Udvidelse | Filtypeudvikler | Filkategori | Beskrivelse Af Filtype | Software | Softwareudvikler |
.PCT | Apple | Sideopsætningsfiler | Macintosh PICT Format | Apple Preview | Apple |
Adobe Systems Incorporated | Sideopsætningsfiler | Portable Document Format File | Apple Pages | Apple | |
.PDU | Unknown Developer | Tekstfiler | Protocol Data Unit Message | Apple TextEdit | Apple |
.PEM | Microsoft Corporation | Webfiler | Privacy Enhanced Mail Certificate | Apple Keychain Access | Apple |
.PEPSI | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.PER | Microsoft Corporation | Spilfiler | Age Of Empires Personality File | Apple TextEdit | Apple |
.PG2 | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.PG3 | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.PHL | Amazon | eBogsfiler | Kindle Popular Highlights File | Apple TextEdit | Apple |
.PHP | Panic | Webfiler | PHP Source Code File | Apple TextEdit | Apple |
.PHP5 | Open Source | Webfiler | PHP 5 Web Page | Apple Safari | Apple |
.PHTM | The Catalina Group | Webfiler | PHP-Based Web Page | Safari | Apple |
.PHTML | Opera Software | Webfiler | PHP Web Page | Safari | Apple |
.PIC | John Bridges | Rasterbilledfiler | Generic Picture File | Apple Preview | Apple |
.PICS | Apple | Grafiske Filer | Apple Mac PICT Drawing Sequence File | QuickDraw | Apple |
.PICT | Apple | Sideopsætningsfiler | Macintosh PICT Format | Apple Preview | Apple |
.PID | Open Source | Ikke Almindelige Filer | Process ID File | Apple TextEdit | Apple |
.PII | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.PIQT | Apple | Datafiler | Apple QuickTime Still File | Apple QuickTime Player | Apple |
.PIZ | Winrar | Komprimerede filer | Zipped File | Apple Archive Utility | Apple |
.PJP | Joint Photographic Experts Group | Rasterbilledfiler | JPEG Image | Apple Safari | Apple |
.PJPEG | Microsoft Corporation | Rasterbilledfiler | Progressive JPEG Image | Safari | Apple |
.PKG | Apple | Komprimerede filer | Apple MacOS Installer Package | macOS | Apple |
.PKPASS | Apple | Ikke Almindelige Filer | Passbook Pass File | Apple Passbook | Apple |
.PKS | Oracle Corporation | Datafiler | Oracle Package Spec File | Apple TextEdit | Apple |
.PLAYSOUND | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.PLIST | Apple | Indstillingsfiler | Property List XML File | Apple Xcode | Apple |
.PLOTTER | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.PLS | Various Developers | Lydfiler | Audio Playlist | Apple iTunes | Apple |
.PLUGIN | Adobe Systems Incorporated | Plug-in-filer | Adobe Photoshop Plugin | Apple QuickTime Player | Apple |
.PLUS | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.PNG | The Pixelmator Team | Rasterbilledfiler | Portable Network Graphics | Apple Safari | Apple |
.PNT | Apple | Rasterbilledfiler | MacPaint File | MacPaint | Apple |
.PONGLIFE | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.POP | Valve | Spilfiler | Team Fortress 2 Population File | Apple Preview | Apple |
.PORT | Unknown Developer | Datafiler | Unknown Apple II File. (found On Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) | Apple IIGS | Apple |
.POSTSCRIPT | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.PP | Geckonization | Datafiler | Pocket Physics Sketch File | Apple TextEdit | Apple |
.PPC | Garmin | GIS-filer | XMap Flight Plan Statistic File | macOS | Apple |
.PPS | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | PowerPoint Slide Show | Apple Keynote | Apple |
.PPT | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | PowerPoint Presentation | Apple Keynote | Apple |
.PPTX | Microsoft Corporation | Datafiler | PowerPoint Open XML Presentation | Apple Keynote | Apple |
.PREF | Unknown Developer | Indstillingsfiler | Preferences File | macOS | Apple |
.PREFPANE | Apple | Systemfiler | Mac OS X System Preference Pane | Apple OS X | Apple |
.PRF | Microsoft Corporation | Indstillingsfiler | Outlook Profile File | Apple AppleWorks | Apple |
Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple | |
.PRINTER | Unknown Developer | Datafiler | Unknown Apple II File. (found On Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) | Apple IIGS | Apple |
.PRISM | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.PROFILE | GNU Operating System | Systemfiler | Bash Shell Profile | Apple Terminal | Apple |
.PROJ | Apple | Datafiler | Apple NeXT Interface Builder Project | Apple Interface Builder | Apple |
.PROPERTIES | Mojang | Spilfiler | Minecraft Properties File | Apple TextEdit | Apple |
