Udvidelse | Filtypeudvikler | Filkategori | Beskrivelse Af Filtype | Software | Softwareudvikler |
.FLI | Autodesk, Inc. | Videofiler | FLIC Animation | Apple QuickTime Player | Apple |
.FLV | Adobe Systems Incorporated | Videofiler | Animate Video File | Apple QuickTime Player | Apple |
.FLX | Autodesk, Inc. | Videofiler | FLIC Animation | Apple QuickTime Player | Apple |
.FONT | LucasArts Entertainment Company, LLC | Skrifttypefiler | Font Data | Apple OS X | Apple |
.FOR | MacroMates | Udviklerfiler | Fortran 77 Source File | Apple Xcode | Apple |
.FORMATTER | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.FORUM | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.FP | FileMaker Inc. | Regnearksfiler | FileMaker Pro Spreadsheet | OpenGL | Apple |
.FPBF | Apple | Systemfiler | Mac OS X Burn Folder | Apple OS X | Apple |
.FPP | The Eclipse Foundation | Udviklerfiler | Fortran Source Code | Apple Xcode | Apple |
.FPX | Kodak | Rasterbilledfiler | FlashPix Bitmap Image File | Apple Preview | Apple |
.FS | Microsoft Corporation | Udviklerfiler | Visual F# Source File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.FSSCRIPT | Microsoft Corporation | Udviklerfiler | Visual F# Script File | Apple TextEdit | Apple |
.FSX | Microsoft Corporation | Udviklerfiler | Visual F# Script File | Apple TextEdit | Apple |
.FTN | The Eclipse Foundation | Udviklerfiler | Fortran Source Code | Apple Xcode | Apple |
.GAME | Apple | Spilfiler | Apple Chess Saved Game | Apple Chess | Apple |
.GEOJSON | Open Source | GIS-filer | GeoJSON File | Apple Xcode | Apple |
.GFW | Open Source | GIS-filer | GIF World File | Apple Pages | Apple |
.GIF | The GIMP Development Team | Rasterbilledfiler | Graphical Interchange Format File | Apple Safari | Apple |
.GNE | Ludicorp | Webfiler | Flickr Web Page | Apple Safari | Apple |
.GPD | Microsoft Corporation | Tekstfiler | Generic Printer Description File | Apple QuickTime Player | Apple |
.GPL | Open Source | Tekstfiler | GNU Public License Text File | Apple TextEdit | Apple |
.GRAPHICS | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.GSPLUS | Unknown Developer | Datafiler | Unknown Apple II File. (found On Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) | Apple IIGS | Apple |
.GTAR | Free Software Foundation | Datafiler | GNU Tar Archive | Apple Archive Utility | Apple |
.GZ | GNU Project | Komprimerede filer | Gnu Zipped Archive | Apple Archive Utility | Apple |
.H | The Eclipse Foundation | Udviklerfiler | C/C++/Objective-C Header File | Apple Xcode | Apple |
.H264 | Ulead Systems | Videofiler | H.264 Encoded Video File | Apple iTunes | Apple |
.HAML | Sublime HQ Pty Ltd | Udviklerfiler | HTML Abstraction Markup Language File | Apple TextEdit | Apple |
.HARP | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.HCO | Apple | Lydfiler | Macintosh Sound Resource Fork File | macOS | Apple |
.HDM | Openwave Systems Ltd | Webfiler | Handheld Device Markup Language (HDML) File | Apple Pages | Apple |
.HDML | Openwave Systems Ltd | Webfiler | Handheld Device Markup Language (HDML) File | Apple Pages | Apple |
.HDMOV | Apple | Videofiler | QuickTime HD Movie File | Apple QuickTime Player | Apple |
.HDT | Adobe Systems Incorporated | Indstillingsfiler | Photoshop HDR Toning Preset File | Apple TextEdit | Apple |
.HEAD | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.HEADER | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.HEIC | Moving Picture Experts Group | Rasterbilledfiler | High Efficiency Image Format | Apple iOS | Apple |
.HEIF | Moving Picture Experts Group | Rasterbilledfiler | High Efficiency Image Format | Apple iOS | Apple |
.HELP | Apple | Systemfiler | Mac OS X Help Book | macOS | Apple |
.HELPER | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.HEY | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.HH | Microsoft Corporation | Udviklerfiler | C++ Header File | Apple Xcode | Apple |
.HIGH | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.HINT | Unknown Developer | Datafiler | Unknown Apple II File. (found On Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) | Apple IIGS | Apple |
.HOLLY | Unknown Developer | Datafiler | Unknown Apple II File. (found On Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) | Apple IIGS | Apple |
.HPP | Microsoft Corporation | Udviklerfiler | C++ Header File | Apple Xcode | Apple |
.HPRT | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.HRL | Ericsson Computer Science Laboratory | Udviklerfiler | Erlang Header File | Apple TextEdit | Apple |
.HSK | Huskey Truss & Building Supply | Datafiler | Huskey Truss & Building Supply Import File | Apple TextEdit | Apple |
