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Udvidelse Filtypeudvikler Filkategori Beskrivelse Af Filtype Software Softwareudvikler
.IML JetBrains Udviklerfiler IntelliJ IDEA Module Notepad++ Don Ho
.IN Bitplane Datafiler SmartGENERATOR Template File Notepad++ Don Ho
.INF Parametric Technology Corporation Midlertidige Filer Pro/ENGINEER Temporary Notepad++ Don Ho
.INFO GNU Project Ikke Almindelige Filer Texinfo Document Notepad++ Don Ho
.INI Microsoft Corporation Indstillingsfiler Windows Initialization File Notepad++ Don Ho
.INS Open Source Datafiler LaTeX Installer Script Notepad++ Don Ho
.ION Open Source Systemfiler File Description File Notepad++ Don Ho
.JNLP Oracle Corporation Webfiler Java Web Start File Notepad++ Don Ho
.JPN Microsoft Corporation Systemfiler Windows Japanese Noise-Word List File Notepad++ Don Ho
.JS NetScape Webfiler JavaScript File Notepad++ Don Ho
.JSCRIPT NetScape Webfiler JavaScript File Notepad++ Don Ho
.JSON Mozilla Sikkerhedskopifiler Mozilla Firefox Bookmarks Backup Notepad++ Don Ho
.JSPF Oracle Corporation Udviklerfiler Java Server Page Fragment Notepad++ Don Ho
.JWK Douglas Crockford Krypterede Filer JSON Web Key Notepad++ Don Ho
.KDS Knyzhov Dmitry Indstillingsfiler KD Player Skin File Notepad++ Don Ho
.KIX Ruud Van Velsen Eksekverbare filer KiXtart Script File Notepad++ Don Ho
.L Johan Bontes Datafiler Game Of Life File Notepad++ Don Ho
.LDS GNU Project Udviklerfiler Binutils LD Linker Script Notepad++ Don Ho
.LEGAL DaveTech Datafiler DaveTech Legal Document Notepad++ Don Ho
.LIS SourceForge Tekstfiler SQR (Structured Query Reporting) Output File Notepad++ Don Ho
.LIST Open Source Datafiler APT List File Notepad++ Don Ho
.LNT Gimpel Software Udviklerfiler PC-lint/FlexeLint Configuration File Notepad++ Don Ho
.LOG Unknown Developer Tekstfiler Log File Notepad++ Don Ho
.LOL Apple Udviklerfiler LOLCODE Source Code FIle Notepad++ Don Ho
.LST Unknown Developer Tekstfiler Data List Notepad++ Don Ho
.LTR Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Tekstfiler Letter Document Notepad++ Don Ho
.LTT Hewlett-Packard Datafiler HP Library And Tape Tools Log Notepad++ Don Ho
.LUA Unknown Developer Udviklerfiler Lua Source File Notepad++ Don Ho
.LYT Adminsoft Datafiler Adminsoft Document Layout File Notepad++ Don Ho
.M MathWorks Udviklerfiler MATLAB Source Code File Notepad++ Don Ho
.MAN Unknown Developer Tekstfiler Unix Manual Notepad++ Don Ho
.MDL MathWorks Datafiler MathWorks Simulink Model Notepad++ Don Ho
.ME Unknown Developer Ikke Almindelige Filer Temporary Delete Me File Notepad++ Don Ho
.MED Rockwell Automation Inc. Udviklerfiler RSView Development Project Archive Notepad++ Don Ho
.MEDLINE National Library of Medicine Datafiler MEDLINE Document Notepad++ Don Ho
.MIB Milenix Software Ltd. Sikkerhedskopifiler MyInfo Topic Backup Notepad++ Don Ho
.ML Robin Milner Udviklerfiler ML Source Code File Notepad++ Don Ho
.MMT Open Source Komprimerede filer Nimbus 7 SAMS Data File Notepad++ Don Ho
.MODULE Open Source Plug-in-filer Drupal Module File Notepad++ Don Ho
.MSH1XML Microsoft Corporation Indstillingsfiler Monad Display Configuration File Notepad++ Don Ho
.MSL Microsoft Corporation Udviklerfiler Mapping Specification Language File Notepad++ Don Ho
.MXML Adobe Systems Incorporated Udviklerfiler Flex MXML Component Notepad++ Don Ho
.N3 Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Tekstfiler Notation3 Document Notepad++ Don Ho
.NFO Microsoft Corporation Systemfiler System Information File Notepad++ Don Ho
.NNA NeuralWare Udviklerfiler NeuralWare Data Notepad++ Don Ho
.NOW The Document Foundation Tekstfiler Readme Text Document File Notepad++ Don Ho
.OCR URUWORKS Ikke Almindelige Filer Subtitle Workshop OCR Script Notepad++ Don Ho
.ODF Oracle Corporation Ikke Almindelige Filer OpenDocument Formula Notepad++ Don Ho
.OOA Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Datafiler OOA Interchange Format Data Notepad++ Don Ho
.PAGE Hybrid Server Pages Group Webfiler HybridJava Web Page Notepad++ Don Ho
.PANIC Open Source Systemfiler Kernel Panic File Notepad++ Don Ho
