Buffer File protobuf Google
.PSP Corel Corporation Rasterbilledfiler PaintShop Pro Image Google Chrome Google
.QF Nokia Indstillingsfiler Nokia (Ovi) Maps Version Data Google Chrome Google
.QRM Armangil Software Webfiler Qworum Message File Google Chrome Google
.QT Apple Videofiler Apple QuickTime Movie Google Drive Google
.QTM Apple Videofiler Apple QuickTime Movie Google Drive Google
.RAF Fuji Xerox Kamera Ubehandlede Filer Fuji RAW Image File Google Picasa Google
.RAW Unknown Developer Kamera Ubehandlede Filer Raw Image Data File Google Picasa Google
.RHTML Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto Webfiler Ruby HTML Web Page Google Chrome Google
.RJS Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto Webfiler Ruby Javascript File Google Chrome Google
.RL4 Various Developers Rasterbilledfiler Bitmap Image File Google Drive Google
.RMT The Catalina Group Systemfiler Router Firmware File Google Chrome Google
.SBF Google Systemfiler Android System File Google Android Google
.SDL Microsoft Corporation Udviklerfiler Service Description Language File Google Chrome Google
.SHT The Document Foundation Webfiler HTML File With Server Side Includes Google Chrome Google
.SHTM Opera Software Videofiler HTML Server Side Include File Google Chrome Google
.SHTML Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Webfiler Server Side Include HTML File Google Chrome Google
.SNZ Google Sikkerhedskopifiler Snappy SNZ Compressed File Snappy Google
.SVG Nintendo Spilfiler Saved Game File Google Drive Google
.SVR Superscape Webfiler Compressed Virtual World Google Chrome Google
.TDB Google Datafiler Android Thumbnail Cache Google Android Google
.THUMBDATA3 Google 3D-billedfiler Google Android Thumbnail Database Google Android Google
.THUMBDATA5 Google 3D-billedfiler Google Android Thumbnail Database Google Android Google
.TIF XnSoft Rasterbilledfiler Tagged Image File Format Google Drive Google
.TIFF XnSoft Rasterbilledfiler Tagged Image File Format Google Drive Google
.TIM Sierra Entertainment Spilfiler The Incredible Machine Level Google Drive Google
.TOR LucasArts Entertainment Company, LLC Spilfiler Star Wars: The Old Republic Asset File EasyMYP Google
.URL Microsoft Corporation Webfiler Internet Shortcut Google Chrome Google
.VBD Microsoft Corporation Webfiler Visual Basic ActiveX Document Google Chrome Google
.VRT Superscape Webfiler Virtual World Google Chrome Google
.WAV Microsoft Corporation Lydfiler WAVE Audio File Google Drive Google
.WEBLOC Apple Webfiler Mac OS X Website Location Google Chrome Google
.WEBM Google Videofiler WebM Video File Google Chrome Google
.WEBP Google Rasterbilledfiler Google Image File Format Google Chrome Google
.WML Syncro Soft Webfiler Wireless Markup Language File Google Chrome Google
.WMV Microsoft Corporation Videofiler Windows Media Video File Google Drive Google
.WOA Apple Webfiler WebObjects Application Google Chrome Google
.WOFF Open Source Skrifttypefiler Web Open Font Format File Google Chrome Google
.WVM Google Videofiler Google Play Video File Google Play Movies Google
.X-PNG The Pixelmator Team Rasterbilledfiler Portable Network Graphics Google Drive Google
.X3F SIGMA Corporation Kamera Ubehandlede Filer SIGMA X3F Camera RAW File Google Picasa Google
.XHR Microsoft Corporation Webfiler XMLHttpRequest Google Chrome Google
.XHT Open Source Webfiler XHTML File Google Chrome Google
.XHTM Opera Software Webfiler Extensible Hypertext Markup Language Document Google Chrome Google
.XHTML Opera Software Webfiler Extensible Hypertext Markup Language Document Google Chrome Google
.XLS Microsoft Corporation Regnearksfiler Microsoft Excel 97 To 2003 Spreadsheet Google Drive Google
.XLSM Microsoft Corporation Regnearksfiler Microsoft Excel Open XML Macro-Enabled Spreadsheet Google Drive Google
.XLSX Microsoft Corporation Regnearksfiler Microsoft Excel Open XML Spreadsheet Google Docs Suite Google
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“FileViewPro eliminerer tiden og frustrationen ved at forsøge at finde et bestemt stykke software for at åbne en bestemt fil.”   - Tucows