.PSD | Adobe Systems Incorporated | Rasterbilledfiler | Adobe Photoshop Document | Apple Preview | Apple |
.PSP | Corel Corporation | Rasterbilledfiler | PaintShop Pro Image | Safari | Apple |
.PUBLIC | Unknown Developer | Datafiler | Unknown Apple II File. (found On Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) | Apple IIGS | Apple |
.PYM | VRVis (Vienna University of Technology) | Udviklerfiler | PYM Macro Preprocessor File | Apple TextEdit | Apple |
.Q3D | Act-3D | Datafiler | Quest3D Project File | QuickDraw | Apple |
.QC | Valve | 3D-billedfiler | Half-Life Model Compiler Script File | Apple TextEdit | Apple |
.QDAT | Apple | Datafiler | QuickTime Install Cache File | Apple QuickTime Player | Apple |
.QF | Nokia | Indstillingsfiler | Nokia (Ovi) Maps Version Data | Apple TextEdit | Apple |
.QIF | Intuit, Inc. | Datafiler | Quicken Interchange Format File | Apple QuickTime Player | Apple |
.QLGENERATOR | Apple | Plug-in-filer | Apple Quick Look Plug-in | Quick Look | Apple |
.QPX | Microsoft Corporation | Eksekverbare filer | FoxPro Compiled Query Program | Apple QuickTime Player | Apple |
.QT | Apple | Videofiler | Apple QuickTime Movie | Apple QuickTime Player | Apple |
.QTC | Apple | Videofiler | Apple QuickTime Support File | Apple QuickTime Player | Apple |
.QTCH | Apple | Videofiler | QuickTime Cache File | Apple QuickTime Player | Apple |
.QTI | Apple | Rasterbilledfiler | QuickTime Image File | Apple QuickTime Player | Apple |
.QTIF | Apple | Rasterbilledfiler | QuickTime Image File | Apple QuickTime Player | Apple |
.QTL | Apple | Videofiler | QuickTime Link File | Apple QuickTime Player | Apple |
.QTM | Apple | Videofiler | Apple QuickTime Movie | Apple QuickTime Player | Apple |
.QTP | Apple | Indstillingsfiler | QuickTime Preferences File | Apple QuickTime Player | Apple |
.QTR | Apple | Plug-in-filer | QuickTime Extension Resource | Apple QuickTime Player | Apple |
.QTS | Apple | Systemfiler | QuickTime System File | Apple QuickTime Player | Apple |
.QTV | Apple | Datafiler | QuickTime Virtual Reality File | Apple QuickTime Player | Apple |
.QTX | Apple | Plug-in-filer | QuickTime Extension File | Apple QuickTime Player | Apple |
.QTZ | Apple | Videofiler | Quartz Composer File | Apple QuickTime Player | Apple |
.QUEST | Unknown Developer | Datafiler | Unknown Apple II File. (found On Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) | Apple IIGS | Apple |
.QUICKDRAW | Unknown Developer | Datafiler | Unknown Apple II File. (found On Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) | Apple IIGS | Apple |
.R | Open Source | Udviklerfiler | R Script File | Apple iTunes | Apple |
.R5 | Unknown Developer | Datafiler | Unknown Apple II File. (found On Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) | Apple IIGS | Apple |
.RAF | Fuji Xerox | Kamera Ubehandlede Filer | Fuji RAW Image File | Apple Photos | Apple |
.RB | Larian Studios | Spilfiler | Divinity: Original Sin Game Data | Apple Xcode | Apple |
.RBS | Microsoft Corporation | Sikkerhedskopifiler | Windows Installer Rollback Script File | Apple iTunes | Apple |
.RBW | Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto | Udviklerfiler | Ruby Script | Apple Xcode | Apple |
.RCPROJECT | Apple | Videofiler | iMovie '08 Project | Apple Final Cut Pro | Apple |
.RDF | Unknown Developer | Indstillingsfiler | Resource Description Framework File | Apple TextEdit | Apple |
.READ | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.README | The Document Foundation | Tekstfiler | Readme Text Document File | Apple Pages | Apple |
.REGISTER | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.RELEASE | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.REMOVE | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.REO | Unknown Developer | Datafiler | Unknown Apple II File. (found On Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) | Apple IIGS | Apple |
.REPORTS | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.REQU | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.REQUEST | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.RES | Valve | Indstillingsfiler | Valve Resource File | ResEdit | Apple |
.RESCUE | Unknown Developer | Datafiler | Unknown Apple II File. (found On Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) | Apple IIGS | Apple |
.RESPECT | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.REUNION | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.REVE | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.REWARD | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
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