.HT | Hilgraeve Inc | Indstillingsfiler | HyperTerminal Session File | Apple Safari | Apple |
.HTM | Various Developers | Webfiler | Hypertext Markup Language File | Apple Safari | Apple |
.HTML | Various Developers | Webfiler | Hypertext Markup Language File | Apple Safari | Apple |
.HTML5 | Sublime HQ Pty Ltd | Udviklerfiler | HTML5 Hypertext Markup Language Revision 5 Source Code | Apple TextEdit | Apple |
.HVC | Sublime HQ Pty Ltd | Tekstfiler | ASCII Text | Apple TextEdit | Apple |
.H__ | Microsoft Corporation | Udviklerfiler | C++ Header File | Apple Xcode | Apple |
.IBA | Lectra | CAD-filer | Lectra Clothing Design Pieces File | Apple iBooks | Apple |
.IBOOKS | Apple | eBogsfiler | Multi-Touch iBook | Apple iBooks | Apple |
.ICAL | Open Source | Ikke Almindelige Filer | iCalendar File | Apple Calendar | Apple |
.ICALENDAR | Open Source | Ikke Almindelige Filer | iCalendar File | Apple Calendar | Apple |
.ICC | Corel | Indstillingsfiler | International Color Consortium Profile File | ColorSync | Apple |
.ICO | The GIMP Development Team | Systemfiler | Icon File | Apple Preview | Apple |
.ICS | IronCAD, LLC | CAD-filer | IronCAD 3D CAD Drawing File | Apple Calendar | Apple |
.IFF | Electronic Arts | Lydfiler | Interchange File Format | Apple QuickTime Player | Apple |
.IFO | Various Developers | Videofiler | DVD-Video Disc Information File | Apple DVD Player | Apple |
.IFV | Intel Corporation | Videofiler | Indeo Video Format File | Apple QuickTime Player | Apple |
.IIL | Symantec Corporation | Datafiler | Norton CleanSweep Installation Log File | Apple TextEdit | Apple |
.IL | Microsoft Corporation | Ikke Almindelige Filer | MSIL Assembler Input File | Apple TextEdit | Apple |
.IMAGE | Apple | Disk billedfiler | Apple Disk Image | Disk Copy | Apple |
.IMG | Unknown Developer | Disk billedfiler | Disk Image Data File | Disk Copy | Apple |
.IMG3 | Apple | Systemfiler | Apple iOS Img3 Encrypted Or Signed Container | Apple iTunes | Apple |
.IMOVIEPROJ | Apple | Videofiler | iMovie Project File | Apple Final Cut Pro | Apple |
.IMT | Intuit, Inc. | Datafiler | My Time Data File | macOS | Apple |
.INFO | GNU Project | Ikke Almindelige Filer | Texinfo Document | Apple TextEdit | Apple |
.INSID | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.INSTALLER | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.INSTR | Unknown Developer | Datafiler | Unknown Apple II File. (found On Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) | Apple IIGS | Apple |
.INTEGER | Apple | Datafiler | Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom File | Apple OS X | Apple |
.INTRO | Unknown Developer | Datafiler | Unknown Apple II File. (found On Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) | Apple IIGS | Apple |
.ION | Open Source | Systemfiler | File Description File | Apple TextEdit | Apple |
.IPA | Apple | Eksekverbare filer | Apple iOS Application | Apple iTunes | Apple |
.IPB | Apple | Ikke Almindelige Filer | iPhone Perl Script | Apple iOS | Apple |
.IPCC | Apple | Indstillingsfiler | iPhone Carrier Bundle | Apple iTunes | Apple |
.IPG | Apple | Komprimerede filer | iPod Game File | Apple iTunes | Apple |
.IPR | Flexera Software | Udviklerfiler | InstallShield Project | Apple Final Cut Pro | Apple |
.IPS | ZeroSoft Zophar | Spilfiler | Internal Patching System Patch File | Apple QuickTime Player | Apple |
.IPSW | Apple | Ikke Almindelige Filer | iPod And iPhone Software Update File | Apple iTunes | Apple |
.ISO | Igor Pavlov | Disk billedfiler | Disc Image File | Apple Disk Utility | Apple |
.ITC | Apple | Ikke Almindelige Filer | iTunes Cover Flow Data File | Apple iTunes | Apple |
.ITC2 | Apple | Rasterbilledfiler | iTunes Cover Flow Data File 2 | Apple iTunes | Apple |
.ITE | Apple | Datafiler | iTunes Extras File | Apple iTunes | Apple |
.ITL | Apple | Datafiler | iTunes Library File | Apple iTunes | Apple |
.IVF | Intel Corporation | Videofiler | Indeo Video Format File | Apple QuickTime Player | Apple |
.IVS | Thomas d'Otreppe de Bouvette | Datafiler | Initialization Vector File | Apple QuickTime Player | Apple |
.IWA | Apple | Kodet filer | iWork Archive File | iWork | Apple |
.IWS | JetBrains | Udviklerfiler | IntelliJ IDEA Web Page | Apple Safari | Apple |
.J | Oracle Corporation | Udviklerfiler | Java Source File | Safari | Apple |
.J2K | Joint Photographic Experts Group | Rasterbilledfiler | JPEG 2000 Image | Apple QuickTime Player | Apple |
.JAR | Oracle Corporation | Komprimerede filer | Java Archive File | Apple Safari | Apple |
.JAV | Oracle Corporation | Udviklerfiler | Java Source Code | Apple TextEdit | Apple |
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