.PAS Embarcadero Technologies Udviklerfiler Delphi Unit Source File Notepad++ Don Ho
.PCC Electronic Arts Spilfiler Mass Effect Package Notepad++ Don Ho
.PER Microsoft Corporation Spilfiler Age Of Empires Personality File Notepad++ Don Ho
.PHL Amazon eBogsfiler Kindle Popular Highlights File Notepad++ Don Ho
.PHP Panic Webfiler PHP Source Code File Notepad++ Don Ho
.PHTM The Catalina Group Webfiler PHP-Based Web Page Notepad++ Don Ho
.PKB Oracle Corporation Udviklerfiler Oracle Package Body File Notepad++ Don Ho
.PKS Oracle Corporation Datafiler Oracle Package Spec File Notepad++ Don Ho
.PLIST Apple Indstillingsfiler Property List XML File Notepad++ Don Ho
.PO Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Udviklerfiler Portable Object Notepad++ Don Ho
.POT Microsoft Corporation Datafiler PowerPoint Template Notepad++ Don Ho
.PRG Open Source Eksekverbare filer Program File Notepad++ Don Ho
.PSP Corel Corporation Rasterbilledfiler PaintShop Pro Image Notepad++ Don Ho
.PY Python Software Foundation Udviklerfiler Python Script Notepad++ Don Ho
.PY2 Python Software Foundation Udviklerfiler Python Script Notepad++ Don Ho
.RAT World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Ikke Almindelige Filer PICS Rating File Notepad++ Don Ho
.RCJ Microsoft Corporation Tekstfiler Robocopy Job File Notepad++ Don Ho
.RDF Unknown Developer Indstillingsfiler Resource Description Framework File Notepad++ Don Ho
.README The Document Foundation Tekstfiler Readme Text Document File Notepad++ Don Ho
.REPORT Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Datafiler Report File Notepad++ Don Ho
.RJS Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto Webfiler Ruby Javascript File Notepad++ Don Ho
.RPT SAP Datafiler Crystal Reports File Notepad++ Don Ho
.RPY Team Shanghai Alice Spilfiler Touhou Project Replay File Notepad++ Don Ho
.RTL Hewlett-Packard Rasterbilledfiler Raster Transfer Language File Notepad++ Don Ho
.RTX The Document Foundation Tekstfiler Rich Text Document Notepad++ Don Ho
.RU Microsoft Corporation Tekstfiler Russian Text Or Localization File Notepad++ Don Ho
.S4P Open Source Datafiler Touchstone 16 S-parameters Data File Notepad++ Don Ho
.SAM Microsoft Corporation Tekstfiler LMHOSTS Sample File Notepad++ Don Ho
.SBV Superbase Software Sideopsætningsfiler Superbase Form Definition File Notepad++ Don Ho
.SCA Symantec Corporation Datafiler Norton AntiVirus Scan File Notepad++ Don Ho
.SCRIPT Unknown Developer Eksekverbare filer Generic Script File Notepad++ Don Ho
.SFB Sony Spilfiler PlayStation 3 Disc Data File Notepad++ Don Ho
.SH Unknown Developer Udviklerfiler Bash Shell Script Notepad++ Don Ho
.SHT The Document Foundation Webfiler HTML File With Server Side Includes Notepad++ Don Ho
.SHTML Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Webfiler Server Side Include HTML File Notepad++ Don Ho
.SIF Microsoft Corporation Indstillingsfiler Windows Setup Information File Notepad++ Don Ho
.SKI Motorola Indstillingsfiler Motorola Phone Skin File Notepad++ Don Ho
.SL SourceForge Indstillingsfiler Unix Software License File Notepad++ Don Ho
.SLS Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Ikke Almindelige Filer Image Playlist Notepad++ Don Ho
.SMS Sega Spilfiler Sega Master System ROM Notepad++ Don Ho
.SMW Crestron Electronics Udviklerfiler SIMPL Windows Source File Notepad++ Don Ho
.SOUNDS id Software Spilfiler Quake 3 Engine Sound Definition File Notepad++ Don Ho
.SPEC Open Source Udviklerfiler RPM Specification File Notepad++ Don Ho
.SPN Corel Indstillingsfiler Corel WordPerfect Distribution Definition Notepad++ Don Ho
.SPS IBM Datafiler SPSS Program File Notepad++ Don Ho
.SRX Sublime HQ Pty Ltd Datafiler SPARQL Query Results XML Format Result Notepad++ Don Ho
.SS Open Source Udviklerfiler SilverStripe Source Code File Notepad++ Don Ho
.SSC Microsoft Corporation Udviklerfiler SourceSafe Status File Notepad++ Don Ho
.SSF Unknown Developer Videofiler Structured Subtitle Format File Notepad++ Don Ho
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